% CI = [.62–.76]; S.E. = .04; FS = .86; e.g., the coach devotes most of his/her attention to the best players). Note that coaches’ responses were made on a 5-point Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 ( strongly disagree ) to 5 ( strongly agree ). Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Coaches completed
Search Results
Youth Sport Coaches’ Well-Being Across the Season: The Psychological Costs and Benefits of Giving Empowering and Disempowering Sports Coaching to Athletes
Bård Erlend Solstad, Andreas Ivarsson, Ellen Merethe Haug, and Yngvar Ommundsen
Coaches’ Reflections of Using a Charity-Driven Framework to Foster Youth Athletes’ Psychosocial Outcomes
Corliss Bean, Carl Nienhuis, Jason Proulx, Tiara Cash, Lara Aknin, and Ashley V. Whillans
opportunity to fulfill their basic psychological needs, outlined by self-determination theory ( Ryan & Deci, 2017 ). Indeed, making a team-based donation allows players to select a cause of interest (exercise autonomy), improve the well-being of others (competence), and the chance to work collaboratively with
Does Role Identity Mediate the Influence of Motivational Regulations on Physical Activity Behavior Among People 55 Years or Older?
Steve Amireault and Mary Katherine Huffman
& Ryan, 2000 , 2008 ; Ryan & Deci, 2017a ), identities are developed in the service of the basic psychological needs for autonomy (feelings of volition and ownership related to one’s actions), competence (feelings of mastery and effectiveness in interacting with one’s environment), and relatedness
Examining the Relationship Between Perceived Coaching Approaches for Life Skills Development and Life Skills Outcomes for High School Athletes
Scott Pierce, Liam O’Neil, Martin Camiré, Corliss Bean, and Scott Rathwell
positively associated with life skills outcomes as well as self-esteem, positive affect, and life satisfaction. Cronin et al. ( 2019 ) then assessed the relationship among the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, needs-supportive and needs-thwarting teaching, and life skills outcomes for physical
Autonomy-Supportive Teaching Enhances Prosocial and Reduces Antisocial Behavior via Classroom Climate and Psychological Needs: A Multilevel Randomized Control Intervention
Sung Hyeon Cheon, Johnmarshall Reeve, and Herbert W. Marsh
-016-0401-1 10.1007/s10826-016-0401-1 Franco , E. , & Coteron , J. ( 2017 ). The effects of a physical education intervention to support the satisfaction of basic psychological needs on the motivation and intentions to be physically active . Journal of Human Kinetics, 59, 5 – 15 . https://doi.org/10
An Exploratory Study of Teachers’ Experiences in Physical Education With Children Thought to Have Developmental Coordination Disorder
Chantelle Zimmer and Janice Causgrove Dunn
). However, experiences of stress in physical education for children with DCD are characterized by more than difficulties with curricular activities ( Zimmer & Causgrove Dunn, 2020 ). More training is needed for teachers to support children’s basic psychological needs for relatedness and autonomy, which
“Do Not Question Authority”: Examining Team Rules in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women’s Basketball
Leslie K. Larsen, Leslee A. Fisher, Terilyn C. Shigeno, Matthew P. Bejar, and Melissa N. Madeson
-determined forms of motivation when an individual’s three basic psychological needs of autonomy (i.e., having choice in actions that are consistent with one’s values), competence (i.e., interacting effectively with the environment), and relatedness (i.e., being securely connected to and understood by others
Evaluation of the Pilot Implementation of the Coaching for Life Skills Program
Martin Camiré, Kelsey Kendellen, Scott Rathwell, and Evelyne Felber Charbonneau
) and were shown a video clip of a model high school coach nurturing close coach-athlete relationships, which was subsequently debriefed. The participants were then provided with concrete strategies for promoting their athletes’ basic psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence ( Ryan
Preservice Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of a Flipped Basketball Course: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations
Koon Teck Koh, Chunxiao Li, and Swarup Mukherjee
enhanced within a social context that satisfies three basic psychological needs: autonomy (the need to feel independent and be in personal control), competence (the need to feel competent in completing an optimally challenging task), and relatedness (the need to have a sense of belonging to a social group
Examining the Utility of Stress-, Motivation-, and Commitment-Based Perspectives of Athlete Burnout
Siobhán Woods, Simon Dunne, and Pamela Gallagher
; Chen et al., 2020 ; Kipp & Amorose, 2008 ). Some research also suggests the relationship between motivational climate and motivation is mediated by the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, while others have identified a direct relationship between climate and individual regulation ( Baena