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Fostering Motivation in Physical Education to Promote Learning and Achievement

Senlin Chen and Melinda Solmon

widely used to inform motivation interventions in PE: achievement goal theory (AGT) , self-determination theory (SDT) , and interest theory . AGT AGT is a social cognitive theory that dominated motivational research in sport and physical activity in the 1990s and continues to be influential today. AGT

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The National Academy of Kinesiology: Its Founding, Focus, and Future

Bradley J. Cardinal

This was further solidified when, through the dogged determination of Academy fellows over the course of a decade ( Thomas et al., 2007 ), the National Research Council (NRC) began recognizing kinesiology as a life science subfield in 2006. 12 In the United States, different Classification of

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Social Justice in Practice—Integrating Ethical Leadership, Inclusive Excellence, and Community Engagement in the Undergraduate Kinesiology Curriculum

Jeffrey Cherubini

leaders as visionaries and lifelong learners who listen, empathize, and empower others, the KIN 413 course content focuses on leadership effectiveness via demonstrations of emotional intelligence, moral decision making, self-determination, care, and service to others ( Lumpkin & Achen, 2018 ). Emphasis

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Exploring the Possibilities of Outdoor/Adventure Education

Kent Griffin

). Several theoretical perspectives have been employed when studying these constructs. One of several theories to help set the backdrop for investigations in the affective domain is self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985 ). A subcomponent of this theory speaks to the importance of the

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Reflections on a Scholarly Career in Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Influence of Significant Others on the Psychosocial Well-Being of Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

Thelma S. Horn

of life Life satisfaction Horn et al. ( 2011 ) N  = 195, NCAA Division III athletes (variety of sports) Multidimensional model of leadership ( Chelladurai, 2007 ) Self-determination theory ( Ryan & Deci, 2007 ) Descriptive Preferred version of the LSS ( Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980 ) Preferred version

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Social Psychology and Physical Activity: A Senior Perspective

Diane L. Gill

) social-cognitive theory, Deci and Ryan’s ( 1985 , 2000 ) self-determination theory, and especially Dweck’s influential work on beliefs and mindset (e.g.,  Dweck, 2006 , 2012 ). Second, I like integrative scholarship ( Boyer, 1990 ), pulling things together, as in the 1986 text (now in its 4th edition

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Institutional Strategies to Enhance Graduate Student Success Through Mentoring

Jennifer J. Waldron

:// Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in the Biosciences . ( 2013 ). Excelling in graduate school . Deci , E.L. , & Ryan , R.M. ( 2000 ). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and self-determination

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Perspectives on the Academic Discipline of Kinesiology

David I. Anderson and Richard E.A. van Emmerik

(including what the field aspires to be). Each set of authors made the final determination of what to include in their paper. We organized the papers in the special issue into two broad sections. The first section focuses on the traditional subdisciplines and the second section focuses on areas of

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What Triplett Didn’t Find and What Lewin Never Said First

Jeffrey J. Martin

.2307/1412188 10.2307/1412188 Vansteenkiste , M. , & Sheldon , K.M. ( 2006 ). There’s nothing more practical than a good theory: Integrating motivational interviewing and self‐determination theory . British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 63 – 82 . PubMed ID: 16480567 doi:10.1348/014466505X34192 10

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The 2022 Janus 2.0 Conference Papers: Introduction to the Special Issue

Kevin Andrew Richards, Kim C. Graber, and Amelia Mays Woods

, R.L. , & Chase , M.A. ( 2009 ). An examination of physical education teacher motivation from a self-determination theoretical framework . Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 14 ( 4 ), 335 – 353 . 10.1080/17408980802301866 Castelli , D. , & van der Mars , H. ( 2018 ). Moving forward