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Altered Hip Flexor and Extensor Activation During Progressive Inclined Walking in Individuals With Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome

Carson Halliwell, Derek Rutherford, Janice Moreside, Ivan Wong, and Rebecca Moyer

Context: Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) is a movement-related condition associated with pain and impaired function; yet the evidence for level ground walking hip biomechanics is limited and inconsistent. Challenging the hip with inclined walking for individuals with FAIS might be important for elucidating mechanically driven function loss and informing tailored rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of progressive inclined walking on sagittal hip biomechanics and hip flexor and extensor activity in individuals with FAIS. Design: Cross-sectional. Methods: Fourteen participants (7 individuals with FAIS and 7 asymptomatic individuals) underwent motion capture and electromyographic analysis during 3 treadmill walking conditions (0°/5°/10°). Statistical parametric mapping was used to compare the sagittal hip kinematic waveforms and hip flexor (rectus femoris) and extensor (gluteus maximus) waveforms between groups and walking conditions. Results: Hip flexion was significantly increased throughout the gait cycle in individuals with FAIS compared with asymptomatic individuals (P < .01) but was not dependent on incline. Rectus femoris activation was significantly increased throughout stance in individuals with FAIS compared with asymptomatic individuals (P < .01). Gluteus maximus activity significantly increased with progressive inclination in asymptomatic individuals (P < .01), with no significant change in activity for individuals with FAIS. Conclusions: Hip biomechanics and muscle activity during inclined walking mirrored that of arthrogenic muscle inhibition, highlighted by a prominent flexor role and lack of hip extensor activity in individuals with FAIS. Future research investigating discordant activity between hip flexors and extensors during complex functional tasks may help identify rehabilitation targets.

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Knowledge About Sleep, Sleep Hygiene, and Sleep Behaviors of Paralympic Athletes

Isadora Grade, Andrea M. Esteves, Fábio S. Lira, Camila S. Padilha, Eduardo Stieler, Valdênio Brandt, Samuel Silva, Thiago Lourenço, Marco T. de Mello, and Andressa Silva

Context: Understanding Paralympic athletes’ perspectives on the importance of sleep is the first step toward developing effective sleep hygiene (SH) strategies. We aim to describe and compare the knowledge about SH and sleep behaviors practiced by medalists and nonmedalists Paralympic athletes at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and between sexes (female vs male), identify whether the coaching staff encourages SH, and the perspective of these athletes on the importance of SH. Methods: 98 Paralympic athletes responded to the Sleep Beliefs Scale and the Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire-BR. Results: Medalists (68%) and nonmedalists (78%) Paralympic athletes had low knowledge about SH (60% vs 55%; P = .20), with no difference between groups. The Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire-BR score (48.7 [5.9]) for all Paralympic athletes (n = 98) indicated high practice of maladaptive sleep behaviors. Male athletes had significantly worse sleep behaviors than female athletes (49.1 [6.0] vs 39.5 [7.2]; P < .01) and less knowledge about behaviors that can affect sleep (64% vs 72%; P < .05), 26% of Paralympic athletes considered SH practices necessary, and the frequency of coaching staff encouraging SH was higher among medalists Paralympic athletes compared to nonmedalists athletes (29% vs 13%, P = .04). Conclusions: Most Paralympic athletes have inadequate sleep behaviors and knowledge about SH. There was no difference between knowledge about SH and sleep behaviors between medalists and nonmedalists Paralympic athletes, although medalists athletes were more encouraged to practice SH. Male Paralympic athletes had worse sleep behaviors and worse knowledge about SH than female athletes.

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Patient Perceptions of Psychological and Rehabilitation Experiences After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Qualitative Study

Megan Murray, Meredith Wekesser, J.D. DeFreese, Christopher Kuenze, Caitlin Brinkman, Daniel Gould, and Shelby Baez

