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Relationships Among Baseline Concussion Balance Test and Gaze Stability Test Scores in Division-I Collegiate Athletes

Carolina P. Quintana, Anne D. Olson, Nicholas R. Heebner, and Matthew C. Hoch

Context: Sports-related concussions are commonly occurring injuries as a result of sports and recreation that may cause alterations in brain functioning. It is important to be able to evaluate the impact of these injuries on function to manage the injury recovery and ensure recovery. Recent literature suggests the use of objective evaluation strategies in a multifaceted approach to evaluate and manage these injuries. It is important to understand the relationships between the assessments and how best to utilize each assessment. The purpose of this study was to investigate if relationships exist between measures of vestibular function at baseline in assessments that may be used following sports-related concussions. Additionally, a secondary purpose was to determine if self-reported symptoms were related to performance on the assessments. This study aimed to identify if these assessments measured independent functions of the vestibulo–ocular reflex or if some redundancy existed among the assessment strategies. Design: A cross-sectional study design was used in a cohort of collegiate athletes ages 18–24. Methods: Participants completed demographics questionnaires, the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale, Gaze Stabilization Test, and Concussion Balance Test. Spearman rho correlations were used to examine the relationships between the measures. Results: One hundred and thirty-five collegiate athletes (82 males and 53 females) were included, representative of 3 sports (cheerleading, soccer, and football) with a mean age of 19.77 (1.42) years old. There were weak to moderate, significant relationships between measures of Gaze Stabilization Test and Concussion Balance Test errors (r = .20–.31, P = .001–.03). Conclusions: The direction of these relationships indicated that greater Concussion Balance Test errors were associated with greater Gaze Stabilization Test performance. These relationships may be attributed to the difficulty created by the foam conditions and the integration of more complex sensory tasks required to maintain balance during the more difficult conditions.

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Enlightenment on Knee Flexors Strength Loss in Cases of Posterior Knee Pain After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Marc Dauty, Bastien Louguet, Pierre Menu, Jérôme Grondin, Vincent Crenn, Pauline Daley, and Alban Fouasson-Chailloux

Context: The persistence and the recurrence of posterior medial knee pain (PKP) after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) using hamstring tendon graft are often overlooked during rehabilitation. Design: Cross-sectional observational study. Methods: The study aimed (1) to evaluate the prevalence of these types of PKP before 4 months post-ACLR, (2) to measure their consequences on the knee flexors strength, and (3) to evaluate the role of the type of ACLR. From a cohort of patients operated on with hamstring tendon procedures, the persistent and the recurrent PKP were sought at 4 months post-ACLR. The evolution of isokinetic muscle strength recovery in PKP subjects was compared with those of nonpainful subjects. The functional deficit was measured at 6/7 months post-ACLR by a hop test. Results: Three hundred seventeen subjects (25.8 [6.0] y) were included. At 4 months post-ACLR, 2 populations were identified based on the recurrent onset of PKP (PKP+, n = 40) or the absence of knee pain (PKP, n = 277). The prevalence of PKP was 8.3%. At the fourth month post-ACLR, the PKP+ group had a higher flexor strength deficit compared with the PKP group (limb symmetry index at 60°/s: 67.2% [12.4%] vs 84.3% [12.6%]; P < .05). At 6/7 months, the loss of strength persisted (limb symmetry index at 60°/s: 82.3% [13.4%] vs 87.7% [12.8%]; P < .05). The hop test deficit was comparable, and no difference was shown according to the type of graft. Conclusions: Persistent and recurrent PKP during the rehabilitation period were not uncommon and were associated with a worsening of flexors strength loss on the ACLR side.

