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From Fear to Resilience: A Scoping Review of Psychological Components in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation

Zaid Al Ta’ani, Omar Al Ta’ani, Ahmad Gabr, Mohammad Tanashat, Justin Lin Lee, Farah Al-Bitar, Jessica Lin Lee, and Yazan A. Al-Ajlouni

Context: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, prevalent in athletic contexts have profound physical and psychological impacts. Despite extensive research on the physiological aspects of ACL recovery, the psychological dimensions of this process have gained increased attention. This scoping review delves into the intricate landscape of psychological factors influencing ACL rehabilitation. Design: Scoping review. Methods: A literature search across multiple databases was conducted to identify relevant published studies that provide insight into the psychological aspects of ACL recovery. This search spanned various study designs, enabling a nuanced understanding of the psychological intricacies surrounding ACL recovery. Overall, a total of 1830 unique articles were screened, of which 66 were included in this review. Our findings are further contextualized through alignment with insights from prior reviews on similar themes. Through a comprehensive analysis of diverse literature, we explore 3 key themes: psychological challenges, current rehabilitation programs, and the integration of psychological support. Results: Psychological challenges emerged as a pervasive aspect of ACL rehabilitation, encompassing fear, anxiety, motivation, and depression. The nuanced emotional responses, particularly the fear of reinjury, impact treatment adherence and overall well-being. Contemporary rehabilitation programs revealed inconsistencies in incorporating psychological support, emphasizing the need for standardized, multidisciplinary approaches. The alignment with prior reviews in the literature reinforced the importance of psychological traits, such as knee self-efficacy, in predicting positive outcomes. Conclusion: This scoping review provides a comprehensive overview of psychological factors within ACL rehabilitation, highlighting the importance of tailored interventions and standardized approaches. The integration of multidisciplinary expertise emerges as crucial for optimizing patient outcomes. Our findings not only contribute to a nuanced understanding of psychological nuances in ACL rehabilitation but also offer valuable implications for clinical practice and policy development.

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Effects of Foam Rolling Prior to Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on Hamstring Flexibility and Thigh Skin Temperature

Sinem Yenil, Gamze Yalcinkaya Colak, and Seher Ozyurek

Context: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching (PNFS) is suggested to improve the range of motion and flexibility as an active warm-up. Recently, the foam rolling (FR) methods have also emerged as a passive warm-up. However, the combined effects of PNFS and FR are still unclear, and no reports have compared their effects using thermal imaging. This study investigated the acute effects of combining nonvibration FR (NVFR) and vibration FR (VFR) prior to PNFS, in comparison with PNFS alone, on hamstring flexibility and thigh skin temperature. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: Participants (n = 60) were randomly assigned to PNFS, NVFR + PNFS, VFR + PNFS, and control group (CG). Active knee-extension (AKE), sit and reach (SR) test, and thermal imaging were evaluated before (pre-int), immediately after (post-int), and 30-minutes after (post30-int) intervention. Results: All intervention groups had a significant increase at all time periods (P < .001) except the CG in terms of AKE and sit and reach test (P > .05). Combined (NVFR + PNFS/VFR + PNFS) groups had also a significant increase in the post30-int compared with pre-int and post-int values of thigh skin temperature (P < .001). Combined groups, over time, had the best post30-int effect on increasing skin temperature. The study found a significant interaction effect between interventions and time across several measurements (P < .05). Combined groups showed more significant improvements in AKE compared to CG at post-int (P < .05). There is a similar change in AKE, SR test, and skin temperatures between combined groups and PNFS alone at both post-int and post30-int (P < .05). Conclusions: These findings indicate that using FR, with or without vibration, before PNFS does not provide an additional benefit in improving hamstring flexibility and thigh skin temperatures compared with PNFS alone.

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Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire in Japanese: Adaptation and Validation Study

Yuka Tsukahara, Satoshi Kodama, Saaya Kikuchi, and Carly Day

Context: General screening methods for athletes are limited. This study aims to analyze the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the athlete sleep screening questionnaire. Methods: In total, 111 female collegiate athletes completed the initial test and retest. The independent variables included the kind of sports of the participants and their athletic level, grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior), and age. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and intraclass correlation coefficients. Athletes competing in team sports and individual sports were compared to evaluate for differences. Results: A total of 38.7% of athletes had moderate to severe sleep difficulty score. Their Cronbach’s alpha for test and retest were .34 and .44, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient indicated sufficient internal consistency and test–retest validity. The mean sleep difficulty scores were 7.0 (2.3) and 6.5 (2.1) for test and retest, but no significant difference was observed between the individual and team sport athletes. Results of multivariable regression analysis revealed that having sleep and performance issues during travel was related to sleep difficulty scores (Coef 1.44, P < .01). Conclusions: Athletes of all levels have sleep disorders. The Japanese version of athlete sleep screening questionnaire has been validated with sufficient test–retest validity but has poor internal consistency. Thus, although Japanese version of the athlete sleep screening questionnaire is an appropriate questionnaire for assessing sleep disorders in athletes whose primary language is Japanese, future research is needed to optimize the questionnaire accounting for cultural variation.