Context: Over 80% of patients anticipate fully returning to sport (RTS) within 1 year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), but only one quarter of patients succeed. Although several factors influence the RTS process, this study focused on how psychological responses to injury, such as injury-related fear and self-determined motivation, help to explain variation in rehabilitation experiences. There is limited information about how these meaningful psychological responses to injury are connected to responses such as athlete burnout or how patient perceptions of these responses relate to rehabilitation. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how patient perceptions of injury-related fear, self-determined motivation, and athlete burnout influence individual psychological and rehabilitation experiences at 4 to 6 months post-ACLR. Design: Qualitative study. Methods: Eight patients (female = 4, age = 16.3 ± 1.9) between 4 and 6 months post-ACLR who injured their knee playing or training for sports were included in the study. Patients completed the Sport Motivation Scale-6, Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale 4, and Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-11 to measure self-determined motivation, athlete burnout, stress, and injury fear. These questionnaires collected descriptive data used to guide audio- and video-recorded semistructured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed in a 6-stage process of thematic analysis. Results: Thematic analysis revealed 3 themes related to how participants perceived their rehabilitation experiences: (1) acknowledging recurring struggles during recovery, (2) finding motivation to RTS and normal life, and (3) successfully navigating the recovery process. In particular, participants described the impact of positive shifts in their psychological perceptions at 4 to 6 months post-ACLR. Conclusions: Patients 4 to 6 months post-ACLR described how struggles during their recovery and rehabilitation experiences were improved by positive shifts in their psychological perceptions. Increasing positive psychological awareness within a supportive rehabilitation environment may improve rehabilitation experiences and RTS rates after ACLR.

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Return-to-Play With R2Play: Protocol for Evaluating Cross-Site Feasibility, Face Validity, and Content Validity of a Multidomain Concussion Assessment Tool for Youth

Shannon Scratch, Josh Shore, Danielle DuPlessis, Andrew Lovell, Andrea Hickling, Pavreet Gill, Kylie Mallory, Emily Lam, Fanny Hotze, Roger Zemek, Carolyn Emery, Kathryn Schneider, Michael Hutchison, Isabelle Gagnon, Jeffrey Caron, Nick Reed, and Elaine Biddiss

Context: Clinical concussion assessments do not typically simulate the speed or complexity of sport. Performance changes arising from combined physical, cognitive, and sensory demands of sport may thus remain undetected during rehabilitation. We developed R2Play, a multidomain return-to-play assessment tool for youth with concussions. R2Play involves levels and conditions that vary in physical, cognitive, and sensory load to simulate the multidomain demands of sport. Objectives: To explore cross-site feasibility, face validity, and content validity of R2Play by integrating quantitative and qualitative data. Methods: Convergent mixed-methods feasibility study. Five sites will each recruit 5 clinicians (total nc = 25) and 10 youth sport participants (ages 10–25 y) with a history of concussion in the previous year (total ny = 50). Feasibility will be evaluated using quantitative criteria for acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality, and integration, and qualitative investigated data from content analysis of postassessment interviews with youth and clinician participants. Face validity will be investigated in postassessment interviews. Content validity will be established through (1) changes in performance metrics (time to completion, errors, and heart rate) across R2Play levels, (2) youth-perceived physical and cognitive exertion for each level, and (3) overall clinician perceptions determined through postassessment interviews. Qualitative and quantitative data will be merged through joint display to identify areas of convergence, divergence, and complementarity, and to establish meta-inferences about feasibility, face validity, and content validity. Discussion: This study aims to demonstrate the face and content validity of R2Play, and its feasibility for cross-site implementation. Findings will guide further iteration of R2Play and establish the foundation for a larger multicenter validation study to establish the psychometric properties of R2Play. This work represents an important first step toward the implementation of an ecologically valid multidomain assessment tool designed to support a safe and efficient return-to-play after concussion, ultimately reducing the risk of recurrent concussion and subsequent injury.

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Markerless Kinematic Data in the Frontal Plane Contributions to Movement Quality in the Single-Leg Squat Test: A Comparison and Decision Tree Approach

