blended learning. Thus, Order EFP/561/2020 ( 2020 ) established that secondary schools could opt for the learning model that best guarantees the educational process and the prevention of COVID-19 infections, depending on the context and the characteristics of their particular situation. Among these models
Search Results
Physical Education Curricular Elements in Blended Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Francisco Javier Gil-Espinosa, Iván López-Fernández, Rubén Espejo, and Rafael Burgueño
“It Is Like a Little Journey”: Deaf International Futsal Players’ and Coaches’ Experiences in Collaborative Blended Learning
Luciana De Martin Silva and John W. Francis
attempts to first, explore the challenges and successes faced by deaf international futsal players when using a collaborative blended learning (CBL) approach (i.e., online and face-to-face group activities) in preparation for a major competition. Second, the article aims to provide a discussion of key
Factors Associated With High School Physical Education Teachers’ Adoption of a Supplemental Online Instructional System (iPE)
Chad M. Killian, Amelia Mays Woods, Kim C. Graber, and Thomas J. Templin
videos and assessments designed to help students learn personal fitness-related content. The iPE online curriculum is intended to be implemented concurrently with regular in-class PE curricula through the use of a blended learning approach. This approach allows teachers to determine the method and extent
Developing and Implementing an App-Based Blended Psychological Skills Training: A Case Study
Lukas Stenzel, Melissa Röcken, Simon Borgmann, and Oliver Stoll
). For example, Baumel, Muench, Edan, and Kane ( 2019 ) reported approximately 4% of daily active users (open rate) for mindfulness apps. A way to increase user engagement with mental health apps can be blended learning or blended interventions ( Tighe et al., 2017 ; Torous et al., 2018 ). Blended
Coaches’ Experience of the “Gaelic4Teens” Program in Ireland
Wesley O’Brien, Irene Hogan, and Tara Coppinger
-centered environment for social and athletic development ( LGFA, 2021 ). Due to the face-to-face COVID-19 restrictions in place across amateur community team sport settings in Ireland during 2020, the rollout of the G4T coach education program was amended to facilitate a blended learning delivery over a 16-week period
Developing Specialised Youth Soccer Coaching Qualifications: An Exploratory Study of Course Content and Delivery Mechanisms
David Adams, Brendan Cropley, and Richard Mullen
The purpose of the current study was to empirically examine the potential course content, structure, and delivery mechanisms for a dedicated elite youth coach education programme in football (soccer) in the UK. By achieving this aim it was the intention of the authors to use the findings of this study for the future development of a customised coach education programme. Fifteen elite coaches, working in youth football at the time of the study, participated in one of three focus groups. Emerging from content analysis procedures, the findings placed specific importance on the development of an athlete-centred coaching philosophy, a focus on behaviours and activities associated with positive youth development, a movement away from traditional practices, and the development of the skills required to learn through reflective practice. In addition, a range of pedagogical approaches, including social approaches to learning, mentoring, and blended learning, were highlighted as ways to better deliver education programmes.
Online Personal Fitness Course Alignment With National Guidelines for Online Physical Education
Margaret T. Harris and Mike Metzler
Evergreen Education Group provides the most up-to-date national perspective of K-12 online and blended learning; according to their most recent report, all 50 states have some sort of online learning option for students, ranging from single course offerings through brick-and-mortar schools to those offered
Physical Education in the COVID Era: Considerations for Online Program Delivery Using the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Framework
Collin A. Webster, Emily D’Agostino, Mark Urtel, Jaimie McMullen, Brian Culp, Cate A. Egan Loiacono, and Chad Killian
teaching blended and online physical education . In R.E. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of Research on K–12 Online and Blended Learning ( 1st ed. , pp. 201 – 222 ). Pittsburg, PA : ETC Press . Daum , D.N. , & Buschner , C. ( 2018 ). Research on teaching K–12 online physical education
The Success and Struggles of Physical Education Teachers While Teaching Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Erin Centeio, Kevin Mercier, Alex Garn, Heather Erwin, Risto Marttinen, and John Foley
for technology-specific PD. A few examples: “Online distance learning” (Teacher 1334), “learning how to use the tools for distance learning” (Teacher, 1447), and “teaching in an E-learning environment” (Teacher 1535). The need for understanding the role of technology in an online and blended learning
Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Media for Professional Development and Learning in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
Stephen Harvey, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, and Brendon P. Hyndman
. ( 2010 ). Blended learning environments: Using social networking sites to enhance the first year experience . Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26 ( 6 ), 729 – 740 . doi:10.14742/ajet.1039 10.14742/ajet.1039 McNamara , S. , Healy , S. , & Haegele , J. ( 2019 ). Use of social