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Movement Regularity Differentiates Specialized and Nonspecialized Athletes in a Virtual Reality Soccer Header Task

Christopher D. Riehm, Scott Bonnette, Michael A. Riley, Jed A. Diekfuss, Christopher A. DiCesare, Andrew Schille, Adam W. Kiefer, Neeru A. Jayanthi, Stephanie Kliethermes, Rhodri S. Lloyd, Mathew W. Pombo, and Gregory D. Myer

jump on lower extremity landing kinematics . Sports Med Health Sci . 2022 ; 4 ( 6 ): 209 – 214 . doi:10.1016/j.smhs.2022.07.003 36090922 34. Kiefer AW , Myer GD . Training the antifragile athlete: a preliminary analysis of neuromuscular training effects on muscle activation dynamics