Juhyun Park, Yongwook Kim, Sujin Kim, and Kyuenam Park

Objective: The aim of this study is to compare kinematic data of the frontal trunk, pelvis, knee, and summated angles (trunk plus knee) among categorized grades using the single-leg squat (SLS) test, to classify the SLS grade, and to investigate the association between the SLS grade and the frontal angles using smartphone-based markerless motion capture. Methods: Ninety-one participants were categorized into 3 grades (good, reduced, and poor) based on the quality of the SLS test. An automated pose estimation algorithm was employed to assess the frontal joint angles during SLS, which were captured by a single smartphone camera. Analysis of variance and a decision tree model using classification and regression tree analysis were utilized to investigate intergroup differences, classify the SLS grades, and identify associations between the SLS grade and frontal angles, respectively. Results: In the poor group, each frontal trunk, knee, and summated angle was significantly larger than in the good group. Classification and regression tree analysis showed that frontal knee and summated angles could classify the SLS grades with a 76.9% accuracy. Additionally, the classification and regression tree analysis established cutoff points for each frontal knee (11.34°) and summated angles (28.4°), which could be used in clinical practice to identify individuals who have a reduced or poor grade in the SLS test. Conclusions: The quality of SLS was found to be associated with interactions among frontal knee and summated angles. With an automated pose estimation algorithm, a single smartphone computer vision method can be utilized to compare and distinguish the quality of SLS movement for remote clinical and sports assessments.

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Volume 33 (2024): Issue 8 (Nov 2024)

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Comparing the Effects of Progressive Balance and Hip Strengthening Rehabilitation in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability

Ashley M.B. Suttmiller, Kelly R. Johnson, Sunghoon Chung, Vanessa M. Gruskiewicz, Niara N. Foreman, Matthew C. Reyes, and Ryan S. McCann

Context: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is associated with motor-behavioral and sensory-perceptual impairments, including reduced balance performance, hip strength, and ankle function, and increased disablement, and injury-related fear. Progressive balance training (BAL) and hip strengthening (HIP) can both improve balance and function, but their comparative effects are unknown. Our objective was to compare the effects of progressive BAL and HIP on balance, hip strength, and patient-reported outcomes in those with CAI. Methods: Forty-five individuals with CAI volunteered for this randomized control study. Participants were randomly allocated to BAL, HIP, and control (CON) groups (n = 15 per group). BAL and HIP each participated in 8-week interventions while CON did not. Participants’ involved limbs underwent testing of patient-reported outcomes (Foot and Ankle Ability Measure [FAAM-ADL, FAAM-S], modified Disablement in the Physically Active Scale [mDPA], Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-11 [TSK-11], Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire [FABQ], and Self-Efficacy of Balance Scale [SEBS]), Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), and isometric hip strength (extension [EXT], abduction [ABD], and external rotation [ER]) before and after the intervention. Multiple imputation was used for missing data. Multivariate repeated-measures analyses of variance analyzed effects of the interventions. Results: A significant group × time interaction existed for psychosocial outcomes (P = .008), but not for balance (P = .159), strength (P = .492), or ankle function and disability (P = .128). Time main effects existed for balance (P = .003), strength (P < .001), function and disability (P < .001), and psychosocial outcomes (P = .006). BAL significantly improved in SEBT, EXT, ABD, and all patient-reported outcomes. HIP significantly improved in EXT, ABD, ER, FAAM-S, mDPA, FABQ, and SEBS. Conclusions: Balance training and hip strengthening can both improve motor-behavioral and sensory-perceptual impairments in individuals with CAI; however, balance training remains the most effective option for clinicians.

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The Role of Social Support in Concussion Rehabilitation: A Prospective Mixed Methods Study of Canadian University Athletes’ Return to Sport

Carley B. Jewell, Jeffrey G. Caron, J. Paige Pope, and Scott Rathwell

Context: Social support is an important consideration during athletes’ rehabilitation following a concussion. Yet, its influence during the return-to-sport (RTS) strategy has been underexplored. Design: Concussed athletes’ experiences with social support during RTS were explored prospectively using an explanatory sequential mixed methods design. Methods: University rugby, basketball, and track and field athletes (N = 8) from a single Canadian institution, 19–23 years of age (mean = 20.63, SD = 1.51), completed concentric circles maps, the Perceived Available Support in Sport Questionnaire, and 2 semistructured interviews during their RTS. We analyzed concentric circles maps and questionnaire data descriptively and interview data using codebook thematic analysis. Results: Athletes identified 16 different social support agents. The 5 most important agents during RTS were athletic therapists, student therapists, head coaches, significant others, and teammates/friends. Significant others provided the most emotional (mean = 2.82, SD = 1.85) and esteem (mean = 2.63, SD = 1.85) support, and the athletic therapist (mean = 1.82, SD = 1.35) and head coaches (mean = 0.93, SD = 1.19) provided the most informational and tangible support. We generated 4 themes from athletes’ interviews: social support behaviors, contextual factors, concussion and RTS factors, and psychological readiness factors. Conclusions: The number of social support agents present, frequency of support types, and demonstration of support behaviors decreased across the concussion RTS strategy. Contextual (ie, toughness), concussion (ie, visibility), and RTS (ie, prognosis uncertainty) factors influenced athletes’ perceptions of social support agents’ support behaviors. Results add to our limited understanding of athletes’ social support during RTS following a concussion and suggest exploring the integration of behavior-specific (eg, checking in, providing reassurance, and demonstrating compassion) social support strategies to promote concussion rehabilitation and readiness to RTS.

