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The Meaning and Measurement of a Sport Event Experience Among Active Sport Tourists

Kyriaki Kaplanidou and Christine Vogt

Destinations use sport events to attract participants and spectators, who then hold perceptions of both the sport event and destination. This research aimed to a) understand how active sport tourists perceive the meaning of a sport event experience and b) develop a scale for that meaning. Both aims are studied in a post trip context as evaluative research. Two focus groups were used to understand the meaning of the sport event experience among active sport tourists. Results from the focus groups suggest participants attribute meanings related to organizational, environmental, physical, social, and emotional aspects of the sport event experience. Next, semantic differential items were developed to measure the meaning of a sport event experience in the post trip phase. The items were tested with two different sport event participant samples using surveys. A uni-dimensionsal scale of 11 semantic differential items emerged. These items provide a measure for the evaluative meaning of a sport event experience.

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Recurring Sport Events and Destination Image Perceptions: Impact on Active Sport Tourist Behavioral Intentions and Place Attachment

Kyriaki Kaplanidou, Jeremy S. Jordan, Daniel Funk, and Lynn L. Ridinger

Hosting recurring sport events can be a solution for sustainable tourism development resulting in destination loyalty and higher place attachment levels. This study proposes active event sport tourists may include in their destination perceptions a number of destination and event attributes, given the direct association of the event with the place. The feasibility of the convergence of event and destination image attributes in one scale was explored and that scale’s influence on place attachment and on specific active sport tourists’ behaviors was examined. Data were collected from sport event tourist participants (n = 2,015) at a recurring marathon event via an online survey. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the factor structure of destination image to include event characteristics. Regression analysis was used to test the impact of destination image factors on behavioral intentions and place attachment and supported the predictive validity of destination image factors. Implications for event and destination marketers are discussed.

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Running Through Travel Career Progression: Social Worlds and Active Sport Tourism

Thomas J. Aicher, Richard J. Buning, and Brianna L. Newland

of active sport tourists ( Bull, 2006 ; Buning & Gibson, 2015 ; Chalip & McGuirty, 2004 ; Kulczycki & Halpenny, 2014 ; Snelgrove & Wood, 2010 ). Thus, social worlds may help illuminate differences in the travel behaviors and activities (i.e., flow-on tourism ) individuals engage in once in the

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In the article by Kyriaki (Kiki) Kaplanidou, Jeremy S. Jordan, Daniel Funk, and Lynn L. Ridinger titled “Recurring Sport Events and Destination Image Perceptions: Impact on Active Sport Tourist Behavioral Intentions and Place Attachment” appearing in JSM 26(3) May 2012, the name Lynn L. Ridinger was misspelled. We regret the error.

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Exploring the Trajectory of Active-Sport-Event Travel Careers: A Social Worlds Perspective

Richard J. Buning and Heather J. Gibson

Utilizing a social worlds perspective, the study examined active-sport-event travel career progression in the sport of cycling. Event travel careers are considered potentially lifelong patterns of travel to participate in events that evolve through stages with distinct behaviors and motivations. Quantitative methods were used to test tenets of an inductively derived model of the active-sport-event travel career for cyclists. An international sample of cyclists were surveyed online; N = 1,452 responded. Using general linear modeling, the results depicted an escalation in motivation related to intellectual, social, mastery competence, giving back, and competition against others with career progression. However, while travel behavior related to preferred events characteristics changed with career progression, preferred characteristics related to destinations and travel style remained relatively stagnant. Implications for destination and event management are discussed.

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Measuring Externalities: The Imperative Next Step to Sustainability Assessment in Sport

Brian P. McCullough, Madeleine Orr, and Nicholas M. Watanabe

, 33 ( 4 ), 289 – 302 . doi:10.1123/jsm.2018-0214 10.1123/jsm.2018-0214 Wicker , P. ( 2018 ). The carbon footprint of active sport tourists: An empirical analysis of skiers and boarders . Journal of Sport & Tourism, 22 ( 2 ), 151 – 171 . doi:10.1080/14775085.2017.1313706 10

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Air Pollution and Attendance in the Chinese Super League: Environmental Economics and the Demand for Sport

Nicholas M. Watanabe, Grace Yan, Brian P. Soebbing, and Wantong Fu

. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1016/j.smr.2018.07001 Wicker , P. ( 2018b ). The carbon footprint of active sport tourists: An empirical analysis of skiers and boarders . Journal of Sport & Tourism, 22 , 151 – 171 . doi:10.1080/14775085.2017.1313706 10.1080/14775085.2017.1313706 Wilson , B

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Inducing Destination Images Among International Audiences: The Differing Effects of Promoting Sport Events on the Destination Image of a City Around the World

Bob Heere, Henry Wear, Adam Jones, Tim Breitbarth, Xiaoyan Xing, Juan Luis Paramio Salcines, Masayuki Yoshida, and Inge Derom

destination image: Their influence on Olympic travelers’ behavioral intentions . Event Management, 8 , 3 – 14 . Kaplanidou , K. , Jordan , J.S. , Funk , D. , & Rindinger , L.L. ( 2012 ). Recurring sport events and destination image perceptions: Impact on active sport tourist behavioral intentions

Open access

Sport Ecology: Conceptualizing an Emerging Subdiscipline Within Sport Management

Brian P. McCullough, Madeleine Orr, and Timothy Kellison

.smr.2018.09.007 10.1016/j.smr.2018.09.007 Orr , M. , & Schneider , I. ( 2018 ). Substitution interests among active-sport tourists: The case of a cross-country ski event . Journal of Sport & Tourism, 22 ( 4 ), 315 – 332 . doi:10.1080/14775085.2018.1545600 10.1080/14775085.2018.1545600 Pepper , D