Sociology of Sport Journal

Official Journal of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport

Indexed in: Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, APA PsycINFO, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar

Print ISSN: 0741-1235

Online ISSN: 1543-2785

2023 Impact Factor: 2.0

2023 CiteScore: 3.0

Congratulations to the winner of the 2024 SSJ Article of the Year Award: "Indigenous Youth (Non)Participation in Euro-Canadian Sport: Applying Theories of Refusal" by Jessica R. Nachman, Lyndsay M.C. Hayhurst, Audrey R. Giles, Rochelle Stewart-Withers, and Daniel A. Henhawk. Read the winning article below!


Top 40 at 40

The Sociology of Sport Journal is celebrating 40 years of publishing by revisiting our top-10 articles for each decade. We've invited emerging scholars to comment on the continuted significance of these articles and what has changed in the time since they were published. All of the articles are permanently free to read. We hope you enjoy seeing SSJ's history and will look to the future of the sociology of sport with us.


Sports and Male Domination: The Female Athlete as Contested Ideological Terrain

By Michael A. Messner. 1988. Sociology of Sport Journal, 5(3), 197–211.

The Construction and Confirmation of Identity in Sport Subcultures

By Peter Donnelly and Kevin Young. 1988. Sociology of Sport Journal, 5(3), 223–240.

Program for a Sociology of Sport

By Pierre Bourdieu. 1988. Sociology of Sport Journal, 5(2), 153–161.

The Socialization of Elite Tennis Players in Sweden: An Analysis of the Players’ Backgrounds and Development

By Rolf Carlson. 1988. Sociology of Sport Journal, 5(3), 241–256.

Denial of Power in Televised Women’s Sports

By Margaret Carlisle Duncan and Cynthia A. Hasbrook. 1988. Sociology of Sport Journal, 5(1), 1–21.

Divergence in Moral Reasoning about Sport and Everyday Life

By Brenda Jo Bredemeier and David L. Shields. 1984. Sociology of Sport Journal, 1(4), 348–357.

Racial Relations Theories and Sport: Suggestions for a More Critical Analysis

By Susan Birrell. 1989. Sociology of Sport Journal, 6(3), 212–227.

From Public Issue to Personal Trouble: Well-Being and the Fiscal Crisis of the State

By Alan G. Ingham. 1985. Sociology of Sport Journal, 2(1), 43–55.

The Relationship between Children’s Legitimacy Judgments and Their Moral Reasoning, Aggression Tendencies, and Sport Involvement

By Brenda Jo Bredemeier, Maureen R. Weiss, David L. Shields, and Bruce A.B. Cooper. 1987. Sociology of Sport Journal, 4(1), 48–60.

Work Routines in Newspaper Sports Departments and the Coverage of Women’s Sports

By Nancy Theberge and Alan Cronk. 1986. Sociology of Sport Journal, 3(3), 195–203.


Positive Deviance Among Athletes: The Implications of Overconformity to the Sport Ethic

By  Robert Hughes and Jay Coakley. 1991. Sociology of Sport Journal, 8(4), 307–325.

Firm but Shapely, Fit but Sexy, Strong but Thin: The Postmodern Aerobicizing Female Bodies

By Pirkko Markula. 1995. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(4), 424–453.

Burnout Among Adolescent Athletes: A Personal Failure or Social-Problem

By Jay Coakley. 1992. Sociology of Sport Journal, 9(3), 271–285.

Body Talk : Male-Athletes Reflect on Sport, Injury, and Pain

By  Kevin Young, Philip White, and William McTeer. 1994. Sociology of Sport Journal, 11(2), 175–194.

Fraternal Bonding in the Locker Room: A Profeminist Analysis of Talk About Competition and Women

By Timothy Jon Curry. 1991. Sociology of Sport Journal, 8(2), 119–135.

Sports Photographs and Sexual Difference: Images of Women and Men in the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games

By Margaret Carlisle Duncan. 1990. Sociology of Sport Journal, 7(1), 22–43.

