The purpose of the present study was to identify eminent sport and exercise psychology researchers, based on citation count, and their most highly cited papers. Men (n = 121) and women (n = 32) from 17 different countries (e.g., the United States n = 47 to Ireland n = 1) were identified. Researchers were selected if their h-index was 60 or greater for Google Scholar and Web of Science combined. This criterion reflects Hirsch’s (2005) characterization as follows based on h-index: a successful scientist (20), an outstanding scientist (40), and truly unique (60), for one database. Our criteria of 60 for two databases are equivalent to a designation halfway between successful and outstanding. The results indicate an h-index mean of 103, median of 94, mode of 105, and range of 60–346. Top-cited publications leaned toward more sport psychology than exercise psychology topics. Prominent journals included the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (n = 24) and Psychology of Sport and Exercise (n = 15). Other publications were in related fields (e.g., Psychology and Health). In summary, we have identified the most highly cited researchers in sport and exercise psychology and their single most-cited papers. We hope this information is of both heuristic and practical value to readers.