Electromyographic (EMG) activities of gluteus maximus (GL), vastus later-alis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), tibialis anterior (TA), and gastrocnemius (GA) were measured telemetrically from four world-class athletes during the entire ski jumping performance. Integrated electromyographic activities (IEMG) were calculated from the different phases of jump. TA and GA showed alternate activation during the curve, suggesting that maintenance of the inrun position is a process requiring continuous active control. VL and VM were observed to contribute mostly to the entire takeoff phase whereas GL became strongly active within the last 4 meters of the takeoff. GA was slightly but continuously active during the inrun and showed only a small increase during takeoff. The quick lifting of the skis, as evidenced by the activation of TA, does not seem to allow effective use of GA at the end of the takeoff. Strong continuous activity of the knee extensors and TA dominated the midflight phase whereas the activation of GL and GA increased toward the end of the flight.