Official Journal of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health
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Print ISSN: 1543-3080
Online ISSN: 1543-5474
2023 Impact Factor: 2.9
2023 CiteScore: 5.5
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It is the mission of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health (JPAH) to be the primary global outlet for research relevant to the science and practice of physical activity as it relates to health and health outcomes. Our vision is to inspire meaningful change in how the world views the relationship between physical activity and health.
“The study of physical activity is one of the most important and least funded public health challenges worldwide. The health issues our global population faces today are significant and need urgent prioritization. In response to these pressing challenges, the Journal of Physical Activity and Health was founded in 2004.”
—Dr. Pedro C. Hallal, co-Editor
The Journal of Physical Activity and Health (JPAH) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published for public health researchers and clinical practitioners whose work contributes to a healthier lifestyle and improved wellbeing with a focus on chronic disease, injury prevention, and physical activity promotion. JPAH is a monthly journal that publishes commentaries, original research, and review papers examining the relationship between physical activity and health, studying physical activity as an exposure as well as an outcome. The journal also invites papers that examine the behavioral, community, and environmental interventions that may affect physical activity on an individual and/or population level. JPAH also publishes articles related to physical activity surveillance, policy, and practice. JPAH is the official journal of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health.
JPAH welcomes physical activity research from all cultures, countries, and climates and encourages our editorial leadership, reviewers, authors, and readers to help reduce publication bias based on where we live, work, and play. Read our position statement on publication bias related to research from Majority World (i.e., Global South, low-to-middle income) countries.
Melody Ding
University of Sydney, Australia
Melody became co-Editor of JPAH in 2023 after previously serving as one of the Journal’s Senior Associate Editors. She is a Professor with the Sydney School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health and the Charles Perkins Centre, at the University of Sydney. She is co-lead of the Sport and Physical Activity Research and Teaching Network. As an epidemiologist and population behavioral scientist, she works at the intersection of physical activity, epidemiology, and chronic disease prevention, with a focus on the environmental and social contexts. She led the Lancet Physical Activity Series in 2016 and served as a steering committee member in 2021. Born and raised in China, she studied marine biology at the Ocean University of China prior to receiving an MPH from San Diego State University and a PhD from the Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health at the University of California San Diego and San Diego State University in the USA.
Pedro C. Hallal
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Steven N. Blair, University of South Carolina, USA (Founding Editor)
James R. Morrow, Jr., University of North Texas, USA (Founding Editor)
Jennifer M. Hootman, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
Harold W. Kohl III, University of Texas–Austin, USA
Loretta DiPietro, George Washington University, USA
Valerie Carson
University of Alberta, Canada
Gregore Mielke
The University of Queensland, Australia
Esther van Sluijs
University of Cambridge, UK
Karim Abu-Omar
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Shiho Amagasa
Teikyo University, Japan
Salomé Aubert
Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance, France
Borja del Pozo Cruz
Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
Genevieve F. Dunton
University of Southern California, USA
Alex Florindo
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Lucy D. Gunn
RMIT University, Australia
Bjørge Herman Hansen
University of Agder, Norway
Rebecca E. Hasson
University of Michigan, USA
Kathryn Hesketh
University of Cambridge, UK
Alejandra Jauregui
Mexican National Institute of Public Health, Mexico
Tracy Kolbe-Alexander
University of Southern Queensland, Ipswich, Australia
Harriet Koorts
Deakin University, Australia
Eun-Young Lee
Queen’s University, Canada
Jacqueline L. Mair
Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore
Scherezade K. Mama
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Josef Mitáš
Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Rowena Naidoo
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Kwok Ng
University of Limerick, Ireland; University of Turku, Finland; and Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuania
Adewale L. Oyeyemi
Arizona State University, USA, and Redeemer’s University, Nigeria
Andrea Ramírez Varela
UTHealth Science Center at Houston, USA
Luiza Ricardo
University of Cambridge, UK
Deborah Salvo
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Miguel Adriano Sanchez-Lastra
University of Vigo, Spain, and Galicia-Sur Health Research Institute, Spain
Katja Siefken
MSH Medical School Hamburg, Germany
Tessa Strain
University of Edinburgh, UK
Jakob Tarp
Aarhus University, Denmark
Rafael Tassitano
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Anne Tiedemann
University of Sydney, Australia
Emily Cox, University of Newcastle, Australia
Ruth Brady, University of Queensland, Australia
Elroy Aguiar, The University of Alabama, USA
Nicolas Aguilar-Farias, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
Susan Aguiñaga, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Matthew Ahmadi, University of Sydney, Australia
Hazzaa M. Al-Hazzaa, Lifestyle and Health Research Center, Saudi Arabia, and Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia
Noara Alhusseini, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia
Jaime Barratt, Brock University, Canada
David R. Bassett, Jr., University of Tennessee, USA
Matthew Bourke, The University of Queensland, Australia
Denver Brown, Kansas State University, USA
Ryan D. Burns, University of Utah, USA
