Energy balance of 10 male and 8 female triathletes participating in an Ironman event (3.8-km swim, 180-km cycle, 42.2-km run) was investigated. Energy intake (EI) was monitored at 7 designated points by dietary recall of food and fluid consumption. Energy expenditure (EE) during cycling and running was calculated using heart rate-V̇O2 regression equations and during swimming by the multiple regression equation: Y = 3.65v + 0.02 W − 2.545 where Y is V̇O2 in L · min−1, v is the velocity in m · s−1, Wis the body weight in kilograms. Total EE (10.036 ± 931 and 8570 ± 1014 kcal) was significantly greater than total El (3940 ± 868 and 3115 ± 914kcal, p < .001) formales and females, respectively, although energy balance was not different between genders. Finishing time was inversely related to carbohydrate (CHO) intake (g · kg−1 · h−1) during the marathonrun formales (r=−.75, p < .05), and not females, suggesting that increasing CHO ingestion during the run may have been a useful strategy for improving Ironman performance in male triathletes.