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Open access

Volunteerism During COVID-19: Sport Management Students’ Career Interests Against Public Health Risks

Kyu-soo Chung, Jennifer Willet, B. Christine Green, and Nari Shin

is typically encouraged and praised, their motivation to volunteer may be in conflict with COVID-19’s health prevention policies and practices, such as stay-at-home orders, quarantining, curfews, and social distancing requirements ( American Medical Association, 2020 ; Chia & Oyeniran, 2020 ). Such

Restricted access

A Snapshot of Sport Management Courses in Australia

Megan C. Hekkema, Melinda Hall, and Deborah A. Pascoe

management, for example, injury prevention or introduction to philosophy. Table  1 also presents the courses currently offered in undergraduate sport management curricula in Australia and the proportion which align to the current COSMA–CPC ( COSMA, 2022 ). Professional development/career planning (5.7%, n

Open access

Application of Social Work Theory in Sport Management Curriculum: Ecological Systems Theory

Amy E. Cox, Lauren Beasley, and Robin Hardin

and substance use: Ecological perspectives on workforce development . Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 24 ( 6 ), 469 – 476 . Girginov , V. ( 2010 ). Culture and the study of sport management . European Sport Management Quarterly, 10 ( 4

Restricted access

Enhancing Holistic Learning Through a Sport Management Short-Term Study Abroad

Daniel L. Springer, Arden J. Anderson, Stuart M. Dixon, Stacy M. Warner, and Marlene A. Dixon

two countries to the rules and cultures surrounding those sports. For example, students commented on the elite culture of cricket, based on their visit to Lord’s Cricket Ground, and on community involvement, hooliganism prevention, and drinking cultures surrounding British soccer. They also shared

Free access

Improving Student Interview Preparation Through Collaborative Multimodal Mock-Interview Assignments

Emeka Anaza, Paul Mabrey, Mikihiro Sato, Olivia Miller, and Julia Thompson

Prevention Education program utilized a peer-led comprehensive sexual health education approach. The findings showed that peer-led education “can be an important educational mechanism for teaching students information and skills to promote sexual health” ( Layzer et al., 2017 , p. 513). Hansen et al. ( 2009