Johannes Carl, Deakin University, Australia
Seb Chastin, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK, and Ghent University, Belgium
Josephine Chau, Macquarie University, Australia
Liangkai Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Hayley Christian, University of Western Australia, Australia
Dylan Cliff, University of Wollongong, Australia
Pieter Coenen, Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands
Emily Cox, University of Newcastle, Australia
Knut Eirik Dalene, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
Mitch J. Duncan, University of Newcastle, Australia
Stephanie Duncombe, University of Queensland, Australia
Ulf Ekelund, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Norway, and Norwegian Public Health Institute, Norway
Kelly R. Evenson, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, USA
Stuart J. Fairclough, Edge Hill University, UK
Vahid Farrahi, University of Oulu, Finland, and TU Dortmund University, Germany
Guy Faulkner, University of British Columbia, Canada
Lawrence Foweather, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Aleš Gába, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Klaus Gebel, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Shifalika Goenka, Public Health Foundation of India, India
Silvia A. González, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Nidhi Gupta, The National Research Center for the Work Environment, Denmark
Erica Hinckson, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Adriano Akira Hino, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil
Justin Jeon, Yonsei University, South Korea
Laura Joensuu, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Masamitsu Kamada, University of Tokyo, Japan
Piyawat Katewongsa, Mahidol University, Thailand
Shelby A. Keye, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Nicholas Kuzik, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Canada
Pazit Levinger, National Ageing Research Institute, Australia
Rodrigo A. Lima, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Spain
Fiona Chun Man Ling, NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration South Tees, Middlesbrough Council, UK
David Lubans, University of Newcastle, Australia, and University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Mengyun (Susan) Luo, University of Sydney, Australia
Heather Macdonald, University of British Columbia, Canada
Jay Maddock, Texas A&M University, USA, and Houston Methodist Research Institute, USA
Taru Manyanga, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Sven Messing, University of Limerick, Ireland, and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Lisa Micklesfield, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Falk Müller-Riemenschneider, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Johan Ng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Binh Nguyen, University of Sydney, Australia
Faatihah Niyi-Odumosu, University of the West of England, UK
Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
Anthony Okely, University of Wollongong, Australia
Jenna Panter, University of Cambridge, UK
Lilian G. Perez, National Institutes of Health, USA
Ronald Plotnikoff, University of Newcastle, Australia
Allison Poulos, Arizona State University, USA
Michael Pratt, University of California San Diego, USA
António Prista, Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, Mozambique
Erika Rees-Punia, American Cancer Society, USA
Rodrigo Reis, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Jennifer D. Roberts, University of Maryland, USA
Dori Rosenberg, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, USA
Gemma Ryde, University of Glasgow, UK
Jasper Schipperijn, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Erica Soltero, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Juliana Souza de Oliveira, University of Sydney, Australia, and Gold Coast Health, Australia
Christine W. St. Laurent, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Afroditi Stathi, University of Birmingham, UK
Kim Straun, University of Bristol, UK
Larkin Strong, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Brendon Stubbs, Kings College London, UK
Michalis Stylianou, University of Queensland, Australia
Antonina Tcymbal, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Sylvia Titze, University of Graz, Austria
Simone Tomaz, University of Stirling, UK
Trish Tucker, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Richard Tyler, Edge Hill University, UK
Joan Úbeda-Colomer, University of Valencia, Spain
Daniel Umpierre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Alexandra Valencia-Peris, University of Valencia, Spain
Carmina Valle, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, USA
Anne Vuillemin, Université Côte d’Azur, France
Lucy-Joy M. Wachira, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Andrea Wendt, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil
Zhiguang Zhang, University of Wollongong, Australia
Avinash Chandran, Datalys Center for Sports Injury Research and Prevention, USA
Kar Hau Chong, University of Wollongong, Australia
Philip J. Clare, University of Sydney, Australia
Anne Grunseit, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Asaduzzaman Khan, University of Queensland, Australia
Yuta Nemoto, Tokyo Medical University, Japan, and University of Queensland, Australia
Kat Owen, University of Sydney, Australia
Masataka Taguri, Tokyo Medical University, Japan
Social Media Coordinators
Jaime Barratt, Brock University, Canada
Wing (Venisa) Kwok, University of Sydney, Australia
Juliana Souza de Oliveira, University of Sydney, Australia, and Gold Coast Health, Australia
Doug Hoepker, Senior Journals Managing Editor
Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Authors must submit their manuscripts through the journal’s ScholarOne online submission system. To submit, click the button below:
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JPAH is a peer-reviewed journal. Manuscripts reporting Original Research, Public Health Practice, Technical Notes, Brief Reports, or Reviews will be reviewed by at least two reviewers with expertise in the topical field, and the review process usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. A double-anonymous method is used for the review process, meaning authors and reviewers remain unknown to each other.
