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Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Latino Preschool Children: A Scoping Review

Sharon E. Taverno Ross

secondary outcome ( Cloutier et al., 2015 ; Fitzgibbon et al., 2006 , 2013 ; Taverno Ross et al., 2018 ; Yin et al., 2012 ), one targeted both physical activity and diet ( Cruz et al., 2016 ), and one targeted gross motor skill performance and physical activity ( Bellows et al., 2013 ). It is

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Planning and Pedagogical Considerations for Teaching Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Physical Education

Andrew Sortwell, Bastian Carter-Thuillier, Ferman Konukman, Kate O’Brien, Soukaina Hattabi, and Kevin Trimble

, 2022 ; Sortwell et al., 2022 ). Children with ASD have difficulties understanding verbal directions and isolating parts of an activity or task; therefore, they tend to prefer basic gross motor activities requiring low motor coordination similar to those preferred in typically developing children at a

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Preschool-Based Physical Activity Interventions in African American and Latino Preschoolers: A Literature Review

Sofiya Alhassan, Christine W. St. Laurent, and Sarah Burkart

• 86% AA, 9% Latino • YMCAs in southeastern United States • 9 months • Start for Life: 30 min of daily physical activities incorporating gross motor, self-management, and self-regulation skills • Teachers • Usual care • Self-efficacy and SCT • Baseline and immediately postintervention • Physical

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The N-Pact Factor, Replication, Power, and Quantitative Research in Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

Jeffrey Martin and Drew Martin

used the Test of Gross Motor Development to determine if a motor skill or PA intervention was successful in developing a child’s FMS ( Ketcheson et al., 2021 ). The dichotomous scoring procedure (i.e., 1 if the skill is present and 0 if it is not present) makes it suitable for determining the NNT

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Motor Development: Far More Than Just the Development of Motor Skills

David I. Anderson

published by Jan Piek et al. Piek, Dawson, Smith, and Gasson ( 2008 ) discovered that parental reports of early gross motor development predicted later cognitive development at school age. Interestingly, the fine and gross motor skills trajectories did not predict school-age fine and gross motor performance

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Motor Patterns Acquired Early in Life, the Brain-Behavior Coalition, and the Importance of Context

Ryota Nishiyori and Beverly D. Ulrich

. The authors concluded that “development of gross motor control in utero emerges in the presence of dynamic and interactive environmental factors” (p. 1). During the third trimester, when fetuses have been observed producing more complex actions, one of the classic patterns is called hand

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Learning to Take Joy and Perceive Competence in Physical Movement: Origins in Early Childhood

Thelma S. Horn

differences in toy options may certainly be linked to differences in the types of skills and abilities that are practiced or developed. Specifically, boys may be provided with more opportunities to develop spatial, gross motor, and self-assertion skills while girls may be encouraged to develop fine-motor and

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Motor Development, a Field With a Bright Future

Leah E. Robinson

movement, such as the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale ( Folio & Fewell, 2000 ), the Movement Assessment Battery for Children ( Henderson, Sugden, & Barnett, 2007 ), and the Test of Gross Motor Development ( Ulrich, 2000 ), all assessments have some degree of limitations. These limitations range from a

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Value Orientation Inventory: Development, Applications, and Contributions

Weimo Zhu and Ang Chen

in meaningful ways. For example, the Test of Gross Motor Development (1st, 2nd, and 3rd eds., known as TGMD-1, -2, and -3; see for more information on the test) and FitnessGram®, a health-related youth fitness assessment tool, have more than 30 years of development

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Exploring the Possibilities of Outdoor/Adventure Education

Kent Griffin

program for helping students bridge the gap between the classroom and the practicality of learning. Several other studies have highlighted the importance of OAE across other domains. In a summary of the benefits of nature-based learning, Christian ( 2017 ) highlighted benefits in the physical (e.g., gross