Accepting the Risks of Pain and Injury in Sport: Mediated Cultural Influences on Playing Hurt

By Howard L. Nixon II. 1993. Sociology of Sport Journal, 10(2), 183–196.

Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance Through the Subculture of Skateboarding

By Becky Beal. 1995. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(3), 252–267.

Making Decisions: Gender and Sport Participation Among British Adolescents

By  Jay Coakley and Anita White. 1992. Sociology of Sport Journal, 9(1), 20–35.

Fanship and the Television Sports Viewing Experience

By  Walter Gantz and Lawrence A. Wenner. 1995. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(1), 56–74.


Autoethnography and Narratives of Self: Reflections on Criteria in Action

By Andrew C. Sparkes. 2000. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17(1), 21–43.

Power, Discourse, and Symbolic Violence in Professional Youth Soccer: The Case of Albion Football Club

By  Christopher Cushion and Robyn L. Jones. 2006. Sociology of Sport Journal, 23(2), 142–161.

New Writing Practices in Qualitative Research

By Laurel Richardson. 2000. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17(1), 5–20.

The Technologies of the Self: Sport, Feminism, and Foucault

By Pirkko Markula. 2003. Sociology of Sport Journal, 20(2), 87–107.

Female Fandom: Identity, Sexism, and Men's Professional Football in England

By Katharine W. Jones. 2008. Sociology of Sport Journal, 25(4), 516–537.

"An Eye for Talent": Talent Identification and the "Practical Sense" of Top-Level Soccer Coaches

By Mette Krogh Christensen. 2009. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26(3), 365–382.

Bourdieu, Feminism and Female Physical Culture: Gender Reflexivity and the Habitus-Field Complex

By Holly Thorpe. 2009. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26(4), 491–516.

"Just Do It?": Consumption, Commitment, and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture

By Belinda Wheaton. 2000. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17(3), 254–274.

No Pain Is Sane After All: A Foucauldian Analysis Of Masculinities and Men's Experiences in Rugby

By  Richard Pringle and Pirkko Markula. 2005. Sociology of Sport Journal, 22(4), 472–497.

Rethinking the Relationships Between Sport and Race in American Culture: Golden Ghettos and Contested Terrain

By Douglas Hartmann. 2000. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17(3), 229–253.


Power, Politics and "Sport for Development and Peace": Investigating the Utility of Sport for International Development

By Simon C. Darnell. 2010. Sociology of Sport Journal, 27(1), 54–75

Feeling Second Best: Elite Women Coaches' Experiences

By Leanne Norman. 2010. Sociology of Sport Journal, 27(1), 89–104

It's Not About the Game: Don Imus, Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Media

By Cheryl Cooky, Faye L. Wachs, Michael Messner, and Shari L. Dworkin. 2010. Sociology of Sport Journal, 27(2), 139–159

Foucault in Leotards: Corporeal Discipline in Women's Artistic Gymnastics

By Natalie Barker-Ruchti and Richard Tinning. 2010. Sociology of Sport Journal, 27(3), 229–250

Toward a Physical Cultural Studies

By Michael L. Silk and David L. Andrews. 2011. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28(1), 4–35

What is this "Physical" in Physical Cultural Studies

By Michael D. Giardina and Joshua I. Newman. 2011. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28(1), 36–63

Gender Ideologies, Youth Sports, and the Production of Soft Essentialism

By Michael Messner. 2011. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28(2), 151–170

That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore: Racial Microaggressions, Color-Blind Ideology and the Mitigation of Racism in English Men's First-Class Cricket

By Daniel Burdsey. 2011. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28(3), 261–283

The Birth of the Obesity Clinic: Confessions of the Flesh, Biopedagogies and Physical Culture