All types of manuscripts submitted to JPAH are judged on the following primary criteria: adherence to accepted scientific principles and methods, the significant or novel contribution to research or practice in the field of physical activity, clarity and conciseness of writing, and interest to the readership. There are no page charges to contributors.
Manuscripts generally should not exceed 25 pages (~5,000 words including everything except title and abstract pages, tables, figure legends, and online-only supplementary materials; the word limit includes the reference section). Reviews should not exceed a total of 30 pages and Brief Reports should not exceed 15 pages. Major exceptions to these criteria must be approved through the Editorial Office before submission. Submissions should not include more than 10 tables/graphics, and should follow the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (visit ICMJE for more detail). JPAH welcomes and encourages the submission of supplementary materials to be included with the article. These files are placed online and can be accessed from the JPAH website. Supplemental material can include relevant appendices, tables, details of the methods (e.g., survey instruments), or images. Contact the Editorial Office for approval of any supplemental materials.
JPAH welcomes physical activity research from all cultures, countries, and climates and encourages our editorial leadership, reviewers, authors, and readers to help reduce publication bias based on where we live, work, and play. Read our position statement on publication bias related to research from Majority World (i.e., Global South, low-to-middle income) countries.
For more information on JPAH’s editorial priorities and the type of studies the journal is most interested in publishing, please see this video:
JPAH highly recommends that authors refer to relevant published reporting guidelines for different types of research studies. Examples of reporting guidelines include:
Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word® (*.doc) or rich text (*.rtf) format only. Do not submit a .pdf file. Graphics should be submitted in .tif or .jpg formats only. Before submitting, authors should complete the Manuscript Submission Checklist (see below). Authors may be asked to provide Human Kinetics with photo-ready graphics and/or a hard copy of the text. Authors are responsible for confirming the accuracy of the final copy, particularly the accuracy of references, and to retain a duplicate copy to guard against loss. Final review of the pre-published text is the responsibility of the authors. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must transfer copyright to Human Kinetics, as applicable.
Submissions must include a cover letter stating that the manuscript has not been previously published (except in abstract form), is not presently under consideration by another journal, and will not be submitted to another journal before a final editorial decision from JPAH is rendered. Full names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of all authors, as well as the full mailing address, telephone number, and fax number of the corresponding author, must be provided. Authors must also provide a statement disclosing any relevant financial interests related to the research.
A manuscript describing the methods and results of a research study (quantitative or qualitative), including the background and purpose of the study, a detailed description of the research design and methods, clear and comprehensive presentation of results, and discussion of the salient findings.
A manuscript describing the development or evaluation of a public health intervention to increase or promote physical activity in a community setting, or a study that describes translation of research to practice.
A short article that presents results related to a new or modified method or instrument related to physical activity measurement or an important experimental observation.
A short article (15 or fewer pages), usually presenting the preliminary or novel results of an original research study or public health practice program.
Manuscripts that succinctly review the scientific literature on a specific topic. Traditional narrative reviews are discouraged. However, well-conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses are highly encouraged. The Editorial Office may recruit reviews on specific topics.
A short text (<1,000 words, excluding references) discussing a relevant topic in the field of physical activity and health. All commentaries will be reviewed by the editorial board prior to publication.
The order of submission must be (1) Title page, (2) Abstract, (3) Text, (4) Acknowledgments, (5) Funding source, (6) References, (7) Tables, (8) Figures/Graphics.
The manuscript must include a title page that provides the full title, a brief running head, manuscript type (see definitions above), three to five key words not used in the title of the manuscript, abstract word count, manuscript word count (inclusive of all pages except the abstract and title page), date of manuscript submission, and full names of authors, their institutional or corporate affiliations, and e-mail addresses. The title page should be a separate document from the manuscript and should not be included in the manuscript file.
All manuscripts must have a structured abstract of no more than 250 words. Required headings are (1) Background, (2) Methods, (3) Results, and (4) Conclusions.