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Humeral Torsion in Relation to Shoulder Range of Motion in Elite Field Hockey Players

Fran Vanderstukken, Valentien Spanhove, Ann Cools, and Dorien Borms

Context: Sport-specific adaptations in shoulder rotation range of motion (ROM) and the relationship with humeral torsion have been described in overhead-throwing sports. However, information is lacking for other shoulder-loading sports such as field hockey. Therefore, this study’s purpose was to evaluate humeral torsion in elite, male field hockey players and explore its association with shoulder ROM. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Twenty-five male, elite field hockey players were included. Humeral torsion and shoulder external and internal rotation ROM were evaluated bilaterally by ultrasound and an inclinometer smartphone application, respectively. Results: Field hockey players showed a significantly increased humeral retroversion on the dominant compared with the nondominant side (P < .001; Cohen d = 1.75), along with a significantly increased external (P = .004; Cohen d = −0.64) and decreased internal rotation ROM (P = .003; Cohen d = 0.65). This finding illustrates a shift in total shoulder rotational ROM arc. Correlation analysis showed a significant moderate association between the increased humeral retroversion and decreased internal rotation ROM on the dominant side (r = .523). Conclusions: Elite male field hockey athletes show sport-specific adaptations regarding humeral torsion and shoulder rotation ROM, similar to throwing athletes. These findings increase our insight into the field hockey athlete’s shoulder, which is essential to optimize performance and assist in correctly interpreting shoulder rotational ROM measurements.

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Voluntary Contraction of the Abdominal Muscles During Shoulder Exercises Increases Scapular Muscle Activation: A Critically Appraised Topic

Kubra Caylan Gurses, Ezgi Nur Can, Pinar Kuyulu Haksal, Birgul Dingirdan, and Gulcan Harput

Clinical Scenario: The fascial relationship between scapular muscles and abdominal muscles has been documented from previous studies. However, it is not yet clear whether voluntary abdominal contraction has a beneficial effect on scapular muscle activity during shoulder exercises. Clinical Question: Do scapulothoracic muscle activation levels increase if shoulder exercises are performed with voluntary abdominal activation? Summary of Key Finding: After the literature review, 4 cross-sectional studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this critically appraised topic. Clinical Bottom Line: There is moderate evidence to support dynamic shoulder exercises with voluntary abdominal contraction can increase trapezius and serratus anterior muscle activation level in asymptomatic shoulders. Strength and Recommendation: Findings from 4 cross-sectional trials indicate that there is moderate evidence supporting that dynamic shoulder exercises performed with voluntary abdominal contraction can increase scapular muscle activity.

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No Association Between Injury-Related Fear and Isokinetic Quadriceps Strength in Individuals With a History of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Caitlin Brinkman, Elaine Reiche, Francesca Genoese, Johanna Hoch, and Shelby Baez

Context: Injury-related fear and quadriceps strength are independently associated with secondary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. It is not known whether injury-related fear and quadriceps strength are associated, despite their individual predictive capabilities of secondary ACL injury. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between injury-related fear and quadriceps strength in individuals at least 1 year after ACL reconstruction (ACLR). Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Forty participants between the ages of 18 and 35 years at least 1 year post unilateral primary ACLR. Participants completed the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-11 (TSK-11) and a standard isokinetic quadriceps strength assessment using the Biodex Isokinetic Dynamometer. Pearson Product-Moment correlations were used to examine the linear association between the TSK-11 scores and peak torque (in nanometers per kilogram) for each limb and between the TSK-11 scores and limb symmetry indices for each limb. Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficients (r) were interpreted as very high (.90–1.00), high (.70–.90), moderate (.50–.70), low (.30–.50), and no correlation (.00–.30). Results: The average TSK-11 score was 18.2 (5.3), average ACLR peak quadriceps torque was 1.9 (0.50) N·m/kg, average contralateral peak quadriceps torque was 2.3 (0.48) N·m/kg, and average limb symmetry index was 85.3% (12.6%). There was no statistically significant correlation between the TSK-11 and peak quadriceps torque on the ACLR limb (r = .12, P = .46), the TSK-11 and contralateral limb (r = .29, P = .07), or the TSK-11 and limb symmetry index (r = –.18, P = .27). Conclusions: There was no association between kinesiophobia and peak isokinetic quadriceps strength in individuals at least 1 year post-ACLR. Both factors, independently, have been shown to influence risk of secondary injury in patients after ACLR.