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Factors Influencing Length of Care in Physical Therapy After Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion

Michael Karl, Daniele Fedonni, Christina L. Master, Kristy B. Arbogast, Elliot Greenberg, and James Wilkes

Context: Social determinants of health including insurance type, income, race, and ethnicity have been shown to influence the utilization of physical therapy and recovery after an orthopedic injury. The influence of social determinants of health on the utilization of physical therapy and recovery from concussion is not well understood. Design: Prospective observational registry study in a specialty concussion program. Methods: Patients diagnosed with a concussion using the Postconcussion Symptom Inventory and the visio-vestibular examination (VVE) who were also referred to physical therapy were included. The main outcomes of interest were the number of days from referral to initial physical therapy evaluation and the number of physical therapy visits completed. Information related to patients’ age, race, ethnicity, sex, insurance type, and Child Opportunity Index was extracted from the registry. Multivariate and univariate regressions were used to assess the associations of each sociodemographic characteristic with the outcomes. Results: A total of 341 patients diagnosed with concussion between January 2017 and December 2023 met inclusion criteria. The average age was 14.77, and 64% were female. Patients’ age, race, ethnicity, insurance type, and Child Opportunity Index were not associated with days to evaluation or length of care in physical therapy. Higher PCSI scores in children under 12 years (coefficient: 0.17, 95% CI, 0.06–0.29) and female sex (coefficient: 1.2, 95% CI, 0.26–2.1) were associated with a longer course of care in physical therapy. Patients with an abnormal VVE score had on average 2.1 more physical therapy visits than those with a normal VVE score (coefficient: 2.1, 95% CI, 0.73–3.5). Conclusions: Higher PCSI scores in children, female sex, and higher VVE scores in general predicted a longer course of care in physical therapy. Implementation of a clinical care pathway for concussion care using the PCSI and the VVE may be one strategy to help mitigate systemic factors that might otherwise negatively influence access to physical therapy.

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Epidemiological Study of Track-and-Field Meets On-Field Medical Care

Yosuke Hiroshige, Hodaka Watanabe, Shinji Tomiyama, and Hajime Kato

Background: Most epidemiological studies on track-and-field meets have been limited to the Olympics and world championships. These are meets in which only high-performance athletes participate at a certain time of the year. In contrast, epidemiological studies on athletes of various ages and across different seasons may provide health care providers with valuable insights into injury prevention and on-field medical care. The study aims to determine the trends and locations of injuries during track-and-field meets in athletes of various ages and seasons based on on-field medical care records. Methods: The number and incidence of injuries requiring on-field medical care during or after the event were obtained from 39 track-and-field meets. Injuries were defined as cases that required on-field medical care. The incidence was defined as the number of injuries per 1000 athlete exposures wherein 1 athlete exposure is the athlete’s participation in one event. We also recorded the number of injuries at each location and whether transportation to a medical station was required. Results: A total of 191 injuries were reported. This study identified a population with a high incidence of injury (middle- and long-distance events, combined events, and athletes over the age of 19), areas within the stadium where injuries were more likely to occur (finish line and first turn), and a high rate of transport to the medical station (approximately 70%); most of them were transported to wheelchairs. Conclusion: The results provide insights into the trends, locations, and transport of injured athletes during track-and-field meets. Professionals will better understand the injuries occurring during track-and-field meets and can improve the efficiency of on-field medical care activities. They will also assist organizers in track-and-field meets to improve the safety of their meet operations.