Purpose: This study examined the associations between physical activity enjoyment and physical education enjoyment with segmented physical activity in children. Method: Using student-level data from the School Wellness Integration Targeting Child Health project (N = 1,986), the Youth Activity Profile (YAP) assessed physical activity before school, during physical education, recess, after school, and evening. Segmented YAP scores were regressed onto two enjoyment variables using a seemingly unrelated regression system. Results: Physical activity enjoyment and physical education enjoyment significantly associated with YAP scores during all segments, but physical education enjoyment showed stronger associations during physical education. Older students had higher physical activity before school and in the evening, and physical education enjoyment was more influential for females before school. Conclusion: This study supports tenets of the trans-contextual model of motivation. Improving both physical activity and physical education enjoyment may yield improvements in physical activity behaviors during physical education and all other day segments.