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Challenges and Research Opportunities for Integrating Quantitative Electroencephalography Into Sports Concussion Rehabilitation

Patrick S. Ledwidge, Lindsey C. Hartland, Kirstiana Brickman, Scott O. Burkhart, and John P. Abt

Although concussion management and return to play/learn decision making focuses on reducing symptoms, there is growing interest in objective physiological approaches to treatment. Clinical and technological advancements have aided concussion management; however, the scientific study of the neurophysiology of concussion has not translated into its standard of care. This expert commentary is motivated by novel clinical applications of electroencephalographic-based neurofeedback approaches (eg, quantitative electroencephalography [QEEG]) for treating traumatic brain injury and emerging research interest in its translation for treating concussion. QEEG’s low-cost relative to other brain recording/imaging techniques and precedent in clinical and medical care makes it a potential tool for concussion rehabilitation. Although uncommon, licensed and certified clinicians and medical professionals are implementing QEEG neurofeedback for concussion management within their score of practice. These approaches are not widely adopted nor recommended by professional medical societies, likely because of a limited evidence base of well-designed studies with available standard protocols. Thus, the potential efficacy of QEEG neurofeedback for treating persistent symptoms or cognitive dysfunction after sports-related concussion is unknown. This commentary will update the concussion clinician–scientist on the emerging research, techniques, and disagreements pertaining to the translation of QEEG neurofeedback for concussion management, particularly in the treatment of persistent cognitive difficulties. This commentary will also introduce to readers the fundamentals of how the electroencephalogram may be acquired, measured, and implemented during QEEG neurofeedback. An evidence base of supportive findings from well-designed studies, including those that are retrospective, outcomes-based, and, ultimately, placebo/sham-controlled is recommended prior to considering more widespread adoption of QEEG neurofeedback approaches for treating persistent symptoms or cognitive deficits after sports-related concussion. We review the considerable barriers to this research and clinical implementation, and conclude with opportunities for future research, which will be necessary for establishing the quality and efficacy of QEEG neurofeedback for concussion care.

Free access

2025 at the Intersection of DEI and Sport Rehabilitation

Eduardo Esteban Bustamante, Lyndsey M. Hornbuckle, Kellie C. Huxel Bliven, and NiCole R. Keith

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Engagement in Sedentary and Physically Active After-School Programs Among African American Children with ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

Jared D. Ramer, María Enid Santiago-Rodriguez, Dana B. Rusch, Tara G. Mehta, Grace E. Cua, Stacy L. Frazier, Marc S. Atkins, Karrie L. Hamstra-Wright, and Eduardo E. Bustamante

Context: Sport and physical activity (PA) programs are an important developmental resource for youth with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Disruptive Behavior Disorders. The purpose of this study is to assess sport participation rates, PA participation, and after-school supervision rates among African American children with ADHD and/or Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Design: In this cross-sectional study, parents of African American children with elevated symptoms of ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, and/or conduct disorder (N = 175, 6- to 12-y-old, 31% female) reported after-school program participation over the past year. Methods: Logistic regression analyses tested relationships between ADHD symptoms, oppositional defiant disorder symptoms, and conduct disorder symptoms, likelihood of regular participation (≥2 d/wk) in sport, PA, and sedentary after-school programs, and likelihood of being supervised and unsupervised after school. All regressions controlled for age, sex, income, and medication status. Sample participation rates were descriptively compared with participation rates of same-aged peers regionally, and nationally, reported in 3 national surveys. Results: Parents in the local sample reported higher rates of sedentary after-school program participation (54%) but lower rates of PA program participation (31%), and sport participation (12%) compared with same-aged peers. The local sample was less likely to be unsupervised after-school compared with same-aged peers with only 27% of parents reporting that their child was unsupervised ≥ 2 days per week. Children endorsing oppositional defiant disorder (odds ratio = 2.05; P < .05) and conduct disorder (odds ratio = 5.74; P < .05) were more likely to be unsupervised more frequently after-school as compared with those not meeting endorsement. Conclusions: Given demonstrated benefits of youth sport programming and observed inequities in participation, there is a need to develop support models that connect parents, coaches, and social services agencies to facilitate inclusion. Sports medicine professionals are uniquely positioned to contribute to these efforts, as they are often key opinion leaders in both the youth sport and health care contexts.

