High intraset variability has been considered as a potential aid in the treatment of tendinopathy by producing forces in variable and unpredictable contexts that allow the athlete to return to sport pain free. The aim of this study was to compare the intraset variability in force profiles between different rotational inertia devices (RIDs) during concentric and eccentric (ECC) phases of movement and between different moments of inertia. Thirty-nine men performed a half-squat incremental test on 2 different RIDs: a horizontal cylinder and a vertical cone-shaped axis. Intraset variabilities in vertical force and velocity were analyzed using average coefficients of variation. RID squat exercise produced force intraset variability. The ECC phase of the movement showed more intraset variability in force output than the concentric phase. ECC vertical cone-shaped shaft showed a higher intraset variability in force than ECC horizontal cylinder-shaped shaft. This study demonstrated that using an RID to provide resistance in squat training of athletes produced a high intraset variability in the application of force.