Exercise training beneficially moderates the effects of vascular aging. This study compared the efficacy of Peripheral Remodeling through Intermittent Muscular Exercise (PRIME), a novel training regimen, versus aerobic training on hemodynamic profiles in participants ≥70 years at risk for losing functional independence. Seventy-five participants (52 females, age: 76 ± 5 years) were assessed for hemodynamic and vascular function at baseline, after 4 weeks of either PRIME or aerobic training (Phase 1) and again after a further 8 weeks of aerobic and resistance training (Phase 2). Data were analyzed using 2 × 2 repeated-measures analysis of variance models on the change in each dependent variable. PRIME demonstrated reductions in brachial and aortic mean arterial pressure and diastolic blood pressure (p < .05) from baseline after Phase 1, which were sustained throughout Phase 2. Earlier and greater reductions in blood pressure following PRIME support the proposal that peripheral muscular training could beneficial for older individuals commencing an exercise program.