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Effective Stretching Positions of the Piriformis Muscle Evaluated Using Shear Wave Elastography

Hikari Itsuda, Masahide Yagi, Ko Yanase, Jun Umehara, Hiyu Mukai, and Noriaki Ichihashi

Context: Piriformis syndrome is often associated with muscle spasms and shortening of the piriformis muscle (PM). Physical therapy, including static stretching of the PM, is one of the treatments for this syndrome. However, the effective stretching position of the PM is unclear in vivo. This study aimed to determine the effective stretching positions of the PM using ultrasonic shear wave elastography. Design: Observational study. Methods: Twenty-one healthy young men (22.7 [2.4] y) participated in this study. The shear elastic modulus of the PM was measured at 12 stretching positions using shear wave elastography. Three of the 12 positions were tested with maximum internal rotation at 0°, 20°, or 40° hip adduction in 90° hip flexion. Nine of the 12 positions were tested with maximum external rotation at positions combined with 3 hip-flexion angles (70°, 90°, and 110°) and 3 hip-adduction angles (0°, 20°, and 40°). Results: The shear elastic modulus of the PM was significantly higher in the order of 40°, 20°, and 0° of adduction and higher in external rotation than in internal rotation. The shear elastic modulus of the PM was significantly greater in combined 110° hip flexion and 40° adduction with maximum external rotation than in all other positions. Conclusion: This study revealed that the position in which the PM was most stretched was maximum external rotation with 110° hip flexion and 40° hip adduction.

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Preoperative Rehabilitation Enhances Mental and Physical Well-Being in Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Injured Individuals: A Mixed Methods Study

Antoine Frouin, Nina Desfontaines, Lilian Lacourpaille, Antoine Nordez, and Guillaume Le Sant

Context: Rehabilitation after an anterior cruciate ligament injury is recommended to be started soon after the injury. When surgery is required, research supports the delivery of physiotherapy before anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (prehabilitation) to optimize recovery and positive outcomes. Individuals attending prehabilitation have never been questioned regarding their adherence to prehabilitation, perception of utility in meeting needs, upcoming events, or anticipated recovery goals. Design: Mixed methods cross-sectional study: Methods: 25 individuals before anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (43% of eligible individuals from 12 clinics during the delivery period) were surveyed on their mindset and recovery expectancies. Semistructured interviews conducted in 9 of 25 participants assessed their lived experience of prehabilitation. Results: Participants reported that preventing a reinjury (96% of responses) and feeling confident during daily activities about their knee (92%) were the higher rating expectations at this stage of their treatment course. Three themes were developed from the interviews and analyses. (1) Participants reported that prehabilitation was a period full of challenges with memories of the injury and uncertainties. (2) They viewed prehabilitation as a step to move forward by finding support and self-motivating. (3) They believed that prehabilitation would have positive impacts on the treatment outcomes. Participants were confident that prehabilitation would accelerate the recovery of muscle volume (88%) and strength (84%). Conclusion: Participants had positive experiences of prehabilitation, aligning with the findings on functional outcomes in the existing literature on prehabilitation.

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Validity and Reliability of Handheld Dynamometry to Assess Isometric Hamstrings and Quadriceps Strength at Varying Muscle Lengths

Margaux Baron, Gilles Divernois, Benoît Grandjean, and Kenny Guex

Context: The hamstrings are the most commonly injured muscle in sports and are especially injury prone in lengthened positions. Measuring knee muscle strength in such positions could be relevant to establish injury risk. Handheld dynamometry has been shown to be a valid, reliable, and practical tool to measure isometric muscle strength clinically. The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the assessment of isometric knee muscle strength with a handheld dynamometer (HHD) at various muscle lengths, by modifying the hip and knee angles during testing. Design: Concurrent validity and test–retest reliability. Methods: Thirty young healthy participants were recruited. Hamstring and quadriceps isometric strength was measured with a HHD and with an isokinetic dynamometer, over 2 testing sessions, in a randomized order. Isometric strength was measured on the right lower limb in 6 different positions, with the hip at either 0° or 80° of flexion and the knee at either 30°, 60°, or 90° of flexion. Pearson and Spearman correlations were used to assess the validity, and intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated to establish the test–retest reliability of the HHD. Results: Good to excellent reliability and moderate to high validity were found in all the tested muscle length positions, except for the hamstrings in a seated position with the knee extended at 30°. Conclusions: The use of a HHD is supported in the clinical setting to measure knee muscle strength at varying muscle lengths in healthy adults, but not for the hamstrings in a lengthened position (hip flexed and knee extended). These results will have to be confirmed in sport-specific populations.

