Few studies have used ecological models to study multiple levels of association with objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in young children from middle-income countries. The purpose of this study was to examine potential correlates of objectively measured MVPA in Brazilian children.
The sample consisted of 328 children. An Actigraph GT3X+ accelerometer was used to monitor MVPA over 7 days. Body mass index and body fat percentage were measured using a bioelectrical impedance scale. Questionnaires completed by the children, their parents, and school personnel queried individual, family and home, and school-level environmental correlates.
Children averaged 59.3 min/d in MVPA (44.5% met MVPA guidelines), and 51.8% were overweight/obese. For boys and girls combined, significant correlates (P < .05) of MVPA were waist circumference (β = –.007), travel mode to school (β = .140), maternal employment status (β = –.119) and TV in bedroom (β –.107). In boys, significant correlates of MVPA were waist circumference (β = –.011), travel mode to school (β = .133), and maternal employment status (β = –.195). In girls, the only significant correlate of MVPA was travel mode to school (β = .143).
Several factors were identified as correlates of MVPA in Brazilian children; however, only travel mode to school was common for both boys and girls.