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A Case Study of Using an Adult-Oriented Coaching Survey and Debrief Session to Facilitate Coaches’ Learning in Masters Sport

Bettina Callary, Catalina Belalcazar, Scott Rathwell, and Bradley W. Young

-Oriented Sport Coaching Survey (AOSCS; Rathwell et al., 2020 ) is a psychometrically validated and empirically grounded self-assessment tool designed to stimulate reflection and coach learning about key psychosocial coaching approaches when working with adult athletes. It has 22 items that allow coaches to rate

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Designing Quality Sport Environments to Support Newcomer Youth and Their Families: The Case of One Program Founder/Leader

Sara Kramers, Camille Sabourin, Laura Martin, and Martin Camiré

education and an advanced coaching diploma from the National Coaching Certificate Program in Canada. She has vast experience in sport, coaching for over 30 years and working as an executive for local, provincial, and national sport organizations in the areas of policy, planning, and coach training. Given

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Enhancing the Mental Performance of Head Coaches in Professional Sports: A Case Study of Collaboration With the Head Coach of a Professional Basketball Team

Charles A. Maher

& Hoffman, 2018 ), acceptance and commitment approaches ( Gardner & Moore, 2007 ; Hayes et al., 2006 ), and program planning and evaluation methods ( Maher, 2012 , 2021 ). Third, with regard to working with a sport coach, I am intent on providing the individual with guidance about the mental and emotional

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Case Studies of Olympic Medalist Coach–Athlete Relationships: A Retrospective Analysis Prior to and During the Olympics

Brian Zuleger and Rick McGuire

). The practices and developmental pathways of professional and Olympic serial winning coaches . International Sport Coaching Journal, 3 ( 3 ), 221 – 239 . 10.1123/iscj.2016-0083 Littlejohn , S.W. , & Foss , K.A. ( 2010 ). Theories of human communication

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Behind the Curtains of Elite Esports: A Case Study From a Holistic Ecological Approach to Talent Development

Ismael Pedraza-Ramirez, Bernadette Ramaker, Ole Winthereik Mathorne, Matthew Watson, and Sylvain Laborde

Watson , M. , Smith , D. , Fenton , J. , Pedraza-Ramirez , I. , Laborde , S. , & Cronin , C. ( 2022 ). Introducing esports coaching to sport coaching (not as sport coaching) . Sports Coaching Review . Advance online publication. 10.1080/21640629.2022.2123960 Welsh , M.R. , Mosley , E

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An Integrated Mind–Body Training Intervention on an Elite Surfing Athlete: A Case Study

Eduardo Takeuchi, Shirley S. Lacerda, Guilherme Carlos Brech, and Elisa H. Kozasa

( 4 ), 408 – 418 . Barnson , S. ( 2014 ). The authentic coaching model: A grounded theory of coaching . International Sport Coaching Journal, 1 ( 2 ), 61 – 74 . Bühlmayer , L. , Birrer , D. , Röthlin , P

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An Existential Counseling Case Study: Navigating Several Critical Moments With a Professional Football Player

Samuel Porter, Noora Ronkainen, Richard Sille, and Martin Eubank

. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7 (3), 326–334 . 10.1123/iscj.2019-0018 Smith , B. , & Sparkes , A. ( 2009 ). Narrative analysis and sport and exercise psychology: Understanding lives in diverse ways . Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10 ( 2 ), 279 – 288

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“Caught in the Headlights”: A Reflective Account of the Challenges Faced by a Neophyte Practitioner Working With a National Squad

Barnaby Wren, Christopher R.D. Wagstaff, and Alessandro Quartiroli

.03.009 10.1016/j.psychsport.2009.03.009 Gearity , B.T. , & Metzger , L.H. ( 2017 ). Intersectionality, microaggressions, and microaffirmations: Toward a cultural praxis of sport coaching . Sociology of Sport Journal, 34 ( 2 ), 160 – 175 . 10.1123/ssj.2016

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Nichola Kentzer in Conversation With Göran Kenttä: Recipient of the 2022 Association for Applied Sport Psychology Distinguished Professional Practice Award

Nichola Kentzer and Göran Kenttä

the Swedish Sports Confederation. References Kenttä , G. , Dieffenbach , K. , Bentzen , M. , Thompson , M. , Côté , J. , Mallett , C. , & Olusoga , P. ( 2023 ). Position paper: Rationale for a focused attention on mental health of high-performance sports coaches . International Sport

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Pavel Datsyuk: Learning, Development, and Becoming the “Magic Man”

Mark O’Sullivan, Vladislav A. Bespomoshchnov, and Clifford J. Mallett

. Bespomoshchnov , V.A. , & Caron , J.G. ( 2017 ). Coaching philosophy and methods of Anatoly Tarasov: ‘Father’ of Russian ice hockey . International Sport Coaching Journal, 4 ( 3 ), 305 – 313 . 10.1123/iscj.2017-0058 Bespomoshchnov , V.A. , & Mikhno , L