Official case study journal of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation
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Online ISSN: 2167-2458
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Case Studies in Sport Management (CSSM) is the only journal dedicated to case studies in sport management. It is the Official Case Study Journal of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). CSSM serves as a searchable library of cases that instructors can use in incorporating the case method of learning into their classrooms. The journal is continually updated with new cases as they are accepted and published through the refereed review process, thereby providing users with new content related to the ever-evolving sport industry.
CSSM publishes continuously in one regular issue; case studies in special issues are also published continuously.
Guest Editors attract submissions and contribute to the editorial development of special issues, but are not involved in the peer review process. The Editor has editorial oversight of special issues and makes final decisions, in consultation with the Editorial Board, on acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts.
Case Studies in Sport Management is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on the publication of teaching case studies related to the sport management discipline. The purpose of Case Studies in Sport Management is to enhance pedagogy in the discipline through the dissemination of teaching cases across varied topics consistent with the COSMA Common Professional Component topical areas, including sport management, marketing, finance, and law. The online journal will serve as a searchable library of cases instructors can use to incorporate the case method of learning into their classrooms.
The COSMA Fellow, a partnership between CSSM and COSMA, is a unique distinction that demonstrates excellence for tenure and promotion, strong engagement with COSMA, and an opportunity for distinction among other sport management educators. Similar to fellowships in other academic societies, the COSMA Fellow is designed for active contributors to sport management pedagogy, through COSMA and CSSM’s joint efforts.
Learn more about becoming a COSMA Fellow.
Editors are the stewards of journals. Most Editors provide direction for the journal and build a strong management team. They must consider and balance the interests of many constituents, including readers, authors, staff, publishers, and editorial board members. Editors have a responsibility to ensure an efficient, fair, and timely review process of manuscripts submitted for publication and to establish and maintain high standards of technical and professional quality.
An Editor's decision to accept or reject a case study for publication should be based on the case study’s importance, originality, and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the remit of the journal. Consideration should be given without regard to race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, seniority, citizenship, professional association, institutional affiliation, or political philosophy of the author(s).
All original case studies (and their supplmental material) should be peer reviewed before publication, taking into full account possible bias due to related or conflicting interests. This requires that the Editor seek advice from Associate Editors or others who are experts in a specific area and will send manuscripts submitted for publication to reviewers chosen for their expertise and good judgment to referee the quality and reliability of manuscripts. Manuscripts may be rejected without review if considered inappropriate for the journal.
Editors must treat all submitted case studies as confidential. The Editor and editorial staff shall disclose no information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than those from whom professional advice regarding the publication of the manuscript is sought. The Editors or editorial staff shall not release the names of reviewers.
Editors should consider manuscripts submitted for publication with all reasonable speed. Authors should be periodically informed of the status of the review process. In cases where reasonable speed cannot be accomplished because of unforeseen circumstances, the Editor has an obligation to withdraw himself/herself from the process in a timely manner to avoid unduly affecting the author’s pursuit of publication.
Where misconduct is suspected, the Editor must write to the authors first before contacting the head of the institution concerned.
Editors should ensure that the author submission guidelines for the journal specify that manuscripts must not be submitted to another journal at the same time. Guidelines should also outline the review process, including matters of confidentiality and time.
Editors transmit to Human Kinetics (specifically, the journal’s managing editor) the manuscripts accepted for publication approximately three months ahead of the publication date.
Conflicts of interest arise when Editors have interests that are not fully apparent and that may influence their judgments on what is published.
Editors should avoid situations of real or perceived conflicts of interest, including, but not limited to, handling papers from present and former students, from colleagues with whom the Editor has recently collaborated, and from those in the same institution.
Editors should disclose relevant conflicts of interest (of their own or those of the teams, editorial boards, managers, or publishers) to their readers, authors, and reviewers.
Editors and peer reviewers will follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
Peer reviewers, who play an important role in ensuring the integrity of this scholarly journal, are external experts chosen by Editors to provide written opinions, with the aim of improving the works submitted for publication.
