This study aimed to adapt the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children (PMSC) in Greek and assess its reliability and face, construct, and concurrent validity in 5- to 9-year-old Greek children. Face validity was conducted with 20 children, whereas a larger sample (N = 227) was used to examine construct validity. Two subsamples (n = 38; n = 142) were used to investigate test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Greek version of the PMSC (PMSC-GR) with the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children (PSPCSA) and the physical competence subscale (PCS), respectively. The panel of experts confirmed the clarity and concept integrity of the PMSC-GR. Temporal stability was confirmed for PMSC-GR total score and both Locomotor (LOC; ICC = .80; 95% CI, .62–.89) and Object Control (OC; ICC = .91; 95% CI, .82–.95) subscales. Appropriate internal consistency was found for the total score as well as for the LOC and OC scores (polychoric correlations: PMSC-GR, .80; LOC, .60; OC, .76). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the construct validity of a one-factor and two-factor model. Scores of the PMSC and the PSPCSA-PCS were correlated to a low level. The PMSC-GR is valid and reliable for Greek children and appears to measure a different construct to general physical perceived competence.