By Geneviève Rail. 2012. Sociology of Sport Journal, 29(2), 227–253

Sporting Spinal Cord Injuries, Social Relations, and Rehabilitation Narratives: An Ethnographic Creative Non-Fiction of Becoming Disabled Through Sport

By Brett Smith. 2013. Sociology of Sport Journal, 30(2), 132–152

SSJ 2023 JIF: 2.0Published four times a year (March, June, September, December), the Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. Analyses from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives are encouraged to stimulate further research, critical thought, and theory development on topics ranging in broad scope from global professional sport, coaching, commercial exercise/fitness, and recreational physical activity. The journal publishes an array of peer-reviewed research articles, research notes, and book reviews. Members of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) receive SSJ as part of their membership.


The purpose of the Sociology of Sport Journal is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical papers; book reviews; and critical essays. Analyses of sport and physical culture from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives are encouraged. Submissions concerned with sport and physical culture as related to race, class, gender, sexuality, popular media, political economy, globalization, technology, and youth culture are especially welcome.


Cheryl Cooky, PhD
Purdue University, USA

Editors Emeriti

Jay Coakley (Founding Editor: 1984–1989)
Peter Donnelly (1990–1994)
Cynthia Hasbrook (1995–1998)
Christopher Stevenson (1999–2001)
Nancy Theberge (2002–2004)
Annelies Knoppers (2005–2008)
Pirkko Markula (2009–2011)
Michael Atkinson (2012–2014)
Michael D. Giardina (2015–2020)

Associate Editors

Andrea Bundon
University of British Columbia, Canada

Joseph Cooper
University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA

Audrey Giles
University of Ottawa, Canada

Shannon Jette
University of Maryland, USA

Brad Millington
Brock University, Canada

Interim Book Review Editor

Cheryl Cooky
Purdue University, USA

Editorial Board

Sine Agergaard, Aalborg University, Denmark

Adam Ali, Western University, Canada

Kristi Allain, St. Thomas University, Canada

Shaonta’ Allen, Dartmouth, USA

Daniel Anorve, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico

Dunja Antunovic, University of Minnesota, USA

Jules Boykoff, Pacific University, USA

Scott Brooks, Arizona State University, USA

Tarlan Chahardovali, University of South Carolina, USA

Jim Cherrington, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Yeomi Choi, University of Lethbridge, Canada

Roxane Coche, University of Florida, USA

Chris Corr, Clemson University, USA

Sayvon Foster, University of Kansas, USA

Kirsten Hextrum, Oregon State University, USA

Lauren Hindman, Hofstra University, USA

Ajhanai Keaton, University of Louisville, USA

Yannick Kluch, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

Chris Knoester, Ohio State University, USA

Judy Liao, University of Alberta, Canada

Alex Manning, Yale University, USA

Chris McLeod, University of Florida, USA

Mitch McSweeney, University of Minnesota, USA

Rob Millington, Brock University, Canada

Mark Norman, St. Francis Xavier University

Moss Norman, University of British Columbia, Canada

Ezinne Ofoegbu, Santa Clara University, USA

Vincent Peña, DePaul University, USA

Stacey Pope, Durham University, UK

Anna Posbergh, Florida State University, USA

Ben Powis, Bournemouth University, UK

Tatiana Ryba, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Daniel Sailofsky, University of Toronto, Canada

Bárbara Schausteck de Almeida, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil

Rochelle Stewart-Withers, Massey University, New Zealand

Courtney Szto, Queens University, Canada

Minhyeok Tak, Loughborough University, UK

Sarah Teetzel, University of Manitoba, Canada

Nicola de Martini Ugolotti, Bournemouth University, UK

Anthony Weems, Coastal Carolina University, USA

Meredith Whitley, Adelphi University, USA

Grace Yan, University of South Carolina, USA

Human Kinetics Staff
Tammy Miller, Senior Journals Managing Editor

Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Authors must submit their manuscripts through the journal’s ScholarOne online submission system. To submit, click the button below:

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  • Discounted price for NASSS members $1,000

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  • Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license $2,250
  • Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license $2,450
  • Creative Commons CC-BY license $2,950

Manuscript Guidelines

All Human Kinetics journals require that authors follow our manuscript guidelines in regards to use of copyrighted material, human and animal rights, and conflicts of interest as specified in the following link:

The Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) publishes theoretical and empirical work, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, and the (physically active) body. Papers submitted to this journal should not be published elsewhere. If an author uses the same data in previously submitted work, then the author should describe in a cover letter how the current paper is significantly different from other submissions or articles. Submissions should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.

