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Changing the Game: My Career in Collegiate Sports Marketing

Annemarie Farrell

Association (NCAA) Final Four. The book takes us from his childhood to current reflections on a professional career during a time of profound growth and change in collegiate sport marketing. The intimate, insider account provides a valuable perspective on the business of college sport. Host chronicles the

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Charting Their Own Path: Using Life Course Theory to Explore the Careers of Gay Men Working in Sport

Jeffrey D. MacCharles and E. Nicole Melton

participants outline their life trajectories, noting early sport experiences (starting in childhood), key turning points (e.g., leaving home), transitions (e.g., gaining status at work), and meaningful life linkages (e.g., parents, coworkers, social networks) as they progress along their sport career pathway

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Parent Well-Being Through Community Youth Sport: An Autoethnography of “Sideline” Participation

Katie E. Misener

– 325 . doi:10.1037/1089-2680.9.4.291 10.1037/1089-2680.9.4.291 Simpkins , S.D. , Fredricks , J.A. , & Eccles , J.S. ( 2012 ). Charting the eccles’ expectancy-value model from mothers’ beliefs in childhood to youths’ activities in adolescence . Developmental Psychology, 48 ( 4 ), 1019 – 1032

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The Effect of Digital Integrated Marketing Communications on Not-for-Profit Sport Consumption Behaviors

Damien Whitburn, Adam Karg, and Paul Turner

.E. ( 2003 ). Advanced mixed methods research designs . Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Research, 209, 240 – 257 . Crowley , S.L. , Worchel , F.F. , & Ash , M.J. ( 1992 ). Self-report, peer-report, and teacher-report measures of childhood depression: An analysis by item

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Motivations for Crowdinvesting in European Football Clubs

Szczepan Kościółek

being able to call themselves football club owners (e.g., I treated the shares symbolically so I could call myself a co-owner of the club [R12] or It is a childhood dream to have my own club [R18]). Meanwhile, a group of fans remarked on the benefits of participating in the general meeting of

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Selling Gender Through Kids’ Sport Team Merchandise: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis

Katherine Sveinson and Charles D.T. Macaulay

show behavioral loyalty around the age of nine ( James, 2001 ), and the learning of gender stereotypes begins during early childhood ( Martin & Ruble, 2010 ), we extend existing work to illustrate how organizations reproduce and challenge gender dynamics for children and their parents by marketing kids

Open access

Team Identity and Environmentalism: The Case of Forest Green Rovers

Elizabeth B. Delia, Brian P. McCullough, and Keegan Dalal

environmental causes—you know, so, actually sends out good messages, I suppose, and makes the world a better place, as opposed to my early experiences, which were the opposite of that . . . . Because for all of my childhood, um, I had to do what I could to not be identified with one or the other teams because

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“It’s Like This One Man’s Baby”: Gender and Decision-Making Power in Sport for Development and Peace Organizations

Lucy V. Piggott

reflective of gendered logics and practices within their organizations compared with women interviewees. That is, if sporty men founders and employees have been socialized since childhood into gender-segregated sport spaces and practices that not only normalize gender segregation but also a gender hierarchy

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“Out of the Black, Into the Big Blue” on a Single Breath: Sport Event Value Co-Creation as Symbolic World-Making

Vassilios Ziakas, Christine Lundberg, and Giorgos Sakkas

Monastery of Hozoviotissa and its beaches ( GNTO, 2020 ). The event commemorates the film’s legacy. Its storyline centers around the rivalry between the protagonists—Enzo and Jacques, two childhood friends, now world-renowned free-divers. It is based, however, heavily adapted for cinema on the real life of