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Minimizing Redislocation Rates and Restoring Function After Patella Dislocation: A Critically Appraised Topic

Matthew Senese and Veronika Smith

Clinical Scenario: Patella dislocation is a common knee injury resulting in decreased function, increased knee pain, and a higher risk of recurrent patella dislocation. Patients with patella instability are treated surgically or conservatively with physical therapy to minimize redislocation risk and restore function. Clinical Question: In individuals with a patella dislocation, how does treatment (conservative therapy versus medial patellofemoral ligament [MPFL] surgery) affect redislocation rates and patient-perceived function? Summary of Key Findings: This critically appraised topic included 3 studies assessing outcomes in individuals with patella instability treated with MPFL surgery or conservative management. Outcomes included comparing redislocation rates and Kujala scale perceived knee function between participant groups. Surgery included MPFL reconstruction (MPFL-R) in 1 randomized controlled trial and 1 prospective controlled trial and MPFL repair in another randomized controlled trial. Conservative treatment included physical therapy and bracing. All 3 studies demonstrated significantly lower redislocation rates in individuals managed with surgery versus conservative treatment. Reported knee function was significantly higher in the MPFL-R group compared with individuals conservatively managed at 2-year follow-up but not at 1 year. No significant difference in knee function was present between individuals receiving MPFL repair or conservative management at a 2-year follow-up. Clinical Bottom Line: There is moderate-level evidence to support a significant decrease in patella redislocation rates in individuals managed with MPFL surgery compared with conservative treatment. The reviewed studies suggest a significant improvement in patient-perceived knee function at 2 years following MPFL-R but no difference at 1 year following MPFL-R or 2 years after MPFL repair. Strength of Recommendations: Grade B evidence supports lower patella redislocation rates with MPFL surgery compared with nonsurgical treatment. Furthermore, this evidence suggests a potential benefit in perceived knee function 2 years after MPFL-R compared with conservative management.

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Is It Possible to Improve Performance in Competition After an Adductor Longus Injury in Professional Football Players?

José Luis Estévez-Rodríguez, Jesús Rivilla-García, and Sergio Jiménez-Rubio

Context: Adductor longus muscle strains are one of the most common injuries occurring in intermittent sports such as soccer. Objective: The purpose of this study was to know the effect of a specific rehabilitation and reconditioning program, which was previously validated, after adductor longus injury in professional soccer players. Methods: A specific rehabilitation and reconditioning program was applied to 11 injured male professional soccer players. Participants: Eleven male professional soccer players (age = 29.18 [4.45] y; height = 179.64 [4.97] cm; mass = 75.33 [3.84] kg). Interventions: In the first place, the days taken to return to full team training and to return to competition (RTP) was analyzed; second, the most important performance parameters were analyzed and compared in the preinjury match (PRE) and after the return to competition at 2 different points in time (RTP1–RTP2). Results: The return to full team training recorded was 11.91 (1.92) days and the RTP was 15.36 (3.04) days. Match performance parameters showed significant improvements after injury. Significant improvements were observed during RTP2, in the variables of high-speed running (P = .002), very high-speed running (P = .006), acceleration (>3 m/s2; P = .048), and high metabolic load distance (P = .009). Conclusion: The results allow us to conclude that this program was very effective, as it allowed the players to obtain similar and/or higher performance values in a reduced period of time after the injury.

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Volume 33 (2024): Issue 7 (Sep 2024)

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Reverse Nordic Curl Does Not Generate Superior Eccentric Activation of the Quadriceps Muscle Than Bodyweight Squat-Based Exercises

Nicolas da Silva Pereira, Luiza Pizarro Chaffe, Matheus Iglesias Marques, Rodrigo Freire Guimarães, Jeam Marcel Geremia, Marco Aurélio Vaz, Bruno Manfredini Baroni, and Rodrigo Rodrigues

Context: The quadriceps femoris is consistently ranked among the muscles most prone to sustain strain injuries in sports involving kicking and sprinting actions. Given the documented preventive effect of Nordic hamstring curl programs against hamstring strain injuries, incorporating exercises that induce eccentric overload on the quadriceps could potentially help mitigate strain injuries within this muscle group. The Reverse Nordic Curl (RNC) has emerged as a viable field-based exercise for eccentrically working the quadriceps. This study aimed to compare quadriceps muscle eccentric activation during the RNC with 3 bodyweight squat-based exercises: single-leg squat (SLS), Bulgarian squat, and forward lunge. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Twenty-three healthy volunteers (15 men) were monitored for rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis electromyographic signal, as well as knee range of motion, while performing 10 repetitions of each exercise. Electromyography data acquired during eccentric phases were normalized by maximum voluntary isometric contraction of the knee extensors. The exercises were compared based on the electromyography and knee range of motion values. Results: RNC generated a similar rectus femoris and vastus medialis eccentric activation compared with the squat-based exercises (P > .05 for all), and a lower vastus lateralis activation than SLS (P < .001). Among the bodyweight squat-based exercises, SLS generated greater eccentric activation than forward lunge and Bulgarian squat for the 3 muscles (P < .05 for all). RNC was performed with lower knee-flexion range of motion than bodyweight squat-based exercises (P < .001). Conclusions: RNC did not produce superior eccentric quadriceps activation compared to bodyweight squat-based exercises, even proving to be less demanding for the vastus lateralis compared to the SLS. These findings may assist practitioners in selecting exercises to elicit quadriceps eccentric stimulus, with a focus on preventing strain injuries.

