Welcome to the Librarian Resource Center
This resource center provides information related to ordering subscriptions, accessing subscribed content, managing your institution's holdings and account information, and more. Human Kinetics is the world's foremost information provider in physical activity and allied health fields. We value our library partners and look forward to providing your institution with our journals' quality, cutting-edge information for use by professors, teachers, researchers, practitioners, health care professionals, coaches, fitness enthusiasts, and many others.
Subscription Options
All our journals are available online, allowing users quick and easy access to the same authoritative content available in the print versions. Additionally, each of our journals (with the exception of Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, Case Studies in Sport Management, Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports, and Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal) are available in print format. Institutions may choose from online-only, print-only, or online + print subscription options. Additionally, institutions may choose either a 1-year or 2-year subscription. Online subscribers are entitled access to all back issues published by Human Kinetics for each title for the duration of the subscription, as well as Ahead of Print content for the subscribed content.
Per Title Subscriptions vs. Site License Subscriptions
To better accommodate educational institutions subscribing to multiple journal titles, we offer annual site license options. A site license offers online-only access to all of our 27 journals for 1 year, including all back content and Ahead of Print content. In addition to site licenses, we continue to offer institutional per title subscriptions. In most cases, a site license subscription offers an exceptional value for our library patrons.
Perpetual Access
Human Kinetics has named Portico as a perpetual access source for institution subscribers to request ongoing access to past subscribed content. Note that these subscribers must also be Portico-participating libraries. To make a formal claim, libraries must contact Portico directly with a request to initiate access. Portico requires specific details to accompany claims. To learn more about making a formal claim, please visit Portico here.
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for Human Kinetics is current as of December 2019. The VPAT is a self-assessment document that explains how products such as software, electronic content, and support documentation meet government standards for IT accessibility. The Human Kinetics Journals VPAT includes documentation for conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and EN 301 549 (EU accessibility standards).
The VPAT disclosure templates do not guarantee product accessibility but provide transparency around the product(s) and enables direction when accessing accessibility requirements. Human Kinetics Journals welcomes suggestions for increasing the accessibility of our websites and products; please contact us with any suggestions you have.
Click here to download the latest version of the VPAT.
Placing An Order
Institution subscriptions must be placed directly with our subscription agent; please contact us using the following email: To review general policies, publication frequencies, subscription rates, and order requirements, download our 2025 Journal Order Guide. Please note that payments for subscriptions must accompany orders.
When placing your order, you will be asked to provide an end user e-mail address for the individual who will administer your institution's account/holdings.
Our Web Platform
Human Kinetics is committed to providing institutions with a valuable online experience, including easy access to usage reporting. Our content is hosted on the Sheridan PubFactory platform, which is COUNTER compliant (based on the C.O.P. 5.0).
On August 1, 2021, we upgraded our reporting system to the IntelWorks platform. COUNTER usage, including SUSHI harvesting, from August 2021 onwards is available on the IntelWorks platform. These reports can be accessed in our account management system on the Reports tab under Current COUNTER 5 Reports; see “Managing Your Account.”
Accessing Your Subscriptions
Institutions access subscribed content via IP authentication. Upon accessing your institution's account for the first time (see below), you should verify that the necessary IP ranges have been appropriately associated with your account. If you need to add or remove IP ranges for access, you may do so via our account management system (AMS).
We do accept authentication to our content via EZProxy server. However, please note that support for EZProxy is managed by OCLC. As such, Human Kinetics cannot provide configuration guidance or other support for EZProxy. For support, please visit OCLC at See below for stanza information:
HTTPHeader -request -process X-Requested-With
Managing Your Account
Librarian administrators can manage their institution's account via our Account Management System (AMS). To access the AMS, please visit Log in with your username and password. Your username is the e-mail on record with your account (if you need help locating your username, contact us). Upon accessing the AMS for the first time, you will need to set a password; set your password by entering your username and clicking on "Forgot your password?". You will receive an e-mail to reset your password and log in to your account.
Using the AMS will allow you to:
- Upload institutional logo/branding (Details tab)
- Input OpenURL information (Details tab)
- Review subscriptions (Subscriptions tab)
- Review account administrator(s) (Users tab)
- Update IP ranges for access (Access tab)
- Download COUNTER usage reports (Reports tab, then click the green COUNTER 5 Reports button)
- Gather SUSHI service information (Reports tab, then click the green COUNTER 5 Reports button)
More details can be found upon logging in to the AMS. If you find that any details associated with your account are incorrect or missing, please contact us.
Terms of Use
Institutional subscribers may download, save, or print text, search results, or other information for the purpose of private use or research. Institutional subscribers shall provide users access only from a secure network within the subscribing institution's IP range (including EZProxy). Multi-site institutions or consortia desiring to provide access to users beyond such a nominal single location must maintain a subscription for each geographical location and/or each consortia entity.
Instructors may desire to share content with their class or librarian administrators may receive interlibrary loan requests for subscribed content. For guidelines on these common requests, and others, visit our Copyright and Permissions page (specifically, under "for nonauthors"). To review full details on the terms of use for institution subscribers, download the following agreement.