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Volume 41 (2024): Issue 4 (Oct 2024)

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Examining the Effects of a 24-Week Exercise Program on Functional Capacity, Cognitive Capacity, and Quality of Life in Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Miguel Jacinto, Raul Antunes, Diogo Monteiro, Filipe Rodrigues, Nuno Amaro, Maria João Campos, José Pedro Ferreira, and Rui Matos

This study investigated the effects of two physical exercise programs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Twenty-one participants were assigned to an indoor group (IG, n = 7; 24-week gym intervention with machine), an outdoor group (OG, n = 7; 24-week outdoor intervention with low-cost materials) or a control group. The outcomes assessed included quality of life, dementia, and functional capacity. The IG significantly improved physical well-being compared with the control group (p = .017). There were no significant differences in dementia score between groups and moments. Postintervention, the IG showed improvements compared with the control group for the 30-s sit-to-stand test (p = .03), timed up-and-go (p = .00), and 6-min-walk test (p = .033) and between moments in the IG for 30-s sit-to-stand test (pre ≠ post; p = .007) and 6-min-walk test (pre ≠ post; p = .007). Outdoor interventions appeared effective for physical well-being, while indoor interventions using weight-training machines benefited functional capacity. No significant effects were observed for dementia/cognitive decline.

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APAQ at Forty: Publication Trends

Jeffrey J. Martin

The purpose of the present study was to analyze Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (APAQ) publications over the journal’s fourth decade (2014–2023) and compare them with previous documentary analyses of the first 3 decades. Consistent with prior documentary analyses, publications were coded and analyzed based on the use of theory, research participants, topic, whether the study was an intervention, first-author country affiliation, and research method. The total number of published research papers increased substantially (n = 61) from the third to the fourth decade. Similar to prior documentary analyses, most of the research was quantitative (n = 140; 57.5%), followed by qualitative research (n = 96; 39.5%). There were far more qualitative-research publications in the fourth decade compared with the third decade (n = 34). This may reflect the continued acceptance and growth of qualitative research compared with 10–20 years ago. It may also reflect the value of rich in-depth exploratory research using small samples. Additional trends included more review papers and meta-analyses, possibly reflecting the increased knowledge base in particular areas requiring synthesis. The diversity of topics also increased, with papers on dignity, classification, coaching, and the Paralympics playing more prominent roles. The number of international publications also grew substantially. In brief, the current paper outlines both similarities and differences in APAQ’s published research over the 4 decades of its existence.

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Socialization Into and Through Doctoral Programs in Adapted Physical Activity

Paul R. Malinowski, Wesley J. Wilson, Paul H. Warner, Alyssa M. Trad, Peter Rifenburg, and Kevin Andrew Richards

This study examined doctoral students’ occupational socialization experiences in U.S. adapted physical activity doctoral programs. Twenty-eight doctoral students were recruited and participated in semistructured, in-depth interviews. Interview transcripts were analyzed through a collaborative qualitative analysis, which resulted in the construction of four themes: (a) early socialization experiences foster a positive, but limited impression of physical education and physical activity; (b) doctoral education is pursued to have a greater impact on the disability community; (c) relationships with socializing agents provide support during doctoral education; and (d) coursework and learning in the community facilitate preparation for faculty roles. The findings indicate that there are several similarities between doctoral students and their peers in other doctoral degree programs. Some of these similarities point to issues that may concern prospective doctoral students and faculty members in adapted physical activity terminal degree programs.

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Reflexivity and Change in Adaptive Physical Activity

David Adams

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Evaluating the Impact of Seated Pilates on Functional Outcomes Among Those With Mild, Moderate, and Severe Multiple Sclerosis Impairment: A Pilot Feasibility Trial

Brynn Adamson, Keston G. Lindsay, Layla Almasri, Meghann Koppele Duffy, Stacy Kirkpatrick, and Manuel E. Hernandez

