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Search Results
The Coin Model of Privilege and Critical Allyship: Confronting Social Privilege Through Sport Management Education
Daniel L. Springer, Sarah Stokowski, and Wendi Zimmer
Self-Categorization and Sport Management Students: Perceptions of Industry and Discipline by Self-Identified Gender
Mike Ross, Bobby Berry, and Mark Vermillion
Sport Industry: Median, Mode, and Percentage Agreeing or Strongly Agreeing With Questionnaire Item Questionnaire item: sport industry dynamic Median Mode % agree or strongly agree There is fair and equal treatment of female athletes in the sport industry. 3 2 35.1 Women are treated fairly within the
Deontological Ethics, Naomi Osaka, and the 2021 French Open: A Teaching Case Study for Deontological Ethics
Chuck Provencio
hold a world No. 1 ranking in the Women’s Tennis Association, and in 2020, she was the highest paid female athlete of all time with a record of $37.4 million ( Pedersen & Thibault, 2022 ). In 2021, Osaka made the controversial decision not to participate in press activities during the French Open (aka
Examination of Disability-Related Content Across Sport Management Textbooks
Brenda G. Pitts, Deborah R. Shapiro, Cindy K. Piletic, and Jennifer Zdroik
settings. • Attention should be paid to the inclusion of female athletes; male or female athletes other than those with minimal impairment; or wheelchair athletes and their respective achievements, impact, and contribution to the promotion and development of sport for, by, and with people with disabilities
The Marshall Plan: How Diversity and Inclusion Transformed the Dallas Mavericks’ Organizational Culture
Mark A. Beattie and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe
://www.espn.com/dallas/columns/story?columnist=macmahon_tim&id=4793301 Messner , M.A. ( 1988 ). Sports and male domination: The female athlete as contested ideological terrain . Sociology of Sport Journal, 5 ( 3 ), 197 – 211 . https://doi.org/10.1123/ssj.5.3.197 Oja , B.D. , Hazzaa , R.N. , Wilkerson , Z. , & Bass , J.R. ( 2018 ). March Madness in
Sport Management Faculty Members’ Mentorship of Student-Athletes
Stacy M. Warner, Sarah Stokowski, Alison Fridley, and Kibaek Kim
. https://doi.org/10.1080/13583883.2012.657228 10.1080/13583883.2012.657228 Dwyer , B. , & Gellock , J.L. ( 2018 ). Does athletic participation signal employability? An experimental analysis of male and female athlete job applicants . Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 11 ( 1 ), 40 – 64 . https
Female Students’ Experiences of Sexual Harassment in the Sport Management Internship Setting
Robin Hardin, Elizabeth A. Taylor, and Emily Sleadd
, 21 ( A ), 101 – 116 . 10.1016/j.jhlste.2017.09.001 Moran-Miller , K.E. , & Flores , L.Y. ( 2011 ). Where are the women in women’s sports? Predictors of female athletes’ interest in a coaching career . Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82 ( 1 ), 109 – 117 . PubMed ID: 21462691
Differences in Sport Management Doctoral Students’ Experiences With Gender Microaggressions and Stereotype Threat by Gender
Sarah B. Williams, Elizabeth A. Taylor, T. Christopher Greenwell, and Brigitte M. Burpo
.R. , & Ho , I.K. ( 2016 ). Microaggressions and female athletes . Sex Roles, 74 ( 7–8 ), 275 – 287 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-014-0425-1 Kim , K.Y. , Longacre , T.E. , & Werner , S. ( 2016 ). The effects of multilevel signals on sex discrimination experiences among female employees
“I Felt Like . . . They Left Me to Fend for Myself”: A Mixed-Method Examination of Sense of Belonging Among Minoritized Groups in Sport Academic Programs
Yannick Kluch, Elizabeth A. Taylor, Raquel Wright-Mair, and Dakota Boring
through sport. Particularly, I was encouraged by connections with LGBTQ+ graduate faculty and strong, vocally supportive allies.” Open code: Experiencing discrimination “It’s almost always men who make these comments, usually sexualizing female athletes or disrespecting the opinions of their female