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Attitudes Toward Implicit Bias Among Athletic Trainers

S. Andrew Cage, Meredith Decker, Luzita Vela, Ramonica Scott, and Cristina Gonzalez

Implicit biases are attitudes, emotions, or stereotypes that occur in an unconscious manner and have the potential to negatively affect behaviors, actions, and decisions. Recent studies have suggested that even when certain factors are controlled for, health care workers do not provide equitable care to patients from different demographics. When patients are not receiving equitable health care, there is a potential for disparities in patient-related outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine attitudes toward implicit bias among athletic trainers. A secondary purpose of this study was to assess differences and correlations between attitudes toward implicit bias and demographic factors including age, years of experience, gender identity, sexual orientation, and race. Participants were recruited for this study by emailing athletic trainers from publicly available staff directories at institutions of higher education and high schools, and athletic training education program directors. The survey consisted of questions gathering demographic information and questions taken from the Attitudes Toward Implicit Bias Instrument. A total of 218 athletic trainers (age = 38 [11] y, years of certified experience = 14 [11] y) opened and completed the survey. On average, participants scored 71.0 [11.2] on the Attitudes Toward Implicit Bias Instrument. This mean score indicated that the average participant felt that implicit bias had the potential to negatively impact patient care and needed to be addressed through education. There was a significant, negligible negative correlation between age and attitudes toward implicit bias (r[216] = −.157, P = .02). Examining implicit bias among athletic trainers warrants further research to understand how implicit bias can negatively affect access to equitable health care opportunities. The development of high-quality interventions for identifying and addressing implicit bias is crucial to ensuring optimal patient outcomes in athletic training and all medical settings.

Full access

Recovery Is Similar Between Black and White College Athletes Following Sport-Related Concussion

Taneisha M. Jones, Daniel J. Rosenblum, Catherine C. Donahue, and Jacob E. Resch

Context: Racial identity may associate with clinical outcomes following sport-related concussion (SRC). This study compared clinical outcome scores before and after recovery from a SRC between Black or White college athletes. Design: Prospective cohort. Methods: Participants were self-reported White (n = 61, 18.5 [1.1] y of age) and Black (n = 24, 18.3 [1.1] y of age) NCAA Division 1 college athletes. The revised Head Injury Scale (HIS-r), the Immediate Postconcussion and Cognitive Test (ImPACT) battery, and the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) at baseline (T1), upon symptom resolution (T2) following a diagnosed SRC, and upon establishing a new baseline assessment (T3). Race was collected from paper and electronic medical records. The revised Head Injury Scale total symptom severity, ImPACT’s Verbal Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Motor Speed (VMS), and Reaction Time, and the SOT Equilibrium Score, were compared between groups at each time point. Multivariate analyses of variance (2 [group] × 3 [time]) were used to compare revised Head Injury Scale, ImPACT, and SOT outcome scores. Post hoc analyses consisted of independent and paired sample t tests. Results: A significant main effect for time (λ = 0.66, F 2,82 = 21.55, P < .001, η p 2 = .34 ) was observed for the SOT. White athletes significantly improved on the Equilibrium Score between all time points (all P < .006). Similarly, Black athletes significantly improved on the Equilibrium Score between T1–T2 and T1–T3 (all P < .001). A significant main effect of time was observed for ImPACT’s Verbal Memory, Visual Memory, and VMS outcome scores (all P < .001). VMS improved for White athletes between T1–T2 (P = .02) and T3 (P = .006). Black athletes had improved VMS scores between T1–T3 (P = .015) and T2–T3 (P = .005). A between-group difference was observed for VMS at T2 (P = .004). Conclusions: There was 1 small and not clinically significant difference between groups for the VMS score at T2. Overall, groups performed consistently or improved upon their baseline balance, cognition, and symptom outcome scores at clinically relevant time points following a SRC.

Open access

Comparison of an Adaptive Ankle Brace to Conventional Taping for Rehabilitation of Acute Ankle Injury in Young Subelite Soccer Players: A Pilot Study

Dirk Krombholz, Steffen Willwacher, Tobias Consmüller, Anna Linden, Burkay Utku, and Jessica Zendler

Context: Ankle sprains are a common injury in sports, for which use of external ankle support during rehabilitation has been suggested to improve clinical outcomes. Design: Cohort study. Methods: Thirteen soccer players experiencing acute lateral ankle sprain injury were provided a novel adaptive ankle brace or conventional ankle taping (control) as external ankle support throughout the injury rehabilitation process. All other clinical procedures were identical, and rehabilitation was supervised by the same team staff member. Time from injury to clearance to return to sport was tracked. Player experience with the ankle brace also was queried via electronic surveys. Results: The median time to return to sport was less for the Brace group (52.5 d) compared to the Control group (79.5 d), but the distributions of the 2 groups were not found to differ significantly (P = .109). Player surveys indicated they felt the brace to be comfortable or very comfortable, with better freedom of movement than other braces and the same freedom of movement as wearing no brace. All players reported wearing the brace to be the same or better experience as ankle taping. Discussion: These preliminary results indicate that the adaptive ankle brace is at least as effective as ankle taping for providing external support during the rehabilitation phase following acute lateral ankle sprain and suggest it may be a more effective ankle support solution in terms of patient compliance than conventional bracing or taping.