The editorial staff for SSJ consists of the editor, two associate editors, and the past editor. Each paper is initially reviewed by the editor. If its content is deemed to be congruent with the mission of SSJ, the paper will be assigned to one of the editorial staff who will then send it to referees for anonymous peer review. The review process usually takes 10 weeks. The editor will decide, based on the reviewers’ and associate editor's recommendations, whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised, or rejected. Manuscripts will be evaluated in terms of relevance to the sociocultural studies of sport and physical activity, theoretical contribution, methodological appropriateness, clarity and thoroughness of data analysis, and presentation of results and discussion/conclusion.

All manuscripts must be preceded by an abstract of 75–125 words typed on a separate page. Manuscripts should be double-spaced including the abstract, block quotations, endnotes, references, and tables. The length of submitted Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, references and endnotes included. Articles that are longer might be returned to the authors for shortening. Research Notes should be succinct presentations of contemporary and important sociological issues in sport and physical culture. Research Notes may present preliminary analyses and/or exploratory findings, methodological considerations for data collection and analysis, and/or development of a theoretical point or model. The empirical findings and/or theoretical developments must be explained and documented concisely between 3,000 and 4,000 words, references and endnotes included.

For both Articles and Research Notes, authors should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020) guidelines for journal article style. Endnotes should be limited in number (all important information should be included in the text of the article).

Because an anonymous review process is used to evaluate manuscripts, all clues to the identity of the author must be eliminated throughout the manuscript. Make sure that all references to the author and to other publications by the author are referenced as “author” and not by name. The reference list should not include these references. The first page of the manuscript should not include author names or affiliations, but it should include the title of the paper and the date of submission.

All art must be professionally prepared, with clean, crisp lines, and be camera-ready; freehand or typewritten lettering will not be accepted. If photos are used, they should be black and white, clear, and show good contrast. Each figure and photo must be properly identified. In graphs, use black and white only, no shading or color. Keep labels proportionate with the size of the figures on the journal page. Digital images should be 300 dpi at full size for photos and 600 dpi for line art. Format tables in the table function of your word-processing program rather than aligning columns in text with tabs and spaces or using text boxes. See our figure guidelines resource for additional information.

Specific Guidelines for Book Reviews

The Sociology of Sport Journal is committed to publishing reviews of recent books that contribute to the sociology of sport or related fields. In most cases, reviews will be solicited by the Book Review Editor. Scholars who are interested in reviewing for the journal should contact the Book Review Editor to indicate their areas of expertise. The interim editor is Dr. Cheryl Cooky (

Review Format

Book review authors should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020) guidelines for journal article style. Endnotes should be limited in number (all important information should be included in the text of the article). Avoid footnotes. Keep references to a minimum. Check for the correct spelling of proper names. Check quotations for accuracy and make sure to provide page numbers for quotes. Reviews should be approximately 1,500 to 1,800 words. The text, including quotes and bibliographic information, should be double-spaced.

Bibliographic information for the book should be placed at the top of the review in the following format:

Title By Author(s). Publisher, year of publication, location of publisher.
Reviewed by: Reviewer, institutional affiliation, location.

