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The Form and Function of Physical Activity in New France, 1534–1759
Alan Metcalfe
Architecture on Ice: A History of the Hockey Arena
Russell Field
of arenas to connect changes in style and form to the shifting economics of modern indoor ice sports. Shubert makes a compelling case that not only did function and the celebration of spectacle come to determine architectural form, but that the containing of what was originally an outdoor activity
The Significance of Baseball Games Between South Korean Teams and US Army Teams Shortly After World War II
Moongi Cho
animals.” 4 To overcome these limitations, this study analyzes newspaper reports issued in Seoul, the capital of South Korea; the history of the US Armed Forces in South Korea; and existing studies related to the US Military Government. The objective of the study is to identify the appearance, functions
Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), Power, and Politics: A Socio-Historical Analysis
Hans Erik Næss
unique to the FIA. According to Forster and Pope, GSGBs in general ‘have been forced into revenue raising through global events they construct because they have relatively few alternative sources of funds to support their functions.’ 67 Without any plausible way of avoiding this situation, combined with
“Behind the Scenes”: The Secret Life of Harry Bosco
John D. Fair
, “I’ve Lost A Friend.” 93 He continued to function at a very high level as an author and artist, to the extent that he became, especially through his characterization of Bosco, a critical force behind the popularity of Strength & Health in the 1950s. Lessons readers learned from his creative
Defending the American Way of Life: Sport, Culture, and the Cold War
Erin Redihan
Union, could seem haphazard, this collection functions well as a whole. This is a sign of good editing and also careful adherence to the Cold War theme on the part of the individual contributors. The tightly written introduction, penned by Rider and Witherspoon, does an excellent job of knitting
Football and Nation Building in Colombia (2010–2018): The Only Thing That Unites Us
Alyssa Hirsch
football rhetoric through accessible media channels, chapter four examines how this rhetoric actualized into law, and chapter five explains how the law functioned. Each chapter develops on the ideas of the last, contextualizing Colombian history for the reader, Colombian football and nationalism, and
Transnational Sport in the American West: Oaxaca California Basketball
Paulina A. Rodríguez
basketball court functions as a political site for community building—a central tenet of Oaxacan culture. Chapter two situates Oaxacan basketball within sport history scholarship and explores the rise of Oaxacan basketball. Chapter three focuses on Oaxacan basketball in the United States. In this chapter
On the Field, Its Future in the Journal, and the Self-Reflection We All Need to Do at Least Once
Ornella Nzindukiyimana
innovation. Writing about feminism, Audre Lorde notes that mere tolerance of the Other is not enough, calling it “a total denial of the creative function of difference in our lives.” Lorde adds, For difference must be not merely tolerated, but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between which our
Wearing My Heart on My Sleeve: Transgressing the Traditional Boundaries of Sport History
Christine O’Bonsawin
understood to have been written from an Indigenous perspective and functioned to recenter Indigenous primacies. This is but one example of the double dealing in a field of study that, as Lindsay Parks Pieper and Carly Adams suggest, “has often failed to interrogate the kinds of histories told and by whom