Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
While this page contains FAQs, please note that many questions regarding specific topics can also be found on dedicated pages on our site. If you are seeking information on a specific topic, we encourage you to also visit these pages:
- Author Resource Center
- Copyright and Permissions
- Librarian Resource Center
- Open Access Resource Center
- Subscribe/Purchase
- Subscriber Resource Center
Placing Subscriptions and Orders
How do I subscribe to a Human Kinetics journal?
Individuals may purchase an online-only subscription via this site. If an individual wishes to purchase a print + online subscription, they must contact us to place the order. Institutions or libraries must contact Human Kinetics directly to order. To learn more, visit our Subscribe/Purchase page.
What are the current prices for a specific Human Kinetics journal?
Prices for individual articles and individual subscriptions can be found on any article page. First, visit our Journals page to select the journal of interest; then, click on any article within that journal, and pricing will be found near the article's title. Institutions can find full pricing at our Librarian Resource Center.
When will my journal subscription begin?
Subscribers purchasing an online-only subscription via this website have immediate access to all the journal's content. Subscribers purchasing a print + online subscription will receive the next print issue and be granted access to the journal's online content after the order is successfully processed; subscribers ordering a print + online subscription must contact Human Kinetics directly to order so that the subscription period is appropriately applied based on the frequency of the print issues for the journal.
How do I order nonjournal products from Human Kinetics?
Human Kinetics offers a wide range of informational and educational products in the health and physical activity fields. To browse and shop for nonjournal products, visit
Permission to Use Copyrighted Material
How do I request permission to republish material from a Human Kinetics journal?
All requests for permission to reproduce material from a Human Kinetics publication should be submitted through the Copyright Clearance Center. Visit the Copyright and Permissions page to learn more.
How do I submit a manuscript?
Each journal has its own author guidelines, which should be consulted before submission. All submissions are processed online via ScholarOne. To learn more, visit the Author Resource Center, as well as the Author Guidelines for the journal of interest.
How should I format my manuscript?
Each journal has its own author guidelines, which should be consulted before submission. To view author guidelines, visit the web page for the journal of interest and click on the Author Guidelines tab. To browse our journal titles, click here.
Can my article be published Open Access?
Yes! To learn more, visit the Open Access Resource Center.
Can I submit my article to a Human Kinetics journal if it has been published on a pre-print repository or server?
Yes. Human Kinetics does not consider pre-print publication as a disqualifier for submission if the repository or server was noncommercial (not for profit). These manuscripts will undergo the same peer review process as manuscripts that were not published pre-print.
Is there a fee to have my article published?
With the exception of the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP), there is no fee to submit a manuscript (for more information on the submission fee to IJSPP, click here). For all Human Kinetics journals, there is no fee for the publication of accepted manuscripts. However, a fee is required if the author(s) require their article to be published Open Access (please visit the Open Access Resource Center).
After my manuscript is accepted, can I reuse my manuscript or portions without seeking permission from Human Kinetics?
Although authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must transfer copyright to Human Kinetics, the authors reserve explicit rights to reuse their work, granted acknowledgment is noted and the proper version of the manuscript is used. To learn more, visit the Copyright and Permissions page.
Current Subscribers
What if I'm having trouble with my online access?
Please contact us.
How do I change my mailing address?
If your journal subscription includes a print copy that you receive via postal mail, please contact us to update your mailing address.
Additional Questions?
Human Kinetics can be contacted via mail, phone, e-mail, or fax (contact us).