Indexed in: Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, APA PsycINFO, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar
Print ISSN: 0888-4781
Online ISSN: 1543-2793
2023 Impact Factor: 1.6
2023 CiteScore: 2.8
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Designed for educational and clinical psychologists, The Sport Psychologist (TSP) focuses on applied research and its application in providing psychological services to coaches and athletes. TSP publishes four issue per year (March, June, September, and December).
TSP is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. A special emphasis of the journal is on the delivery of psychological services to practitioners such as athletes and coaches. TSP is international in scope and is receptive to diverse methodologies. TSP is published for sport psychology specialists who engage in research, teaching, and/or intervention in a variety of contexts including academic, public, and private settings. The journal is also intended for practitioners such as coaches who have training and interest in sport psychology.
The journal is divided into the following sections:
Applied Research. This section includes research reports that focus directly upon application and practice in sport psychology. Case studies, field studies, and reports of evaluation research that examine the effectiveness of psychological interventions in sport are highly appropriate. Articles about methodological and measurement issues are welcomed, including those that examine and/or utilize qualitative and other emerging research methods. Also appropriate are articles that link psychological theory and research to application in sport psychology.
Professional Practice. This section includes articles that discuss current and relevant professional issues in sport psychology and that report unique sport psychology interventions in different contexts. Articles that describe approaches and methods of teaching psychological skills are also appropriate, as are articles that report experiential learning, introspective observations, and clinical observations.
Profiles. This section includes interviews with coaches, athletes, and sport psychologists. It also contains editorials that address issues in the field, as well as feature stories on sport psychology in various countries.
Bulletin Board. This section includes international news in sport psychology from various countries, professional organizations, and university or private programs. Announcements of upcoming events, reports from past conferences, and the identification of resources available for sport psychology specialists are also included.
Book and Resource Reviews. This section includes reviews of books and other resources (e.g., videotapes, audio tapes, computer software) that are of interest to researchers, practitioners, and instructors in sport psychology.
Sheldon Hanton, PhD
Professor of Sport Psychology
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Llandaff Campus
Western Avenue
Cardiff Metropolitan
United Kingdom
Daniel Gould (Founding Co-Editor: 1987–1991)
Glyn C. Roberts (Founding Co-Editor: 1987–1991)
Robin S. Vealey (1992–1995)
Graham Jones (1995–1996)
Peter Crocker (1997–2000)
Vikki Krane (2000–2004)
Ian Maynard (2005–2012)
Brendan Cropley
University of South Wales, UK
Eva V. Monsma
University of South Carolina, USA
Ross Roberts
Bangor University, UK
Dave Smith
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Rebecca Hembrough
England Golf, UK
Alan McKay
University of South Wales, UK
Lenny Wiersma
California State University, Fullerton, USA
Duarte Araújo, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Rosie Arthur, Queen Margaret's University, UK
Jamie Barker, Staffordshire University, UK
Mark Bruner, Nipissing University, Canada
Joanne Butt, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Krista Chandler, University of Windsor, Canada
Graig M. Chow, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jean Côté, Queen’s University, Canada
Robert Eklund, Florida State University, USA
Lynne Evans, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Mark Eys, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Scott Fleming, Bishop Grosseteste University, UK
Daniel Gould, Michigan State University, USA
Chris Harwood, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Laura Healy, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Denise M. Hill, Swansea University, UK
Ken Hodge, Otago University, New Zealand
Emma Kavanagh, Bournemouth University, UK
Masato Kawabata, Rikkyo University, Japan
Goran Kentta, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
Elsa Kristiansen, University College of Southeast Norway
Colin McLaren, Cape Breton University, Canada
Zella Moore, Manhattan College, USA
Sandra Moritz, University of North Dakota, USA
Artur Poczwardowski, University of Denver, USA
Alessandro Quartiroli, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse, USA
James Rumbold, University of Derby, UK
Robert Schinke, Laurentian University, Canada
Andrew C. Sparkes, Leeds Beckett University, UK
David Tod, Lancaster University, UK
Ross Wadey, St. Mary's University, UK
Robert S. Weinberg, Miami University, USA
Tim Woodman, Bangor University, UK
Julia Glahn, Senior Journals Managing Editor
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Manuscripts must not be submitted to another journal while they are under review by The Sport Psychologist nor should they have been previously published. Manuscripts are read by two reviewers, with the review process taking 8–12 weeks. Manuscripts will be evaluated in terms of topical relevance, theoretical and methodological adequacy, and clarity of explanation and analysis. Authors should be prepared to provide the data and/or research instrument(s) on which the manuscript is based for examination if requested by the editor. Comments from reviewers concerning manuscripts along with the editorial decision are made available to authors. When you submit, please make it clear in your cover letter if you wish to have your manuscript reviewed under Applied Research or Professional Practice. Please note that an anonymous review process is used to evaluate manuscripts. As such, any clues to the author’s identity should be eliminated from the manuscript. The first page of the manuscript must not include author names or affiliations, but it should include the title of the paper and the date of submission.
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Brief reports are limited to 7 pages. Importantly, both Applied Research and Professional Practice manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages, but for multistudy or in-depth qualitative material of extended scale and scope, pages may run to a maximum of 35 on the initial submission. The additional page allowance for longer manuscripts is at the editor’s discretion. Manuscripts will be judged according to their applied focus, contributions to knowledge, presentation of information, appropriateness of the discussion, interpretation of ideas, and clarity of writing. In addition, Applied Research articles will be judged on their methodology/design and data analysis. Authors are expected to have their raw data and descriptive statistics available throughout the editorial review process and are responsible for providing elaboration upon request.
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