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Nichola Kentzer in Conversation With Göran Kenttä: Recipient of the 2022 Association for Applied Sport Psychology Distinguished Professional Practice Award

Nichola Kentzer and Göran Kenttä

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Brazilian Gymnastics in a Crucible: A Media Data Case Study of Serial Sexual Victimization of the Brazilian Men’s Gymnastics Team

Michelle E. Seanor, Cole E. Giffin, Robert J. Schinke, and Diana A. Coholic

, 2006 ), a phenomenon in which victims endure repeated maltreatment from perpetrators ( Hamilton & Browne, 1998 ). Survivor revictimization can vary with survivor characteristics. Female survivors of childhood sexual assault have an increased risk of future victimization, whereas male survivors have an

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“All or Nothing”: The Road to the National Hockey League for Five Successful Danish Players Born in 1989

Daniel K.S. Bendorff, Anders W. Aggerholm, Simon H. Dalsgaard, Christian M. Wrang, Luc J. Martin, and Niels N. Rossing

had engaged in multiple sports, deliberate play, and deliberate fun practice throughout their childhood, while the players at age 13 years self-selected into two training groups that resembled elite oriented or recreational pathways. However, although these studies emphasized the importance of

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What It Means To Be an Applied Exercise Psychologist: Reflections From 2003 to 2023

Paula M. Watson

take me. Therefore, I kind of resigned myself to bullet point number 4, that I would do my best to apply my psychology knowledge in whatever role I had, even if I was not employed overtly as a “psychologist.” Applied Practitioner—Take 1 (Childhood Obesity Management) Having had little joy with what I

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“Don’t Just Speak About It, Be About It”: Rebecca Busanich in Conversation With Shannon Baird on Choosing the Principled Path as a Practitioner

Rebecca Busanich and Shannon Baird

skills to soldiers .) ... I remember in that moment going, “That’s my job.” How have I not known that that job existed? (The fact that) I could wed up my childhood experience, growing up in the military, with the passion that I have for helping people live their dreams out loud. How can I not? Rebecca

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Pavel Datsyuk: Learning, Development, and Becoming the “Magic Man”

Mark O’Sullivan, Vladislav A. Bespomoshchnov, and Clifford J. Mallett

training sessions or self-directed peer-led activities in ice hockey or other sports. While ice hockey very popular during Pavel’s childhood, it only started to come to the fore in the 1940’s, when Anatoly Tarasov (regarded as the godfather of Soviet ice hockey) was given the unenviable task of developing

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Using a Person-Centered Approach to Facilitate a Male Amateur Distance Runner’s Personal Growth

Joe R. Davis and Paul J. McCarthy

beliefs that individuals adopt from those around them, to enable them to gain their approval. For example, the athlete referred to in the previous paragraph might have developed a condition of worth during childhood: “to be successful as an athlete, I have to win medals at the Olympics.” This condition of

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Experiencing the Social Environment of a Canoe Kayak Club: A Case Study of a Special Olympics Program

Krystn Orr, M. Blair Evans, Katherine A. Tamminen, and Kelly P. Arbour-Nicitopoulos

for participation than during childhood and adolescence (e.g., fewer recreational sport programs to choose from, and unknown quality of the program). When they do gain access to programs, their experiences may be benign or disenfranchising experiences because of inadequate social environments with

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Life as a Sport Psych Nomad: Thierry Middleton in Conversation With Shameema Yousuf on Advocating for Change as a Sport Psychologist

Thierry R.F. Middleton and Shameema M. Yousuf

/or study. It took me three attempts to get my U.S. visa. The first two occasions getting rejected for a U.S. visa were quite traumatizing, despite regular travels to the United States throughout my career and childhood. I felt like I was in a cattle line at the embassy waiting to be interviewed for a visa

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An Existential Counseling Case Study: Navigating Several Critical Moments With a Professional Football Player

Samuel Porter, Noora Ronkainen, Richard Sille, and Martin Eubank

received them (timing, tone, and mode of delivery). Despite tensions she experienced around being loyal to her current (and childhood) club, Hannah started to express a desire to find a club that had greater resources for development and that appeared more aligned with her values and beliefs. Identity