Conversing about Ethics
Vikki Krane
Note from the Editor
Graham Jones
Note from the Publisher
Linda Bump
Editorial Comment
Edited by Robin S. Vealey
Editorial Comment
Edited by Robin S. Vealey
Editorial Comment
Edited by Glyn C. Roberts
Editorial Comment
Edited by Glyn Roberts and Wayne Halliwell
Editorial Comment
Edited by Glyn C. Roberts
Gaining Entry with Athletic Personnel for Season-Long Consulting
Kenneth Ravizza
Consulting issues that confront applied sport psychology personnel in gaining entry to working with athletic teams on a long-term basis are discussed. Barriers to entry are examined at the onset and it is emphasized that these obstacles must be overcome by all consultants. Strategies for overcoming such barriers include establishing respect and trust of key athletic personnel, gaining the head coach’s respect, knowing the sport, becoming knowledgeable of the coach’s orientation and team dynamics, gaining support at all levels of the organization, clarifying services to be provided, and making presentations to coaching staffs and athletes. Additional guidelines are discussed in an effort to better clarify the role of the applied sport psychology consultant. These include clarifying one’s own consulting needs, maintaining confidentiality, the need for open and honest communication, support demonstrated by coaches, and collecting research data while consulting.