One hundred and ninety-four children enrolled in a summer weight loss camp program (64 boys and 130 girls, aged 12.6 ± 2.5 years) and were assessed for body mass and stature on arrival. One hundred and fourteen subjects were assessed for waist circumference, with a subgroup of 14 boys assessed on 8 skinfold thicknesses, 9 circumference measures, and a self-paced walk test to evaluate aerobic performance. A further group of 40 girls were assessed on 3 psychometric variables (self concept, body esteem, and body cathexis). During the camp (located in Massachusetts, U.S.), diet was restricted to 1,400 kcal · day−1, with a daily prescription of structured fun-type, skill-based physical activities and regular behavioral and educational sessions. Paired t tests showed highly significant improvements (p < .001) in all variables comparing pre and post intervention measures. The improvements in body composition, aerobic performance, and psychometric variables suggest that the camp program was successful in reducing significant risk factors in children’s health.