This pilot study assessed the feasibility and functional benefits of a twice-weekly, 12-week, virtual, seated, group-based Pilates program in persons with mild to severe multiple sclerosis (MS). Participants were randomized into either a Pilates-only group or a Pilates group, which also incorporated hip and shoulder-cuff activation exercises. Process, management, and scientific-feasibility metrics were analyzed descriptively. Functional outcomes, physical activity, and MS-related outcomes (impact, fatigue, and quality of life) were measured pre- and postintervention and analyzed using mixed-effects models, analysis of variance, and cluster analysis. Twenty-two participants completed baseline testing. Sixteen completed the intervention and postintervention testing. Collapsed across groups, analyses demonstrated improvements in the Timed 25-Foot Walk (36%), Timed Up-and-Go (13%), and the Berg Balance Scale (10%, statistically significant). Neither between-groups differences nor physical activity or MS outcome changes were significant. Participants reported high satisfaction. Findings suggest that virtual, seated Pilates is feasible and may confer balance benefits to individuals with MS.

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Do Motor–Cognitive and Motor–Motor Dual-Task Training Differently Affect Dual-Task Interference in Individuals With Intellectual Disability?

Rihab Borji, Rym Baccouch, Rabeb Laatar, Sirine Falhi, Sonia Sahli, and Haithem Rebai

This study explored the effect of different dual-task (DT) training programs on DT interference in adults with intellectual disability. Center-of-pressure (CoP) mean velocity in single-task (ST) and cognitive-DT conditions and the Timed Up-and-Go Test (TUGT) during ST, cognitive-DT, and motor-DT conditions were assessed before and after intervention in a cognitive–motor training group, a motor–motor training group, and a control group. Before training, CoP mean velocity and TUGT time increased (p < .001) in DT compared with the ST condition. After training, the CoP mean velocity values remained unchanged (p = .07) in DT compared with the ST condition among the cognitive–motor training group. Furthermore, compared with the ST condition, no increase (p = 1) was reported in the TUGT time during the cognitive-DT condition for the cognitive–motor training group and during the motor-DT for the motor–motor training group (p = .12). The effect of DT training on DT interference depends on the training modality.

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Evaluating the Validity of Tests to Predict Sprint and Change of Direction Speed in Para-Athletes With Brain Impairments

Raul Reina, Emma M. Beckman, Mark J. Connick, Jemima G. Spathis, and Sean M. Tweedy

Maximum running speed is a performance determinant in para-athletics and cerebral palsy football. Sixty international para-athletes with brain impairments completed five activity-limitation tests (standing broad jump, four bounds for distance, split jumps, 10-m speed skip, and running in place) and two criterion tests (40-m sprint and modified agility test). The same three tests (standing broad jump, four bounds for distance, and 10-m speed skip) that correlated with running performance in nondisabled runners (.67 < r < −.82; p < .05; 75% of variance) also correlated in para-athletes with brain impairments (.41 < r <  −.62; p < .01; 55% of variance). Standing broad jump, four bounds for distance, split jumps, and running in place also correlated with change-of-direction speed (.43 < r <  −.63; p < .01; 58% of variance). Results indicate that methods of classification for para-athletics with nondisabled runners are also valid with para-athletes with brain impairments, and new sport-specific relationships were found for assessing the performance of rapid and short sprints toward different directions, specific of a team para-sport like cerebral palsy football.

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Volume 41 (2024): Issue 3 (Jul 2024)

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“I Found Comfort in Exercising”: Exploring Experiences With Exercise for Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Anusha V. Ramji, Eleanor J. Dommett, and Oliver R. Runswick

Little is known about how adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience exercise, resulting in a lack of recommendations for supporting this population. We aimed to explore how adults with ADHD experience exercise as a management tool before and after diagnosis and how and why individuals experience issues related to exercise dependence. Fifteen active adults with a diagnosis of ADHD participated in semistructured interviews. Three overarching themes were identified: (a) exercise as a necessity for ADHD, reflecting the need to exercise before a formal ADHD diagnosis, and use of exercise as a management tool postdiagnosis; (b) goals and achievements to live by, reflecting how exercise patterns revolved around a need to make progress toward targets; and (c) activity or exercise: a roller coaster journey, covering the ups and downs of exercise journeys. This article highlights the importance of exercise for adults to manage ADHD and how this can be encouraged and supported.