Suggestions from authors as to who might act as a reviewer are often useful, but there should be no obligation for Editors to use those suggested.
Editors and expert reviewers must maintain the duty of confidentiality in the assessment of a manuscript, and this extends to reviewers’ colleagues who give opinions on specific sections. There will be clear communication between the Editors and the reviewers to facilitate consistent, fair, and timely review. Editors will require that reviewers provide speedy, accurate, courteous, unbiased, and justifiable reports.
The submitted manuscript should not be retained or copied.
If reviewers suspect misconduct, they should write in confidence to the Editor.
The general principle confirming misconduct is the intention to cause others to regard as true that which is not true. The examination of misconduct must, therefore, focus not only on the particular act or omission, but also on the intention of the researcher or author.
Editors should be alert to possible cases of plagiarism, duplication of previous published work, falsified data, misappropriation of intellectual property, duplicate submission of manuscripts, inappropriate attribution, or incorrect co-author listing.
In cases of other misconduct, such as redundant publication, deception over authorship, or failure to declare conflict of interest, Editors may judge what is necessary in regard to involving authors’ employers. Authors should be given the opportunity to respond to any charge of minor misconduct.
The following sanctions are ranked in approximate increasing order of severity:
A teaching case study is a narrative description of a situation facing a sport manager and/or organization, whether real or simulated. The reader is presented with a set of facts, historical context, data, and related information from the standpoint of protagonists who are charged with assessing the situation, generating and analyzing potential solutions, and identifying what they believe is the optimal solution to the problem(s) presented in the case. It is this problem-solving or decision-making element that distinguishes teaching cases from other types of case studies (e.g., research case studies or business case studies that describe “best practices”). Teaching with the case method allows students to begin to think and act as industry professionals by assuming roles similar to those they someday aspire to fill. The case method provides an action-oriented teaching and learning environment in which students develop and enhance skills such as critical thinking, strategic decision-making, creativity, teamwork, and leadership.
Teaching case studies offer many advantages including:
One of the most appealing aspects of using case studies in the classroom is the flexibility they offer instructors in their course planning. You may use cases in many class sessions throughout the semester or use cases occasionally to help illustrate a key point from the main class session. Each case is accompanied by Teaching Notes written by the case study and included with all cases. Teaching Notes can help instructors structure class discussion and enrich students’ understanding of the case subject’s decision-making process. Teaching Notes are unique to each case and include advice for instructors about the target audience of the case, learning objectives, the particular theories and frameworks used, and strategies for using the case in the classroom. Teaching Notes are only available via an institutional subscription. Instructors belonging to an institution that maintains an institutional subscription to CSSM are allowed access to Teaching Notes upon request. To request access to Teaching Notes, please click here to fill out the request form. After access is granted, instructors can view any Teaching Note by logging in, selecting the case of interest, and navigating to the case’s Supplementary Materials tab.
A sport management department's faculty may decide together that they will use cases in several courses offered in the curriculum. In such a situation, the department may wish to require students to obtain an individual subscription, or ask the institution for an institutional subscription, so that the CSSM resource is readily available to students whenever they need it, no matter how many courses they are taking a semester.
The following workshops were created by CSSM Editor Michael Naraine and Kyle Rich (Associate Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University). They are designed to build capacity for faculty and graduate students to develop teaching cases based on existing research or partnerships in a range of disciplinary backgrounds.
In this workshop, Kyle Rich reviews an introduction to the theory and practice of teaching with case studies. He distinguishes teaching with cases from the research method and situate it within broader approaches to problem-based learning, before talking about the ways we can structure and deliver case-based learning to develop a range of skills and knowledge.
In this workshop, Michael Naraine discusses strategies for framing and structuring the case study narrative. He talks about the importance of context, and how we can use Freytag’s Pyramid to think about the key components of a narrative.
In this workshop, Michael discusses strategies and considerations for writing case study teaching notes. He reviews the required components and frameworks for thinking about how to structure and articulate the information that will make the case study useful and attractive for instructors. These are presented as the 5 E’s of the lesson plan.
