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Search Results
Standardized Lab Shoes Do Not Decrease Loading Rate Variability in Recreational Runners
Jessica G. Hunter, Alexander M.B. Smith, Lena M. Sciarratta, Stephen Suydam, Jae Kun Shim, and Ross H. Miller
Lower Limb Extension Power is Associated With Slope Walking Joint Loading Mechanics in Older Adults
Peter B. Thomsen, Jacob W. Aumeier, Chelsey A. Wilbur, Evan G. Oro, Hunter B. Carlson, and Jesse C. Christensen
AH . A new method for measuring power output in a single leg extension: feasibility, reliability and validity . Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol . 1990 ; 60 ( 5 ): 385 – 390 . PubMed ID: 2369911 doi:10.1007/BF00713504 10.1007/BF00713504 18. van Melick N , Meddeler BM , Hoogeboom TJ
Mechanisms of Achilles Tendon Rupture in National Basketball Association Players
Adam J. Petway, Matthew J. Jordan, Scott Epsley, and Philip Anloague
overemphasis on dorsiflexion range of motion should also be questioned. 24 Improving stiffness mechanisms within a controlled environment is supported in previous literature. 28 , 29 For example, Werkhausen et al 30 found that after a 10-week resistance training program consisting of single-leg isometric
Relationship Between Supporting Leg Stiffness and Trunk Kinematics of the Kicking Leg During Soccer Kicking
Akihiro Tamura, Keita Shimura, and Yuri Inoue
tasks . J Sports Sci . 2012 ; 30 ( 13 ): 1347 – 1363 . doi: 10.1080/02640414.2012.710755 11. Zhang Y , Hu Z , Li B , et al . Gender differences in lower extremity stiffness during a single-leg landing motion in badminton . Bioengineering . 2023 ; 10 ( 6 ): 631 . doi: 10.3390/BIOENGINEERING
Effects of Changing Hip Position on Scapular Kinematics
Sarah E. Schlittler, David N. Suprak, Lorrie R. Brilla, and Jun G. San Juan
. Unilateral support resistance training incorporating the hip and knee . Strength Cond J . 2003 ; 25 ( 2 ): 45 – 51 . 17. Juan , CS . Single-leg training for 2-legged sports: efficacy of strength development in athletic performance . Strength Cond J . 2001 ; 23 ( 3 ): 35 . 18. Mausehund L , Skard
Preparing to Land: Hamstring Preactivation Is Higher in Females and Is Inhibited by Fatigue
David Alan Phillips, Bridgette Rae Buckalew, Bridget Keough, and Jacklyn Stephanie Alencewicz
, Avedisian L , Hewett TE . Gender comparison of hip muscle activity during single-leg landing . J Orthop Sports Phys Ther . 2005 ; 35 ( 5 ): 292 – 299 . PubMed ID: 15966540 doi:10.2519/jospt.2005.35.5.292 45. Seals DR , Enoka RM . Sympathetic activation is associated with increases in EMG
Effects of Gluteus Medius and Biceps Femoris Stimulation on Reduction of Knee Abduction Moment During a Landing Task
Dan Wang, Man Wang, Vikki Wing-Shan Chu, Patrick Shu-Hang Yung, and Daniel T.P. Fong
KAM in a single-leg squat task, 33 as well as during a sidestep cutting task. 34 Tibiofemoral force is sensitive to alignment of the lower extremity and can be increased by valgus or varus. 35 DeMers et al 36 discovered that the gluteus medius produced the largest decrease in peak tibiofemoral
Phase-Specific Force and Time Predictors of Standing Long Jump Distance
John R. Harry, John Krzyszkowski, Luke D. Chowning, and Kristof Kipp
standing and reactive long jumps . Sports Biomech . 2011 ; 10 ( 02 ): 73 – 84 . doi:10.1080/14763141.2011.569564 21834392 10.1080/14763141.2011.569564 4. Meylan C , McMaster T , Cronin J , Mohammad NI , Rogers C , Deklerk M . Single-leg lateral, horizontal, and vertical jump assessment
Sex and Stride Impact Joint Stiffness During Loaded Running
Tyler N. Brown, AuraLea C. Fain, Kayla D. Seymore, and Nicholas J. Lobb
. McMahon TA , Valiant G , Frederick EC . Groucho running . J Appl Physiol . 1987 ; 62 ( 6 ): 2326 – 2337 . PubMed ID: 3610929 doi:10.1152/jappl.1987.62.6.2326 10.1152/jappl.1987.62.6.2326 34. Fain AC , Lobb NJ , Seymore KD , Brown TN . Sex and limb differences during a single-leg cut
The Relationship Between Surface Electromyographic Activity and Torque Production of the Infraspinatus Muscle in Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises
Bill Stodart, Maria Cup, and Curtis Kindel
resistance of a physioball. In this position, the hamstrings are in a significantly shortened state. Another exercise, the single-leg Romanian deadlift, was found to have very low EMG activity and was considered a “low-intensity exercise,” yet the hamstrings are in a more lengthened state. 24 However