Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand how a service-learning project implementation can help preservice physical education teachers develop physical activity (PA) leadership skills. Methods: A qualitative exploratory single case study was employed, and eight preservice physical education students enrolled in service-learning course were recruited. Data included pre/post self-assessment surveys, reflection journals, individual interviews, and final poster presentations, and were coded using service-learning as a lens. Trustworthiness was established using multiple strategies. Results: Three major themes emerged, each with their own subthemes. Theme 1 was Practical Experience, Theme 2 was Learning to be Leaders, and Theme 3 was Service-Learning. Discussion/Conclusion: The hands-on structure of a service-learning course allowed students to develop PA leadership skills and provided them with the skills and confidence needed to implement expanded PA programs in the future. Service-learning courses are a viable option for PA leadership training in teacher education programs.