Michael Naraine
Brock University, Canada
Melissa Davies
Ohio University, USA
Chad McEvoy
Northern Illinois University, USA
Jess Dixon
University of Windsor, Canada
Cheri Bradish, Toronto Metropolitan, Canada
Lauren Burch, Loughborough University, UK
Chris Chard, Brock University, Canada
Brendan Dwyer, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Terry Eddy, University of Windsor, Canada
B. Christine Green, George Mason University, USA
Liz Gregg, University of North Florida, USA
Erik Lachance, Brock University, Canada
Brandon Mastromartino, San Diego State University, USA
Chad McEvoy, Northern Illinois University, USA
Alan Morse, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Bri Newland, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA
Jim Reese, American Public University System, USA
Jonathan Robertson, Deakin University, Australia
Walker J. Ross, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Jason Simmons, University of Cincinnati, USA
Allison Smith, Georgia Southern University, USA
Ryan Snelgrove, University of Waterloo, Canada
Emily Sparvero, University of Texas, USA
Sarah Stokowski, Clemson University, USA
Elizabeth Wanless, Ohio University, USA
Henry Wear, University of Oregon, USA
Jules Woolf, University of Illinois, USA
Claire Zvosec, Louisiana State University, USA
Doug Hoepker, Senior Journals Managing Editor
Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Authors must submit their manuscripts through the journal’s ScholarOne online submission system. To submit, click the button below:
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d. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
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Cases should follow guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed., 2020), be double-spaced, use a standard 11- or 12-point font, and use one-inch margins on all sides throughout. The narrative of the case should be preceded by an abstract of no more than 200 words and three to six keywords chosen from terms not used in the title and followed with a series of discussion questions (approximately 4–7) that guide student learning. Many cases include supplementary materials to be used in the case, including tables, charts, exhibits, and even raw datasets for students to manipulate. The best case studies are those with clearly identifiable protagonists and problems to be solved; although, providing only symptoms of the problem and requiring students to identify the source of the problem also have tremendous value for senior undergraduate or graduate students. While it may be appropriate to include some theory as part of the case write-up, this should not detract from the flow of the case narrative. Otherwise most of the theory should appear in the teaching note.
Teaching notes are to be included as part of every submission to CSSM. A teaching note summarizes the topic of the case, explains the ideal learning outcomes and target audience (e.g., specific courses or student levels), and provides a plan for orchestrating the case by guiding instructors through classroom discussion questions and sample case analyses. Teaching notes should contain enough information and depth as to be turnkey for instructors to implement in their courses. Case authors should include the following sections in their teaching notes; failure to do so may result in the submission being desk rejected and returned for revisions:
- Case Synopsis: Succinctly explain what the case is about, including the organization, industry, and the decision the case protagonist is faced with. The subject matter should be clear as well as the tool, theory, or framework the students will be learning and/or applying through the case.
- Learning Outcomes: Briefly explain three to five outcomes that an instructor can reasonably expect students to achieve through completing the case. While learning outcomes can be related to general knowledge and the content of the case (e.g., running shoe industry or college athletics conference realignment), the focus of CSSM is on publishing teaching cases that can be used to learn and/or apply specific theories and/or frameworks in an active learning environment (e.g., capital budgeting, market segmentation, or Porter’s five forces). Please consider using Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956) in crafting the learning outcomes for your case.
- Target Audience: Provide the level of course(s) within which the case would be ideally used (e.g., undergraduate or graduate), as well as the discipline or course subject. More detail can be provided if the case is particularly suited to a specific placement within a course.
- Recommended Readings: While some instructors may use a case study to supplement a textbook, others may use a case to teach an entirely new topic, or one that requires additional outside reading. In either instance, authors are strongly encouraged to provide a few suggestions for fundamental readings that would assist instructors and/or students in learning the tools, concepts, frameworks, or theories that are to be learned and/or applied in the case. Providing a short summary of this literature is also helpful for course instructors who may be unfamiliar with the research area.
