The senior internship is a critical developmental experience for sport management students transitioning into their careers. Despite the internship’s role as a career development tool, previous research has suggested that the experience may deter students from continuing to pursue a career in the sports industry (Cunningham, Sagas, Dixon, Turner, & Kent, 2005). The present study uses decision-making theory and a longitudinal approach to improve on previous efforts to examine changes in students’ affective commitment to the vocation and intent to pursue a career in the vocation as a result of the internship experience. Results of the structural model show that challenge, supervisor support, and role conflict significantly influence students’ career decision making.
Search Results
Internship Characteristics, Critical Events, and Intent to Enter the Vocation
Michael Odio and Shannon Kerwin
Undergraduate Sport Management Education: Exploring Ego Development and Leadership Efficacy
Shannon Kerwin and Kirsty Spence
that propose a unique developmental experience for students ( Cunningham, 2014 ; Zakus et al., 2007 ). For these experiences to be meaningful for students’ higher-level perceptions of self, however, a greater focus on experiential, personal, and professional development must be exerted within these
Managing a Successful Cocurricular Club: Practical Experience Outside the Classroom
Lance P. Kaltenbaugh and Jennifer Parsons
developmental theory for higher education . Journal of College Student Personnel, 25 ( 4 ), 297 – 308 . Astin , A.W. ( 1999 ). Involvement in learning revisited: Lessons we have learned . Journal of College Student Development, 40 ( 5 ), 587 – 598 . Astin , H. ( July-August 1996 ). Leadership
Cocreating Change Through Sport-Based Social Entrepreneurship
Ryan Snelgrove and Laura Wood
to promote social change through sport, key developmental theories and concepts must be integrated into sport management curricula education” (p. 128). In order to build specific competencies and expose students to a wider range of career opportunities, educational opportunities need to stand alone
Proceed With Caution: A Teaching Case Study of Youth Sport Specialization
Makenzie A. Schoeff, Katie R. Morey, James E. Johnson, Anya T. Eicher, and Lawrence W. Judge
management professional? 11. Is it important to emphasize fun over competition in the youth sport setting? How as a sport manager could you implement a healthy developmental philosophy while remaining competitive? Audience As youth sport specialization has increased, so has the need for sport professionals
Peer Mentoring After Experiential Learning
Molly Hayes Sauder, Donna C. Grove, and Dexter Davis
-Roberts , K. ( 2021 ). Developmental outcomes of university female basketball athletes as participants in peer mentoring groups . Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, 3 ( 2 ), 116 – 127 . 10.25035/jade.03.02.03 Ledford , A. , Mitchell , A
Sport Management Faculty Members’ Mentorship of Student-Athletes
Stacy M. Warner, Sarah Stokowski, Alison Fridley, and Kibaek Kim
-0320 10.1123/jsm.2012-0320 Kogovšek , M. , & Ograjenšek , I. ( 2019 ). Effects of the same-gender vs. cross-gender mentoring on a Protégé outcome in academia: An exploratory study . Metodoloski Zvezki 16 ( 1 ), 61 – 78 . Kram , K.E. ( 1988 ). Mentoring at work: Developmental relationships in
Enhancing Holistic Learning Through a Sport Management Short-Term Study Abroad
Daniel L. Springer, Arden J. Anderson, Stuart M. Dixon, Stacy M. Warner, and Marlene A. Dixon
accompany short-term opportunities to ensure educational and developmental impact ( Donnelly-Smith, 2009 ; Kamdar & Lewis, 2015 ; Spencer & Tuma, 2002 ). However, there is little consensus in the extant literature on the impact and benefit of short-term study abroad trips ( Bloom & Miranda, 2015 ; Carley
A Snapshot of Sport Management Courses in Australia
Megan C. Hekkema, Melinda Hall, and Deborah A. Pascoe
sport management accreditation for universities can only be sought through the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) based in the United States ( Rayner & Webb, 2022 ). “Continuous quality improvement” and a “developmental approach” are at the heart of COSMA whose purpose is to promote
Incorporating Mental Health Literacy Into the Sport Management Curriculum
Lauren Beasley, Amy E. Cox, and Robin Hardin
: Understanding and supporting student-athlete mental wellness (pp. 32 – 35 ). NCCA Publications . Barkley , L. , Taliaferro , L.A. , Baker , K. , & Garcia , J. ( 2018 ). The holistic athletic healthcare model: Addressing the developmental, social, and cultural needs of collegiate athletes . Journal