For example:

Body Panic: Gender, Health and the Selling of Fitness By Shari Dworkin and Faye Wachs. New York University Press, 2009, New York, NY.
Reviewed by: Cheryl Cooky, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Review Content

A good review provides description and analysis and attempts to situate a book in a larger context. You should describe the author’s central argument, intent, or goal and the author’s approach to the subject. Please avoid a chapter-by-chapter listing of themes. You might want to contextualize the text by situating it in relationship to the author’s previous works, to debates in the broader culture, or to relevant literature. Your analysis of the book could include a discussion of what makes it unique, its strengths and weaknesses, the implications of its arguments, and/or its relationship to other texts. You could also comment on the book’s potential impact on the field or on a specific area of study, theoretical approach, or methodology. Illustrate your points with examples from the text. First-time reviewers are encouraged to read reviews that have appeared in past issues of the journal.

Editorial Process

The submission of a review confirms that the review has not and will not appear elsewhere in published form. Book reviews will be received and edited by the Book Review Editor. Reviewers should note that the solicitation of a book review or the submission of an unsolicited review does not guarantee publication in the Sociology of Sport Journal. Reviewers may be asked by the Book Review Editor to revise their reviews. The Book Review Editor makes recommendations for acceptance of reviews to the Editor of the journal. The Editor makes all final decisions about what will appear in the journal.

Specific Guidelines for Special Issues

The following guidelines are intended to help scholars prepare a special issue proposal. In no more than four pages author(s) should address the following questions using the headings provided.

1. Synopsis

  • In 150 words or less, what is your special issue about? Important: Be sure to include its main themes and objectives.

2. Rationale

  • What are you proposing to do differently/more innovatively/better than has already been done on the topic (in SSJ specifically, as well as in the field more generally)?
  • Why is now the time for a special issue on this topic?
  • Why is SSJ the most appropriate venue for this topic?
  • What are the main competing works on the topic (e.g., edited books, other special issues)?

3. Qualifications

  • Why are you the right person(s) to edit a special issue on this topic? Why are you an expert in this area? What have you previously written on the topic?
  • Have you edited/co-edited a special issue before? If yes, please give the citation(s).
  • Have you edited/co-edited a book before? If yes, please give the citation(s).
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  • Please provide your vitae.

4. Timeline

  • Given that it takes approximately 12 months to complete a special issue, please provide a detailed timeline including estimated dates or time frames for the following steps: (a) Call for papers, (b) Submission deadline, (c) Review process, (d) Revision process, (e) Copyediting, (f) Final editing and approval from SSJ editor, (g) Completion and submission to Human Kinetics

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SSJ Article of Year Award


This award is presented by the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport to the author(s) of the best article published in SSJ from the previous calendar year.


2024: Indigenous Youth (Non)Participation in Euro-Canadian Sport: Applying Theories of Refusal

By Jessica R. Nachman, Lyndsay M.C. Hayhurst, Audrey R. Giles, Rochelle Stewart-Withers, and Daniel A. Henhawk

2023: Awakening to Elsewheres: Collectively Restorying Embodied Experiences of (Be)longing

By Tricia McGuire-Adams, Janelle Joseph, Danielle Peers, Lindsay Eales, William Bridel, Chen Chen, Evelyn Hamdon, and Bethan Kingsley

2022: The Nature of the Body in Sport and Physical Culture: From Bodies and Environments to Ecological Embodiment

By Samantha King and Gavin Weedon

2021: “Where I’m From”: Jay-Z’s “Hip Hop Cosmopolitanism,” Basketball, and the Neoliberal Politics of Urban Space

By Thomas P. Oates

2020: Indigenous Gender Reformations: Physical Culture, Settler Colonialism and the Politics of Containment

By Moss Norman, Michael Hart, and LeAnne Petherick

2019: Educating Parents of Children in Sport About Abuse Using Narrative Pedagogy

By Jenny McMahon, Camilla J. Knight, and Kerry R. McGannon

2018: "We Cannot Stand Idly By”: A Necessary Call for a Public Sociology of Sport

