Journal of Sport Management

Official Journal of the North American Society for Sport Management

Indexed in: Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, EBSCO A-to-Z, Google Scholar

Print ISSN: 0888-4773

Online ISSN: 1543-270X

2023 Impact Factor: 3.5

2023 CiteScore: 5.8


Watch the video abstract for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies in Canadian Nonprofit Sport Organizations: A Management-by-Values Approach" and read the article below!

JSM 2023 JIF: 3.5The sport management industry is growing by leaps and bounds, with an explosion in research projects, texts, and university programs. As the field continues to rapidly evolve, it’s imperative for sport managers to keep abreast of the latest developments. The peer-reviewed Journal of Sport Management (JSM) is your key to staying on top of current issues and trends in this dynamic field. An official journal of the North American Society for Sport Management, JSM brings you thought-provoking editorials, research articles, and reviews that examine a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport, such as: organizational theory, behavior, and strategy; sport operations; marketing, consumer behavior, sponsorship, advertising, and licensing; media, communications, and public relations; sport tourism; facility and event management; and gender and diversity.

JSM is published bimonthly, in January, March, May, July, September, and November.


The Journal of Sport Management aims to publish innovative empirical, theoretical, and review articles focused on the governance, management, and marketing of sport organizations. Submissions are encouraged from a range of areas that inform theoretical advances for the management, marketing, and consumption of sport in all its forms, and sport organizations generally. Review articles and studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed.

The Journal of Sport Management publishes research and scholarly review articles; short reports on replications, test development, and data reanalysis; editorials that focus on significant issues pertaining to sport management; articles aimed at strengthening the link between sport management theory and sport management practice; and book reviews ("Off the Press").

Ethics Policy

Please visit the Ethics Policy page for information about the policies followed by JSM.


Scott Tainsky
Wayne State University, USA

Editors Emeriti

Gordon Olafson (Founding Editor: 1987–1991)
Janet Parks (Founding Editor: 1987–1991)
P. Chelladurai (1992–1993)
Joy DeSensi (1994–1996)
Trevor Slack (1996–2000)
Wendy Frisby (2000–2003)
Laurence Chalip (2003–2006)
Lucie Thibault (2006–2009)
Richard Wolfe (2009–2012)
Marvin Washington (2012–2015)
David Shilbury (2015–2018)
Janet Fink (2018–2021)
Jeff James (2021–2024)

Senior Associate Editor

Shannon Kerwin
Brock University, Canada

Book Review Editor

Edward Horne
University of New Mexico, USA

Associate Editors

Laura Burton
University of Connecticut, USA

Marlene A. Dixon
Texas A&M University, USA

Todd Donovan
Colorado State University, USA

Dae Hee Kwak
University of Michigan, USA

Daniel Mason
University of Alberta, Canada

Jon Welty Peachey
Gordon College, USA

Steven Salaga
University of Georgia, USA

Editorial Board

Nola Agha, University of San Francisco, USA

Kwame Agyemang, The Ohio State University, USA

Natasha Brison, Texas A&M University, USA

Adam Cohen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Elizabeth Delia, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Timothy DeSchriver, University of Delaware, USA

Alison Doherty, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Brendan Dwyer, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Sheranne Fairley, University of Queensland, Australia

Lesley Ferkins, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Kevin Filo, Griffith University, Australia

Andrea N. Geurin, Loughborough University, UK

Heather Gibson, University of Florida, USA

Chris Greenwell, University of Louisville, USA

Kirstin Hallmann, German Sport University Cologne, Germany

Kate Heinze, University of Michigan, USA

Larena Hoeber, University of Regina, Canada

Michael Hutchinson, University of Memphis, USA

Yuhei Inoue, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

Kyriaki Kaplanidou, University of Florida, USA

Matthew Katz, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Timothy Kellison, Florida State University, USA

Lisa Kihl, University of Minnesota, USA

Jeeyoon (Jamie) Kim, Syracuse University, USA

Sarah Leberman, Massey University, New Zealand

Dan Lock, Bournemouth University, UK

Brian McCullough, Texas A&M University, USA

Jennifer McGarry (Breuning), University of Connecticut, USA

Brian Mills, University of Texas, USA

Katie Misener, University of Waterloo, Canada

Calvin Nite, Texas A&M University, USA

Norm O’Reilly, Ohio University, USA

Milena Parent, University of Ottawa, Canada

Daniel Rascher, University of San Francisco, USA

Dominik Schreyer, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany

Chad Seifried, Louisiana State University, USA

Sally Shaw, University of Otago, New Zealand

Emma Sherry, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Brian P. Soebbing, University of Alberta, Canada

Popi Sotiriadou, Griffith University, Australia

Per Svensson, Louisiana State University, USA

Nefertiti Walker, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Marvin Washington, Portland State University, USA

Nicholas Watanabe, University of South Carolina, USA

Pamela Wicker, Bielefeld University, Germany

David Wooten, University of Michigan, USA

Masayuki Yoshida, Hosei University, Japan

James Zhang, University of Georgia, USA

Social Media Manager

Jeffrey MacCharles, University of North Texas, USA

Human Kinetics Staff

Tammy Miller, Senior Journals Managing Editor

Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Authors must submit their manuscripts through the journal’s ScholarOne online submission system. To submit, click the button below:

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Authorship Guidelines

The Journals Division at Human Kinetics adheres to the criteria for authorship as outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors:

Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions to:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Conditions a, b, c, and d must all be met. Individuals who do not meet the above criteria may be listed in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript.

