This study investigated changes in kinematics with fatigue during intercollegiate competition, a noncompetitive track run, and a constant speed treadmill run. To account for changes in kinematics resulting from speed differences, regression equations for each individual generated from nonfatigue data were used to predict rested kinematics for speeds matching those of the fatigue conditions. A factor analysis procedure grouped 29 kinematic variables into sets of independent factors, and both factor variables and individual variables were analyzed for changes with fatigue, which were minimal. Only one significant difference was found in the factor variables between nonfatigue and fatigue states. Comparisons of specific kinematic variables showed a significant increase in step length with fatigue, an increased maximal knee flexion angle during swing, and an increased maximal thigh angle during hip flexion. While fatigue did not result in marked changes in kinematics for the group as a whole, changes for individuals were at times large.