By Cheryl Cooky

2017: Athletic Women’s Experiences of Amenorrhea: Biomedical Technologies, Somatic Ethics and Embodied Subjectivities

By Holly Thorpe

2016: “It’s Recovery United for Me”: Promises and Pitfalls of Football as Part of Mental Health Recovery

By Jonathon Magee, Ramón Spaaij, and Ruth Jeanes

2015: “When Is a Drug Not a Drug? Troubling Silences and Unsettling Painkillers in the National Football League

By Samantha King, R. Scott Carey, Naila Jinnah, Rob Millington, Andrea Phillipson, Carolyn Prouse, and Matt Ventresca

2014: Translation With Abusive Fidelity: Methodological Issues in Translating Media Texts About Korean LPGA Players

By Kyoung-Yim Kim

2013: Corporate Nationalism and Globalization of Nike Advertising in “Asia”: Production and Representation Practice of Cultural Intermediaries

By Koji Kobayashi

2012: Gender Ideologies, Youth Sports and the Production of Soft Essentialism

By Michael A. Messner

2011: Danny Almonte: Discursive Construction(s) of (Im)migrant Citizenship in Neoliberal America

Ryan King-White

2010: New Media and the Repackaging of NFL Fandom

By Thomas Patrick Oates

2009: What's Queer about (Queer) Sport Sociology Now? A Review Essay

By Samantha King

2008: A Governmental Analysis of Children "At Risk" in a World of Physical Inactivity and Obesity Epidemics

By Lisa McDermott

2007: (Un)Disciplined Bodies: A Foucauldian Analysis of Women's Rugby

By Laura Frances Chase

2006: Athletes as Agents of Change: An Examination of Shifting Race Relations Within Women's Netball in Post-Apartheid South Africa

by Cynthia Fabrizio Pelak

2005: From Corporate Welfare to National Interest: Newspaper Analysis of the Public Subsidization of NHL Hockey Debate in Canada

By Jay Scherer and Steven J. Jackson

2004: Posthuman Podiums: Cyborg Narratives of Elite Track and Field Athletes

By Ted Butryn

2003: Mapping the Field of "AR": Adventure Racing and Bourdieu's Concept of Field

By Joanne Kay and Suzanne Laberge

2002: Together We're One? The “Place” of the Nation in Media Representations of the 1998 Kuala Lompur Commonwealth Games

By Michael Silk

2001: The Expendable Prolympic Self. Going Beyond the Boundaries of the Sociology of Sport

By Alan G. Ingham, Bryan J. Blissmer, and Kristen Wells Davidson

1999: Turning the Closets Inside/Out: Towards a Queer-Feminist Theory in Women's Physical Education

By Heather Sykes

1997: Networks: Producing Olympic Ice Hockey for a National Television Audience

By Margaret MacNeill

1995: Participation in High School Competitive Sports: A Subversion of School Mission or Contribution to Academic Goals?

By Naomi Fejgin

1993: Fraternal Bonding in the Locker Room: A Profeminist Analysis of Talk about Competition and Women

By Tim Curry

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2024 SSJ Article of the Year: Indigenous Youth (Non)Participation in Euro-Canadian Sport: Applying Theories of Refusal by Jessica R. Nachman, Lyndsay M.C. Hayhurst, Audrey R. Giles, Rochelle Stewart-Withers, and Daniel A. Henhawk. We would like to express our gratitude for this award. The foundation of this article was reading and building upon the works of Indigenous scholars (such as Audra Simpson) who speak to the ongoing struggle for Indigenous sovereignty in settler colonial states such as Canada and the United States. Such work, led by Indigenous scholars and activits, is crucial within our collective effort to refuse settler colonial knowledge reproduction within the field of sport sociology.

Congratulations! 2024 SSJ Early Career Researcher Award: Courtney Szto, Queens University, Kingston, ON, Canada. "Thank you to Dr. Barbara Ravel for her nomination and to all of those who have supported my academic journey thus far." Official journal of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport.

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