Authors who use artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators) in their work must indicate how they were used in the cover letter and the work itself. These technologies cannot be listed as authors as they are unable to meet all the conditions above, particularly agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

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  • Copyright assigned to Human Kinetics $2,000

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  • Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license $2,250
  • Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license $2,450
  • Creative Commons CC-BY license $2,950

Manuscript Guidelines

All Human Kinetics journals require that authors follow our manuscript guidelines in regards to use of copyrighted material, human and animal rights, and conflicts of interest as specified on our author resource page.

The Journal of Sport Management aims to publish innovative empirical, theoretical, and review articles focused on the governance, management, and marketing of sport organizations. Submissions are encouraged from a range of areas that inform theoretical advances for the management, marketing, and consumption of sport in all its forms, and sport organizations generally. Review articles and studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed.

The Journal of Sport Management publishes research and scholarly review articles; short reports on replications, test development, and data reanalysis; editorials that focus on significant issues pertaining to sport management; articles aimed at strengthening the link between sport management theory and sport management practice; and book reviews ("Off the Press"). Individuals interested in submitting book reviews should contact the section editor: Dr. Edward Horne, University of New Mexico (

When preparing manuscripts for submission in the Journal of Sport Management, authors should follow the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition; Manuscripts must be submitted in English. All manuscripts must be preceded by an abstract of no more than 150 words and three to six keywords chosen from terms not used in the title. If footnotes are used, they should be as few as possible and should not exceed six lines each. Figures should be created in Excel or saved as TIFF or JPEG files. All tables, figure captions, and footnotes must be grouped together on pages separate from the body of the text. Reference citations in the text must be accurate concerning dates of publication and spelling of author names, and they must cross-check with those in the reference list. Manuscripts will be summarily rejected if they do not follow the APA guidelines.

Manuscripts submitted will be judged primarily on their substantive content, but writing style, structure, and length are very important considerations. Poor presentation is sufficient reason for the rejection of a manuscript. When first received, manuscripts will be evaluated by the editor in terms of their contribution-to-length ratio. Thus, manuscripts should be written as simply and concisely as possible. Papers should be no longer than 40 double-spaced pages (using one-inch margins and Times New Roman 12-point font), inclusive of references, tables, figures, and appendices. However, we recognize that in rare circumstances, papers intended to make very extensive contributions may require additional space. Prior to submitting a manuscript, authors should consider the contribution-to-length ratio and ask themselves: "Is the paper long enough to cover the subject while concise enough to maintain the reader’s interest?" (This paragraph is based on the Information for Contributors of the Academy of Management Review.)

Please note that an anonymous review process is used to evaluate manuscripts. As such, any clues to the author’s identity should be eliminated from the manuscript. The first page of the manuscript must not include author names or affiliations, but it should include the title of the paper and the date of submission.

Manuscripts must not be submitted to another journal while they are under review by the Journal of Sport Management, nor should they have been previously published. Manuscripts are read by reviewers, and the review process generally takes approximately 12 weeks. Manuscripts will be evaluated in terms of topical relevance, theoretical and methodological adequacy, and clarity of explanation and analysis. Authors should be prepared to provide the data and/or research instrument(s) on which the manuscript is based for examination if requested by the editor. Comments from reviewers concerning manuscripts, along with the editorial decision, are made available to authors. 

Questions about the journal or manuscript submission should be directed to the Editor of the journal, Professor Scott Tainsky, at

Submit a Manuscript

Authors should submit their manuscript through ScholarOne (see submission button at the top of this page), the online submission system for the Journal of Sport Management. ScholarOne manages the electronic transfer of manuscripts throughout the article review process while providing step-by-step instructions and a user-friendly design. Please access the site and follow the directions for authors submitting manuscripts.

Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must transfer copyright to Human Kinetics, Inc. This copyright form can be viewed by visiting ScholarOne and selecting "Instructions & Forms" in the upper-right corner of the screen. Also, any problems that may be encountered can be resolved easily by selecting “Help” in the upper-right corner. 

Specific Guidelines for Special Issues

The following guidelines are intended to help scholars prepare a special issue proposal. Proposals on time-sensitive topics may be considered for publication as a special series at the Editor’s discretion. In no more than four pages, author(s) should address the following questions using the headings provided.

  1. Synopsis
    • In 150 words or less, what is your special issue about? Important: Be sure to include its main themes and objectives.
  2. Rationale
    • What are you proposing to do differently/more innovatively/better than has already been done on the topic (in JSM specifically, as well as in the field more generally)?
    • Why is now the time for a special issue on this topic?
    • Why is JSM the most appropriate venue for this topic?
    • What are the main competing works on the topic (e.g., edited books, other special issues)?
    • List up to five articles recently published on the topic that show breadth of scope and authorship in the topic.
  3. Qualifications
    • Are you proposing to serve as Guest Editor for this special issue? If so,
      • Please provide your vitae.
      • Have you edited/co-edited a special issue before? If yes, please give the citation(s).
      • Do you currently serve on any journal editorial boards? If yes, please list.
      • Will there be one or more co-editors? If yes, please liste their names and professional affiliations.
    • If not, who do you suggest for a potential Guest Editor?
  4. Timeline
    • Given that it takes approximately 12 months to complete a special issue, please provide a detailed timeline including estimated dates or time frames for the following steps:
      1. Call for papers
      2. Submission deadline
      3. Review process (averages 4 months)
      4. Revision process (averages 3 months)
      5. Final editing and approval from JSM editor
      6. Completion and submission to Human Kinetics (must be at least 3 months prior to the issue cover month; e.g., completion by January 1 for the April issue)


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