potential differences in persons completing measures before and after the postponement in our analyses (described later). Outcome Measures The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) is a 5-item self-report scale that was developed to help identify persons with significant fear and/or anxiety due to COVID-19
Search Results
Prevalence of COVID-19 Anxiety in Division I Student-Athletes
Victoria Sanborn, Lauren Todd, Hanna Schmetzer, Nasha Manitkul-Davis, John Updegraff, and John Gunstad
Collegiate Student-Athlete Psychological Distress and Counseling Utilization During COVID-19
Lindsey E. Slavin, Tess M. Palmateer, Trent A. Petrie, and E. Whitney G. Moore
, 45 ( 9 ), 2148 – 2155 . https://doi.org/10.1177/0363546517702847 Li , R. , Pei , S. , Chen , B. , Song , Y. , Zhang , T. , Yang , W. , & Shaman , J. ( 2020 ). Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) . Science, 368
Examining the Impact of Gym Closures Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic on Combat Sport Athletes’ Mental Health
Jacob J. Levy, Terrance L. Tarver, and Hannah R. Douglas
In January 2020, gyms and fitness facilities in China began to close to help mitigate the spread on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, hereafter referred to as COVID-19 ( International Health, Racquet, & Sportsclub Association, 2021 ). By mid-March 2020, health departments and
Perspectives of Life in Sweden During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Karin Weman Josefsson
. ( 2020 ). Science conversation, August 28, 2020 . Episode #1—Herd immunity. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/media-resources/science-in-5/episode-1 32369007
Mental Health Symptoms of Amateur Association Football Referees: A Cross-Sectional Study
Yavuz Lima, Sergen Devran, Tom Webb, and Bülent Bayraktar
Public Health, 18 ( 3 ), 1111 – 1129 . 10.3390/ijerph18031111 Our World in Data . ( 2022 ). https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer Rice , S.M. , Gwyther , K. , Santesteban-Echarri , O. , Baron , D. , Gorczynski , P. , Gouttebarge , V. , . . . & Purcell , R
Mental Health in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Impact on Well-Being Across the Athlete-Collegiate Career
David P. Schary and Carolina Lundqvist
notice”: Chaos after colleges tell students to stay away . The New York Times . Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/us/colleges-cancel-classes-coronavirus.html Herrmann , C. ( 1997 ). International experiences with the Hospisal Anxiety and Depression Scale—A review of validation data
The Impact of Athletic Identity, Psychological Flexibility, and Value Consistent Living on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Retired Elite Rugby Players
Jacqueline Mooney, Andrew Bethell, Chris Wagstaff, and Ross White
. , Sasse , T. , & Tetlow , G. ( 2021 ). Lifting lockdown in 2021: The next phase of the coronavirus strategy . https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/lifting-lockdown-2021_0.pdf Hart , J. , Jr. , Kraut , M.A. , Womack , K.B. , Strain , J. , Didehbani , N
Barriers and Facilitators to Help-Seeking for Mental Health Difficulties Among Professional Jockeys in Ireland
Lewis King, SarahJane Cullen, Jean McArdle, Adrian McGoldrick, Jennifer Pugh, Giles Warrington, and Ciara Losty
important to allow participants a safe space to feel comfortable to discuss matters that are often highly personal. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all interviews took place via telephone and were conducted by the lead researcher. With participant’s informed consent, interviews were recorded via a