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The Effects of Social Support on Athlete Burnout and Well-Being in Female Collegiate Athletes

Haleigh Gray, Ryan N. Moran, Elizabeth Elder, Amanda Wilkerson, Elizabeth Chaney, Ginger Gilmore-Childress, and Jessica Wallace

Context: Psychological concerns, such as athlete burnout and diminished well-being, have become a more recognized problem among collegiate student-athletes due to substantial demands. The purpose of this study was to determine if (1) an association exists between athlete burnout and well-being in female collegiate student-athletes and (2) social support has a main or buffering-effect on well-being and athlete burnout. Design: Cross-sectional. Methods: 174 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I female collegiate student-athletes were recruited from a single institution to participate. A web-based survey was distributed via Qualtrics during the middle of an academic semester. The following scales were utilized to evaluate social support, athlete burnout, and well-being: Perceived Available Support in Sport Questionnaire, Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, and Warwick Edinburgh Metal Well-Being Scale. Results: Correlation analyses presented a significant negative, moderate correlation (r = −.58, P < .001) between athlete burnout and well-being as well as between social support and athlete burnout (r = −.526, P < .001). A moderate, positive correlation was identified between social support and well-being (r = .604, P < .001). Social support was a significant predictor for reduced sense of accomplishment (F 1,172 = 68.32, P < .001), physical and emotional exhaustion (F 1,172 = 22.00, P < .001), sport devaluation (F 1,172 = 56.51, P < .001), and well-being (F 1,172 = 115.3, P < .001). Conclusion: Findings provide new information on theory-based considerations for reducing athlete burnout and improving well-being in female collegiate student-athletes.

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Role of Thigh Muscle Strength and Joint Kinematics in Dynamic Stability: Implications for Y-Balance Test Performance

Jeffrey A. Turner, Matthew L. Hartshorne, and Darin A. Padua

Context: The Y-Balance Test Lower Quarter (YBT-LQ) is a widely utilized tool for evaluating dynamic postural control, requiring a combination of mobility and strength. This study aimed to investigate the combined relationship between isometric thigh muscle strength and joint kinematics on YBT-LQ performance. Design: Cross-sectional laboratory study. Methods: Isometric quadriceps and hamstrings strength were measured before the YBT-LQ in 39 healthy participants (27 females and 12 males). The test was performed under 3-dimensional markerless motion capture, where joint kinematics were extracted from the maximum reach position from each direction. Three multivariable linear regression models were then used to determine the strongest combination of predictors for YBT-LQ performance. Results: Greater hamstrings strength and increased knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and trunk ipsilateral-flexion joint angles explained 56.8% (P < .001) of the variance in anterior reach. Hip flexion, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion angles were the strongest predictors for posteromedial reach distance, explaining 73.0% of the variance (P < .001). Last, 43.3% (P < .001) of the variance in posterolateral reach distance was predicted by hamstring strength and knee-flexion angle. Conclusions: These results emphasize the importance of hamstring strength in YBT-LQ performance across different reach directions. Additionally, the kinematics illustrate a potential movement strategy for maximizing reach distance on the YBT-LQ in healthy individuals. Clinicians can utilize this information to guide interventions aimed at improving dynamic postural control, particularly by focusing on increasing hamstring strength and testing for impairments in specific movement patterns.

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Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the German Version of the Upper Limb Functional Index

Miguel Ortega-Castillo, Antonio Cuesta-Vargas, Markus Melloh, and Manuel Trinidad-Fernández

Context: The Upper Limb Functional Index (ULFI) is a popular tool with valid psychometric properties to assess upper limb function in patients with musculoskeletal conditions. The aim of the study was to cross-culturally adapt and validate the German version of the ULFI. Design: Cross-cultural validation. Methods: A 2-stage cross-cultural adaptation of the ULFI was performed according to international guidelines through consecutive forward and backward translations. Psychometric properties of internal consistency, test–retest reliability, criterion, face and content validity, and factor structure were determined from the included German participants suffering from upper limb conditions (n = 100), who fulfilled the following inclusion criteria: (1) older than 18 years old, (2) German as native language, and (3) medical diagnosis of musculoskeletal upper limb condition. Participants completed the ULFI; Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand; EuroQol Health Questionnaire 5 Dimensions; and Short Form-12 questionnaires. Results: The ULFI-G showed good internal consistency (α = .88); excellent test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient2:1 = .98); directly strong correlation with Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (r = .84); fair correlation with Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand-sport (r = .54); inversely fair correlation with EuroQol Health Questionnaire 5 Dimensions (r = −.62); and Short Form 12’s physical health domain (r = −.7). A single-factor structure was revealed. Conclusions: The ULFI-G showed adequate psychometric properties and proved to be a valid tool for upper limb functional assessment in German population.