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Effect of Multicomponent Dual-Task Training on Gait in People With Intellectual Disability

Carmen Gutiérrez Cruz, Francisco Javier Ruiz Peralvarez, Pedro Ángel Latorre Román, Juan Antonio Párraga Montilla, Karina E. Andrade-Lara, and José Carlos Cabrera Linares

Purpose: Gait is a complex task that requires the interaction between motor and cognitive demand, being usually assessed using the dual-task (DT) paradigm. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of 21 weeks of application of multicomponent DT training on the spatiotemporal gait parameters, coefficients of variation, and DT cost in people with intellectual disability. Methods: A controlled longitudinal pre–post design with random assignment to two groups (experimental and control) was used. Fifty-seven participants with intellectual disability joined in this study (age: 39 ± 9 years). The OptoGait system was used to register spatiotemporal gait parameters in two different conditions: single task and DT. Results: The main findings revealed that in both conditions, the multicomponent DT training significantly reduced the coefficients of variation of spatiotemporal gait parameters (p < .001), whereas there was no effect on DT cost. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the multicomponent DT training elicited a more stable and confident gait pattern.

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A Tai Chi Program Improves Physical Performance Measures in Adolescents With Down Syndrome and Enhances Their Parents’ Psychological Well-Being: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Ala Cherni, Nejmeddine Ouerghi, Nidhal Jebabli, Hatem Ghouili, Houda Bougrine, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, and Anissa Bouassida

To investigate the effect of a 6-week tai chi (TC) training program on physical performance in adolescents with Down syndrome and its influence on the psychological well-being of their parents, in a randomized controlled design, 25 male adolescents with Down syndrome (age 14.4 ± 1.30 years) were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 10) or a training group (n = 15). Before and after the training period, lower limb explosive strength, upper limb strength, flexibility, and balance were assessed in all participants, as well as their parents’ psychological well-being. Using 2 × 2 repeated-measures analysis of variance, significant Group × Time interactions (p < .05; .33 < η p 2 < .87 ) were found for physical measures and parents’ depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms. A 6-week TC program significantly improved lower limb explosive strength (p < .001; d = 1.21), upper limb strength (p < .001; d = 1.49), flexibility (p < .001; d = 1.11), and static balance (p < .001; d = 1.99) and reduced depression (p < .001; d = 1.89), anxiety (p < .001; d = 1.74), and stress scores (p < .001; d = 1.88) in parents in the training group compared with those in the control group. TC programs improve physical measures in adolescents with Down syndrome and psychological well-being of their parents. Establishing TC programs in sport associations could positively impact this population’s physical performance.

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A Characterization of Physical Activity in People Living With Advanced Multiple Sclerosis

Julia Ludgate, Thomas Edwards, Katherine Cardwell, Afolasade Fakolade, and Lara A. Pilutti

Little is known about physical activity (PA) participation in people with advanced multiple sclerosis (MS). The purpose of this study was to (a) characterize self-reported PA levels and (b) explore how PA levels might differ based on sociodemographic (e.g., gender) and clinical (e.g., MS clinical course) characteristics in people with advanced MS. We used a cross-sectional online survey design with 101 participants. PA was measured using the Physical Activity Scale for Individuals With Physical Disabilities. The mean score on the scale was 4.5 (SD = 5.9) metabolic equivalent hours per day. There was a significant difference in scores based on employment, population density, living situation, disability, and assistive-device type (all p < .05). PA levels were higher in those who were employed, lived alone, required bilateral support for mobility, and were manual wheelchair users (all p < .05). This study highlights low PA levels in people with advanced MS and potential variables that might impact PA in this MS subgroup.

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Fostering the Physical-Literacy Development of Individuals Experiencing Disability Through the Use of PLayTubs: A Pilot Study

Kiana Stacey, Nicholas Gosse, and Kyle Pushkarenko

Physical literacy (PL) is increasingly being implemented as a means for holistic development for children and youth. Despite this, children experiencing disabilities and their families continue to face barriers that impede participation in physical activities and subsequent PL development. To empower families to actively engage in their PL development, this study sought to provide an accessible, home- and play-based, parent-facilitated intervention, namely, PLayTubs. The purpose was to explore parents’ subjective understanding, involvement, and attitudes toward facilitating physical activity opportunities contributing to PL development through this intervention. Four parents with a child (<12 years old) diagnosed with a developmental impairment participated in a 10-week PLayTub experience. Data were collected via semistructured interviews with parents and their children. Making use of an interpretive description methodology and an ecological-dynamics conceptual framework, this study resulted in three themes: (a) a catalyst for autonomy, (b) more than just movement, and (c) an accessible alternative. Parents found that PLayTubs fostered autonomous participation and individual agency, enhanced connections and togetherness, and allowed for the creation of meaningful experiences with physical activity. These positive insights demonstrate the benefit of home-based interventions for this population and highlight the need for larger studies in the future.