Free access

Erratum. Analyzing Dual-Task Paradigms to Improve Postconcussion Assessment and Management

Journal of Sport Rehabilitation

Free access

Erratum. Effectiveness of Percutaneous Needle Electrolysis to Reduce Pain in Tendinopathies: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

Journal of Sport Rehabilitation

Free access

Treating Dystonia in a Soccer Player Through an Integrated Rehabilitative Approach: A Case Report

Valeria Giorgi, Giovanni Apostolo, and Laura Bertelè

Context: Sport-related dystonia is a rare form of activity-specific dystonia that can severely impair an athlete’s ability to perform. Due to a lack of data on the condition, it is difficult to diagnose and often overlooked, and no gold standard treatment has yet been defined. Case Presentation: We present a rare and challenging case of sport-related dystonia that affected a 24-year-old male professional soccer player. The patient presented with severe rigidity and dystonia of the right lower-extremity, particularly the ankle and foot. The symptoms set on >1 year prior to the presentation to our outpatient clinic. He began to complain of stiffness and difficulty moving his lower limbs, especially his right leg, initially when playing soccer, but then also when walking normally. On presentation, he was unable to run and walked with difficulty, supporting his body weight only on the outside of his right foot. He also reported a motor trick and reverse motor trick involving the oral musculature in order to move his lower limb more freely. Management and Outcomes: An integrated rehabilitation approach based on postural rehabilitation, neuromuscular rehabilitation, and dental intervention was used to successfully treat this condition. The approach included: (1) postural rehabilitation with the Mézières-Bertelè method to reduce muscular stiffness, (2) neuromuscular re-education with Tai Chi exercises and electromyography-guided biofeedback, and (3) dental intervention and swallowing rehabilitation to limit impaired oral habits (due to the relationship between his impaired lower limb movements and motor tricks of the oral musculature). After 7 months of integrated rehabilitation, the patient returned to professional soccer. Conclusions: This case report highlights the potential efficacy of an integrative rehabilitation approach for sports dystonia, particularly in cases where traditional treatments may not be effective. Such an approach could be considered a valuable option in the management of this rare, but debilitating, condition in athletes. Further research is needed to assess the effectiveness of this approach in larger populations.

Full access

The Effect of Social Determinants of Health on Clinical Recovery Following Concussion: A Systematic Review

Tamerah N. Hunt, Kylie Roberts, Erica M. Taylor, Carolina P. Quintana, and Melissa K. Kossman

Context: Concussion evaluations include a multifaceted approach; however, individual differences can influence test score interpretations and validity. Social determinants of health (SDoH) differentially affect disease risk and outcomes based upon social and environmental characteristics. Efforts to better define, diagnose, manage, and treat concussion have increased, but minimal efforts have focused on examining SDoH that may affect concussion recovery. Objective: This review examined previous research that examined the effect of SDoH on concussion recovery of athletes. Evidence Acquisition: CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycInfo, and SPORTDiscus databases were used to search the terms “concussion” AND “recovery,” “youth, adolescent, teen and/or adult,” and “social determinants of health” and variations of these terms. The evidence level for each study was evaluated using the 2011 Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine Guide. Evidence Synthesis: Seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-one articles were identified and screened for inclusion. Five studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this systematic review. Using the Downs and Black Quality Index, the studies included in this review were deemed high quality. Conclusion: Though limited literature exists, there is preliminary evidence to suggest that SDoH (specifically, economic stability, education access and quality, and social and community context) may have an impact on the clinical recovery from concussion. The dimensions evaluated varied between studies and the results were inconsistent. No single factor consistently affected clinical recovery; however, private insurance and race appear to have an association with the speed of recovery. Unfortunately, the potential intersection of these variables and other preinjury factors limits the ability to make clear recommendations. While most of the studies in this review are retrospective in nature, future efforts should focus on training clinicians to prospectively evaluate the effect of SDoH on concussion recovery and injury outcomes. Funding and registration for this systematic review were not obtained nor required.