program housed at the local YMCA (70% women; Bean, Dineen, et al., 2019 ). This case study is part of a larger project that used a longitudinal approach to qualitatively explore women’s experiences throughout their behavior-change journey during and after participation in a diabetes-prevention program
Search Results
Lessons Learned in Supporting Women With Prediabetes Through Maintaining Diet and Exercise Behavior Changes Beyond a Diabetes-Prevention Counseling Program
Corliss Bean, Tineke Dineen, and Mary Jung
Case Studies From Elite Youth Soccer: Reflections on Talent Development Practices
Daniel Wixey, Knud Ryom, and Kieran Kingston
article are of qualitative origin, based on the wish to explore, interpret, and understand meaning ascribed to soccer academies. To achieve a sense of meaning and the lived world of soccer academies, systematic observation was applied as the method. Philosophical Assumptions This study adhered to the
Examining Coaches’ Approaches to Teaching Life Skills and Their Transfer in Youth Sport
Laura Martin and Martin Camiré
nondichotomization. For example, based on the results of a qualitative metastudy, Holt et al. ( 2017 ) created a model offering five hypotheses to guide future research, including hypothesis four, which reads: “The combined effects of a PYD climate [implicit approach] and a life-skills focus [explicit approach] will
The Value of Incorporating Inclusive Sports in Schools: An Exploration of Unified Sport Experiences
Roxy Helliker O’Rourke, Krystn Orr, Rebecca Renwick, F. Virginia Wright, James Noronha, Kirsten Bobbie, and Kelly P. Arbour-Nicitopoulos
experience conducting qualitative research within disability sports. She has also coached within disability sport settings. Orr has over a decade of experience working in a variety of physical activity, rehabilitative, and disability sport settings with individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. She
An Exploratory Study of Teachers’ Experiences in Physical Education With Children Thought to Have Developmental Coordination Disorder
Chantelle Zimmer and Janice Causgrove Dunn
elements of teachers’ perceptions and interactions. However, the themes are interpreted in the context of the DCD literature in the “Discussion” section, with connections between the research questions made. Research Quality All qualitative research with an interpretive approach is expected to demonstrate
Narratives of Chronic Pain in Sport
Emily R. Hunt and Melissa C. Day
). Leeds, UK : Human Kinetics . Carroll , L.J. , Rothe , J.P. , & Ozegovic , D. ( 2013 ). What does coping mean to the worker with pain-related disability? A qualitative study . Disability and Rehabilitation, 35 ( 14 ), 1182 – 1190 . PubMed ID: 23020234 doi:10.3109/09638288.2012.723791 10
Inclusive Physical Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Ontario Secondary School Health and Physical Education Curriculum
Enid K. Selkirk, Cheryl Missiuna, Sandra Moll, Peter Rosenbaum, and Wenonah Campbell
international discussion on the status of PE” (p. 22); yet, our focus contributes specifically to a deepened critical understanding within the developing field of inclusive PE. Methods Discourse analysis is a qualitative methodological approach within critical social research that closely examines “language in
Advocating for Gender Equity in Sport: An Analysis of the Canadian Women and Sport She’s Got It All Campaign
Maryam Marashi, Sabrina Malouka, Tahla den Houdyker, and Catherine M. Sabiston
, 21, 24 – 29 . Braun , V. , & Clarke , V. ( 2013 ). Successful qualitative research: A practical guide for beginners . Sage . Breiger , J. , Cumming , S.P. , Smith , R.E. , & Smoll , F. ( 2015 ). Winning, motivational climate, and young
Exercise Spaces in Parks for Older Adults: A Qualitative Investigation
Janet Lok Chun Lee and Rainbow Tin Hung Ho
adults perceive the EFCs. Methods Study Design This study adopts a qualitative descriptive research design ( Polit & Beck, 2004 ). This design seeks to discover and understand a phenomenon and the perspectives of the people rather than focusing on understanding the culture or lived experience of the
A Qualitative Investigation of Young Female Dancers’ Use of Imagery
Irene Muir, Krista J. Munroe-Chandler, and Todd Loughead
qualitative study to examine dancers’ use of imagery. They found that where dancers reported imaging most was at home and in dance settings (e.g., changing room, the studio, while on stage). Similar results were found in a more recent study conducted by Nordin and Cumming ( 2007 ), wherein dancers reported