- Teaching Plan and Analysis: Provide a suggested method by which to teach the case and help students achieve the desired learning outcomes. Some cases lend themselves to group work, others to individual work followed by an in-class discussion, and others to a class discussion preceded and/or followed by an individual written assignment. Debates, role-playing, and mock meetings are also effective methods for engaging students in resolving the issues presented in a teaching case study. Provide one or more proposed outlines for the flow of a class period including sample timelines, discussion questions and model answers, pre- or post-class activities, and typical challenges students may have with the case. Include specific analysis of the case during each step of the teaching plan so that answers to the discussion questions are abundantly clear and informed by content within the case narrative.
- Postscript: When the case relates to a problem faced by a real organization, and to the extent that the information is available, provide information about what really happened. Depending on how instructors use the case, they can then decide whether they wish to share this information with the class.
- Exhibits: Include any relevant exhibits that are necessary for the instructor to help deliver the case. These may include board plans, analyses of the case discussion questions, and tables, charts, or figures. If the case involves any kind of data analysis, data files may be provided to case instructors and students in the form of Excel spreadsheets.
Submissions of case studies to CSSM should be 10 to 20 pages in length, exclusive of supplemental materials, while the length of the teaching notes may vary. Submitting a case for review indicates the authors have not concurrently submitted their manuscript to another journal, agree to transfer copyright to Human Kinetics upon acceptance, and acknowledge following proper institutional review board procedures at their respective institutions, as applicable. Authors are also responsible for obtaining permissions for copyrighted work. Figures should be created in Microsoft Excel or saved as .tif or .jpeg files. Authors whose cases require supplementary materials such as additional documents, files, or video not contained within the case itself should seek preliminary approval from the editor before submission. Case submissions meeting these criteria will be subject to anonymous review. Reviews will be returned to authors in a timely manner, typically within 60 days.
Cases will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- Importance of the case topic
- Clearly defined problems for readers to solve
- Sufficient background information and data
- Quality of writing
- Depth and usefulness of the teaching note
Before full review, submissions are examined at the editorial level. If the editor believes the submission has extensive flaws or is inconsistent with the mission and focus of the journal, both the editor and associate editor will review the case submission. The case will be sent out for full anonymous review if either the editor or associate editor believes the case warrants full review. The submission will receive a desk reject decision only if both the editor and associate editor agree the case does not merit full review due to extensive flaws or a lack of fit with the mission and focus of CSSM.
Cases should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format (.docx) via ScholarOne (see submission button at the top of this page). Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must transfer copyright to Human Kinetics, Inc. Please visit ScholarOne to view the copyright form located under the "Instructions & Forms" link in the upper-right corner. You do not need an account to access this information. Any problems that may be encountered can be resolved easily by selecting "Help" in the upper-right corner of any ScholarOne screen.
Individuals may purchase online-only subscriptions directly from this website. To order, click on an article and select the subscription option you desire for the journal of interest (individual or student, 1-year or 2-year), and then click Buy. Those purchasing student subscriptions must be prepared to provide proof of student status as a degree-seeking candidate at an accredited institution. Online-only subscriptions purchased via this website provide immediate access to all the journal's content, including all archives and Ahead of Print. Note that a subscription does not allow access to all the articles on this website, but only to those articles published in the journal you subscribe to. For step-by-step instructions to purchase online, click here.
Please note that this journal will be online only as of 2024.
Institution subscriptions must be placed directly with our customer service team. To review format options and pricing, visit our Librarian Resource Center. To place your order, contact us.
Teaching Notes are included with all cases and help instructors structure class discussion and enrich students' understanding of the case subject's decision-making process. Teaching Notes are unique to each case and include advice for instructors about the target audience of the case, learning objectives, the particular theories and frameworks used, and strategies for using the case in the classroom.
Teaching Notes are only available via an institutional subscription directly with Human Kinetics or an institutional COSMA membership. Instructors belonging to an institution that maintains an institutional subscription to CSSM are allowed access to Teaching Notes upon request. To request access to Teaching Notes, please click here to fill out the request form. After access is granted, instructors can view any Teaching Note by logging in, selecting the case of interest, and navigating to the case's Supplementary Materials tab.