The purpose was to examine the effects of type of program (integrated vs. segregated) and type of sport (basketball vs. swimming) on sport skills, four domains of perceived competence, and general self-worth. Participants were 48 adolescent females with mental retardation (MR) divided equally into six groups: (a) segregated basketball, (b) integrated basketball, (c) segregated swimming, (d) integrated swimming, (e) adapted physical activity (APA), (f) sedentary. The experimental treatment was 8 months long. We administrated sport skill tests and Harter’s (1985) Self-Perception Profile for Children four times to determine changes in sport skill, perceived competence, and general self-worth. Results indicated (a) significant improvement in skill for all sports groups, (b) no changes in perceived social acceptance and physical appearance, (c) significantly lower perceived athletic competence for the integrated basketball group compared to the sedentary group, (d) significantly lower perceived conduct for the basketball groups compared to the APA and sedentary groups, (e) and no significant changes in general self-worth.