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Codesigning a Home-Based Exercise Program With and for People With Visual Impairments: A Needs Assessment

Soyoung Choi, Junchi Chen, Emerson Sebastião, Susan Aguiñaga, and Justin Haegele

This needs-assessment study evaluated the physical activity levels, needs, preferences, and requirements for exercise among individuals with visual impairments, aiming to establish evidence for the codesign of a subsequent home-based exercise program. The questionnaire, comprising 35 questions, was developed by a research team of disability and adapted physical activity experts. It was implemented for the online survey, collecting data from 145 adults with severe low vision and blindness between January 15 and January 29, 2024. Descriptive statistical analysis and content analysis were employed. Seventy-five participants (62.5%) were classified as overweight or obese, and only 15 participants reported engaging in the recommended levels of physical activity. Regarding the requirements for future home-based exercise programs, seven themes were identified: accessibility, nonvisual learning support, safety management, personalization, motivation, education, and technology. The results emphasized the urgent need for adapted home-based exercise programs that align with individuals’ specific health conditions and abilities.

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Volume 42 (2025): Issue 1 (Jan 2025)

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Strengths-Based Media Coverage of Disability: Can Viewing the Paralympic Games Change Attitudes Toward Disability?

Kelly Carr-Kirby, Patricia Weir, and Sean Horton

Strengths-based media coverage of people with disability challenges deficits-based perceptions of impairment that are elicited through a traditional, medical model. As an evaluation of strengths-based media coverage, we examined the impact of viewing Paralympic media coverage on explicit attitudes toward people with disability. University students (N = 135, M age = 20.2 years) were assigned to a 12-day experimental condition of viewing either (a) Paralympic events (n = 47), (b) Olympic events (n = 48), or (c) no media coverage (n = 40). Attitudes toward disability were assessed pre- and postintervention using the Attitudes to Disability Scale. Repeated-measures profile analysis with a doubly multivariate design did not reveal improved attitudes toward disability after viewing Paralympic media coverage. Supporting previous work that questioned the ability of the Paralympic Games to alter perceptions of disability, these results suggest that the International Paralympic Committee is not achieving their intended legacy of inclusion.

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Introduction to Adaptive Sport and Recreation

J.P. Barfield

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Analysis of Jogai During Judo Matches for Athletes With Visual Impairments: Impact on Referee Decisions and Outcomes

Rafael Lima Kons, Kleydson Ferreira de Almeida, Yan Furtado Carpinelli, and Daniele Detanico

This study investigated how jogai frequency influences referee decisions and match outcomes in judo athletes with visual impairment during official competitions. Video analysis of 268 matches revealed 1,395 instances of jogai, with 211 matches experiencing jogai and 57 without. Associations were carried out between jogai occurrences and match duration, sport classes, sexes, weight categories, and referee decisions post-jogai using chi-square tests (p < .05). Significant associations were found between jogai and match duration (χ2 = 39.08, p < .001) and competition phase (χ2 = 29.43, p = .043), particularly with frequent match stoppages (mate) within the first minute across all phases. These findings suggest a need for further research and potential adjustments in judo rules, informed by the new evidence-based classification, to enhance the equity and safety of matches for athletes with visual impairments.

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Examining Axiological and Ethical Assumptions in Physical Activity Intervention Research involving Individuals With Intellectual Impairments: A Review

Dineo Tshosa and Nancy L.I. Spencer

Adapted physical activity has been critiqued for its lack of attention to assumptions underlying both research and practice. In response to these critiques, the purpose of this paper was to perform a secondary analysis of a recent systematic literature review to examine the axiological and ethical assumptions of physical activity intervention research involving adults with Down syndrome since 1990 in light of the possibilities of critical disability studies. Findings revealed the dominance of normative movement ideologies and a focus on physical activity performance. Participants were not afforded research roles beyond that of subjects, and there was no evidence of results being communicated to them. In future, we hope scholars will consider the use of emancipatory frameworks where power is situated within the community involved and more inquiry that expands our understanding of the benefits of physical activity for individuals with intellectual impairment that decenters the focus on normative ways of being.