The entire manuscript must be double-spaced, including the abstract, references, and tables. Line numbers are not needed. A brief running head is to be included on the upper right corner of each page; page numbers must appear on the bottom right corner of each page. The entire manuscript should be anonymized, with all identifying information removed (including university name related to ethical approval of the study and any trial registration or funding source identifiers).
For studies involving human subjects, the Methods section must include statements regarding institutional approval of the protocol and obtaining informed consent. For studies using animals, the Methods section must include a statement regarding institutional approval and compliance with governmental policies and regulations regarding animal welfare.
Provide the names, affiliations, and the nature of the contribution for all persons not included as an author who played a critical role in the study.
Details of all funding sources for the work should be provided (including agency name, grant numbers, etc.). Provide the registry name and registration number for all clinical trials (see JPAH Ethics Policies below).
Correctly anonymized example: “This work was supported by a grant (grant #xxxxx) from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. This study is registered at (No. xxxxx).”
For reference lists, authors must follow the guidelines found in the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors (10th ed.). Examples of reference style:
Journal articles: Surname of first author, initials, then surname and initials of each coauthor; title of article (capitalize only the first word and proper nouns), name of the journal (italicized and abbreviated according to style of Index Medicus), year, volume, and inclusive page numbers.
Melby CL, Osterberg K, Resch A, Davy B, Johnson S, Davy K. Effect of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise on post-exercise substrate oxidation and energy intake. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2002;12:294–309.
Book references: Author(s) as above, title of book (italicized and all major words capitalized), city and state/province of publication, publisher, and year.
Pearl AJ. The Female Athlete. Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 1993.
Chapter in an edited book: Same as book references, but add the name of the chapter author(s) and title of chapter (capitalize first word and proper nouns) before the book information and inclusive page numbers.
Perrin DH. The evaluation process in rehabilitation. In: Prentice WE, ed. Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine. 2nd ed. St Louis, Mo: Mosby Year Book; 1994:253–276.
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As noted earlier, JPAH adheres to the criteria for authorship as outlined by the ICMJE. Each author must provide any relevant information upon request to substantiate their contributions.
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Peer review is essential to ensuring the standards and legitimacy of scientific research.1 For those who have recently begun their careers as researchers, gaining experience while building confidence as a competent peer reviewer can be a challenging and overwhelming prospect. Thus, the Journal of Physical Activity & Health (JPAH) and the International Society for Physical Activity & Health (ISPAH) created the Bill Kohl Peer Review Academy—a mentor-driven program designed to elevate the skills for scientific manuscript peer review among early career researchers.
Graduates of the Academy will become more proficient at peer review through hands-on experience with manuscripts submitted to JPAH. Working in a one-on-one partnership with a mentor who has considerable experience as a peer reviewer, Academy participants will be trained in deliberating the ethical, scientific, and practical considerations of peer review. This will include learning how to properly consider a peer-review invitation, evaluating the scientific merit of a manuscript, and writing a constructive reviewer’s report. It is anticipated that Academy graduates will value and subsequently share these skills with colleagues.
Participants will be matched with a senior peer-review mentor with aligned research interests and, over the course of a one-year period, will work with the mentor to review at least two manuscripts submitted to JPAH. Academy participants who successfully complete the program will be formally recognized on the ISPAH and JPAH websites as Peer Review Academy Graduates, as well as being celebrated on ISPAH and JPAH social media accounts and honored at the next ISPAH Congress.
“Quality peer review is one of many things that isn’t taught routinely in graduate school,” said JPAH Editor Emeritus and ISPAH Fellow Harold W. (Bill) Kohl. “This Peer Review Academy is a fantastic opportunity for early career researchers who desire additional training as peer reviewers. We encourage those who are eager to participate as peer reviewers but have had insufficient experience to consider this educational opportunity.”
“Building capacity in the next generation of researchers is a key part of ISPAH’s mission and a focus of our Early Career Network,” said ISPAH President Karen Milton. “This Academy will provide meaningful training that will develop the next generation of peer reviewers and impove the research being published by a global community of scholars.”
Academy participants should be recent PhD graduates (within four years) or nearing completion of their PhD in a physical activity-related field, and active researchers. Prior experience as a peer reviewer for JPAH or other journals is not required. Prior experience as a published author in JPAH or similar journals is beneficial. Although ISPAH membership is not required for application, all selected Academy participants must be active ISPAH members during their time in the program. Membership discounts are available for students and professionals from low- and middle-income countries in accordance with World Bank classifications.
