
Previous injury is the strongest risk factor for future injury in sports. It has been proposed that motor-control changes such as movement limitation and asymmetry associated with injury and pain may be perpetuated as part of an individual's movement strategy. Motor control of fundamental 1-×-body-weight tasks can reliably and efficiently be measured in the field.


To determine whether the motor control of fundamental movement patterns and pattern asymmetry have a relationship with time-loss injury over the course of the preseason in professional football.


Injury-risk study.


American professional football facilities.


238 American professional football players.


To measure the motor control of 1-×-body-weight fundamental movement patterns, Functional Movement Screen scores were obtained before the start of training camp. The previously established cutoff score of ≤14 and the presence of any asymmetries on the FMS were examined using relative risk to determine if a relationship exists with time-loss injury.

Main Outcome Measure:

Time-loss musculoskeletal injury defined as any time loss from practice or competition due to musculoskeletal injury.


Players who scored ≤14 exhibited a relative risk of 1.87 (CI95 1.20–2.96). Similarly, players with at least 1 asymmetry displayed a relative risk of 1.80 (CI95 1.11–2.74). The combination of scoring below the threshold and exhibiting a movement asymmetry was highly specific for injury, with a specificity of .87 (CI95 .84–.90).


The results of this study suggest that fundamental movement patterns and pattern asymmetry are identifiable risk factors for time-loss injury during the preseason in professional football players.