Subscription Request Form

General information about subscribing and up-to-date pricing can be found on our Pricing page.

For institutions or organizations with inquiries about new subscriptions or subscription renewals, please contact us using the following email:

Please use the form below to inquire about individual and student print and online subscriptions. Other subscription inquiries may be addressed to; please do not send sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, to this email. Human Kinetics will never request sensitive information via email.

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Billing Information
Payment Type

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To pay by credit card, you will receive an invoice by email with a payment link to a secure online portal. The email subject line will have your invoice number and be sent from a Shopify email address.

Subscription Information
Type of Subscription: *
Journal Title: *

I would like to my subscription duration to be: *


I would like to start my subscription: *


Society discount for select titles:


We take your privacy seriously and will only use your information to provide you with services you request. Any information entered on this form will solely be used for the sake of fulfilling subscriptions requested and is not stored on this site.

By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.