Participants must be able to commit to 12 months of training and be available to consistently and effectively engage with their mentor and JPAH Editors to complete the peer review process for a minimum of two manuscripts as a peer reviewer for JPAH. Early career researchers from all cultures, countries, and climates are encouraged to apply. Participation will be limited to six Academy participants during the first year of the program.
Participation in the Academy is an excellent educational opportunity to enhance and promote your professional profile. In addition to one-on-one mentoring and skill development as a peer reviewer, Academy participants will receive exclusive access to the members area of the ISPAH website, full access to publications in JPAH, priority booking onto ISPAH courses and exclusive webinars, and discounted registration at the biennial ISPAH Congress.
Completing the training is a great first step to additional engagement with JPAH’s Editorial Board and ISPAH’s various networks and councils. All participants who successfully complete Academy training will be formally recognised as a Bill Kohl Peer Review Academy Graduate, which can be noted on a CV.
1 Ding D, Hallal PC, DiPietro L, Kohl HW. A quick guide for becoming a better peer reviewer. J Phys Act Health. 2023;20(11):989–992.
Applications are currently closed and will be re-opened in 2025. To be alerted, please follow JPAH and ISPAH on social media or become an ISPAH member.
On January 7, 2024, Harold W. (Bill) Kohl III passed away. Professor Kohl was JPAH Editor Emeritus (2007-2011), founder and Past-president of ISPAH (2010-2014), and a highly cited researcher who helped to define physical inactivity as a global pandemic through his work with the initial Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group.
His research focused on national and international physical activity surveillance and epidemiology, as well as program development and evaluation studies for the promotion of school-based physical activity for children and adolescents. He was also the co-author of the textbooks Foundations of Physical Activity and Public Health and Foundations of Kinesiology. Moreover, Bill Kohl was co-founder of this Peer Review Academy, which launched after his passing.
We recognize Bill’s passion for mentoring the next generation and the importance he placed on teaching peer review skills through the naming of the Academy in his honor.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Professor Bassett is a professor emeritus at the University of Tennessee. He is a longtime JPAH Editorial Board member and has served on the steering committee of the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan. He has over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals. His research focuses on measurement of physical activity and energy expenditure, cardiometabolic health benefits of physical activity (especially steps per day), and the relationship between active transportation and public health.
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Professor Biddle has a long track record of publications and leadership, including being Past-President of the FEPSAC and the ISBNPA. He has published numerous books and over 400 research papers over five decades. He is a highly cited author in both psychology and the sport and exercise sciences. He specialises in research addressing behavioural issues of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, including behaviour change and mental health.
George Washington University, USA
Professor DiPietro is JPAH Editor Emerita and a widely published researcher whose work builds bridges between population-based public health and the clinical and physiological domains of exercise science, with particular interest in the role of physical activity in the health of older adults. During her nine-year tenure as JPAH Editor, she oversaw the peer review process for thousands of articles.
Norwegian School of Sports Sciences; Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
Professor Ekelund is a longtime JPAH Editorial Board member and former member of ISPAH’s Executive Committee whose has published more than 425 original publications. His highly cited research focuses on physical activity and sedentary time; patterns and trends in population levels of physical activity; the role of sedentary time and physical activity in preventing chronic diseases; and early life determinants of physical activity behaviour and its interaction with health outcomes across the life course.
The University of Queensland, Australia
Associate Professor Gomersall is Associate Director of the Health and Wellbeing Centre for Research Innovation, President-Elect of ISPAH, and Co-Lead for the Asia-Pacific Society for Physical Activity’s Physical Activity in Healthcare Special Interest Group. Her research is concerned with understanding, measuring, and influencing physical activity and sedentary behaviour using a variety of methods and with a range of populations, with a focus on adults and the prevention and management of chronic disease.
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Professor Emerita Lambert served on the ISPAH Executive Committee (2012-2016) and as a JPAH Senior Associate Editor. She has worked extensively with the WHO and AFPAN. As an author on >263 peer-reviewed publications, her research focuses on the burden of disease and epidemiology; aetiology and mechanisms of health effects/benefits; and correlates/determinants associated with physical activity across the life-course, including environmental determinants and environmental and behaviour change interventions.
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Professor Schipperijn is ISPAH Past-president and serves on the JPAH Editorial Board. He has published >150 peer-reviewed articles. His research interests revolve around three main topics: 1) the health benefits of playgrounds, 2) conducting multi-disciplinary intervention studies to create active living environments, and 3) developing tools and methods that make it possible to measure active living and the environment it takes place in.
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