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A Conceptual Model of Perceived Motor Skill Competence, Successful Practice Trials, and Motor Skill Performance in Physical Education

Mingda Li, Weidong Li, Junyoung Kim, Ping Xiang, Fei Xin, and Yan Tang

motor competence? Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6 ( Suppl. 2 ), S461 – S473 . doi:10.1123/jmld.2016-0076 10.1123/jmld.2016-0076 Barnett , L.M. , Morgan , P.J. , van Beurden , E. , & Beard , J.R. ( 2008 ). Perceived sports competence mediates the relationship between childhood

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A Systematic Review of Correlates of the Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity of Students in Elementary School Physical Education

Lijuan Wang and Yulan Zhou

of keywords: “([physical education OR PE]) AND ([child OR children OR childhood OR student* OR pupil* OR young OR youth* OR youngster* OR primary school* OR elementary school*]) AND ([physical activity OR PA OR MVPA OR health behavior OR motor activity OR sport OR exercise*)] AND ([correlate* OR

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Recess Enjoyment, Affect, and Preferences by Gender and Developmental Level in Elementary School

Ken Lodewyk and Lauren McNamara

this study. The sample in this study was divided into a mid-to-late childhood cohort (Grades 4–6) and an early adolescence group (Grades 7 and 8) for the developmental level analyses due to the following reasons. First, research findings linking grade or age to recess physical activity have been mixed

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Senior Physical Education Teacher Education Majors’ Reflections on Teaching at a Youth Development Center

Cory E. Dixon, Peter A. Hastie, and Jared A. Russell

.), Multicultural education in Western societies (pp.  1 – 29 ). London, UK : Holt . Boutte , G.S. ( 2018 ). Taking culturally relevant teaching to the big house: Implications for early childhood teacher educators . The New Educator, 14 ( 2 ), 171 – 184 . doi:10.1080/1547688X.2018.1426327 10.1080/1547688X

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Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Experiences Teaching Physical Education at a Youth Development Center

Cory E. Dixon, Jared A. Russell, and Peter A. Hastie

-socioeconomic environment. Despite a disadvantaged beginning, Malik remembered his childhood fondly as he recounted memories of walking to the store, riding bikes, and playing outside with friends. Currently, Malik serves as the director for the after-school program at Waterbrook Elementary School (pseudonym). This school

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Utilizing Guided Discovery to Promote Transfer of Responsibility Values in Young Children

Robin J. Dunn

resilience in childhood . In M.W. Fraser (Ed.), Risk and resilience in childhood: An ecological perspective (pp. 13 – 66 ). NASW Press . Gass , M. ( 1990 ). Transfer of learning in adventure education . In J.C. Miles & S. Priest (Eds.), Adventure education (pp.  199 – 207 ). Venture

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Traditional Asian Games, Doing Critical Pedagogy and the Knowledge That Actually Counts in Australian Physical Education Teacher Education

John Williams and Shane Pill

’s personality structure or predisposition to behave in a certain way. A person’s habitus is largely formed in childhood, and although alters throughout life to a greater or lesser extent, it is resistant to change ( Elias, 1994 ). Habitus was important for explaining Author 1’s shifting perspectives in using

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Generalization From Physical Education to Recess During an Elementary Sport Education Season

Shu Cheng, Rosalie Coolkens, Phillip Ward, and Peter Iserbyt

a positive and healthy lifestyle during childhood ( Ridgers et al., 2007 ), it has been recommended that schools adopt a multicomponent approach that uses multiple opportunities for children to be physically active to meet the 60 min per day guideline ( Brusseau & Burns, 2018 ; McMullen et

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Understanding the Teaching and Learning of Fundamental Movement Skills in the Primary Physical Education Setting: A Qualitative Study

Cecilia H.S. Chan, Amy S.C. Ha, Natalie Lander, and Johan Y.Y. Ng

-and product-oriented assessments of fundamental motor skills across childhood . Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 ( 7 ), 634 – 641 . 27169780 Logan , S.W. , Webster , K.E. , Getchell , N. , Pfeiffer , K.A. , & Robinson , L.E. ( 2015 ). Relationship

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“I Thought It Was Going to Be Trash”: Rural High School Students’ Disability-Related Perception Change Following Paralympic School Day

Cathy McKay, T.N. Kirk, and Marie Leake

Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40 ( 2 ), 154 – 164 . Chen , C.C. , Hamm , J.V. , Farmer , T.W. , Lambert , K. , & Mehtaji , M. ( 2015 ). Exceptionality and peer victimization involvement in late childhood: Subtypes, stability, and