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Anterior–Posterior Center of Pressure Is Associated With Knee Extensor Moment During Landing After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Masato Chijimatsu, Rui Henmi, Hiroko Yokoyama, Yuka Kimura, Yasuyuki Ishibashi, and Eiichi Tsuda

Context: A reduced knee extensor moment (KEM) in the involved limb and asymmetry in the KEM during landing tasks are observed after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). There is limited information about the association of kinetic and kinematic parameters with the KEM during landing after ACLR. This study investigated the association of the anterior–posterior center of pressure (AP-COP) position, vertical ground reaction force (VGRF), and lower limb joint angles with the KEM during landing in female athletes following ACLR. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Twenty-two female athletes who underwent ACLR performed a drop vertical jump at 7.9 (1.7) months after surgery. We evaluated the KEM, AP-COP position, VGRF, and sagittal plane hip, knee, and ankle angles using a 3-dimensional motion analysis system with force plates. Results: The peak KEM in the involved limb was significantly smaller than that in the uninvolved limb during landing (1.43 [0.33] N·m/kg/m vs 1.84 [0.41] Nm/kg/m, P = .001). The VGRF in the involved limb was significantly smaller than that in the uninvolved limb (11.9 [2.3] N/kg vs 14.6 [3.5] N/kg, P = .005). The limb symmetry index of the KEM was predicted by that of the VGRF (P < .001, R 2 = .621, β = 0.800). The KEM was predicted by the AP-COP position in the involved limb (P = .015, R 2 = .227, β = 0.513) and by the VGRF in the uninvolved limb (P = .018, R 2 = .213, β = 0.500). No significant correlation was noted between the KEM and the lower limb joint angles. Conclusions: The AP-COP position and VGRF were associated with the KEM during landing. Evaluating the VGRF and AP-COP position, not the lower limb joint angles, may contribute to understanding the KEM during double-leg landing after ACLR in the clinical setting.

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Kinesiotaping Is Not Better Than a Placebo: Kinesiotaping for Postural Control in Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Reconstructed Patients—A Randomized Controlled Trial

Salman Nazary-Moghadam, Zahra Abbasi, Reyhaneh Sekandari, Amin Razi, Afsaneh Zeinalzadeh, Somayyeh Rostami, and Mohammad Hossein Khabbaz Kababi

Objective: The primary aim of this study was to investigate the immediate and delayed effects of kinesiotape (KT) on postural control and patient-reported outcome measures under challenging conditions in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions. Methods: Thirty-two anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed patients for whom 6 months had passed since their operation were randomly assigned to either the KT (n = 16, aged 21.8 [5.5] y) or the placebo KT (n = 16, aged 24.0 [5.1] y) groups. Initially, both groups stood barefoot on a force platform while performing postural tasks in 4 randomized conditions (eyes open, eyes closed, cognitive task, and foam). Before the experiment, patients would bring the 4 conditions, which were written on folded papers, one by one, and in this way, the order of conditions for the examiners was determined. The patients’ evaluations were conducted immediately and 48 hours after KT application. Postural control measures, with area and displacement of the center of pressure (CoP) in anterior–posterior and medial–lateral directions, and mean total velocity displacement of CoP (MVELO CoP) served as dependent variables. In addition, the International Knee Documentation Committee score was measured pretreatment and 48 hours posttreatment. Results: Significant group-by-time interactions were observed for displacement of COP in medial–lateral direction (P = .002) and MVELO CoP (P = .034). MVELO CoP significantly decreased (mean difference = 0.60, P = .009) immediately after KT application compared with preapplication measures. In the placebo group, a statistically significant decrease in MVELO CoP (mean difference = 0.869, P = .001) was observed at 48 hours post-KT compared with preapplication values. International Knee Documentation Committee scores significantly improved at 48 hours post-KT application in both groups (P < .05). Conclusions: Though observed at different time points, both KT (immediately after the intervention) and placebo KT (48 h after the intervention) were found to improve postural control measures. It appears that the changes in postural control may be more related to proprioceptive enhancement due to KT rather than the specific KT pattern.