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What’s Queer about Studying Up? A Response to Messner

Judy Davidson and Debra Shogan

We argue that Messner’s 1996 address makes it acceptable to write about queer theory as long as the discourse reproduces the stable knowledge bases and political aims of a new hegemonic “critical” sports studies. This is not queer “studying up”; it is “sociology of sport as usual.” A queer “studying up” traces and deconstructs the processes that produce heterosexuality as “the normal” in sport, and it requires the sport sociologist to be reflexive about the ways in which he or she is invested in “the normal.”

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Competition, Legitimation, and the Regulation of Intercollegiate Athletics

Vern Baxter, Anthony V. Margavio, and Charles Lambert

This article uses data on sanctions against member schools of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) from 1952 to 1990 to examine density of competition and legitimacy of rules as regulatory dynamics in a relatively stable population of organizations. The NCAA regulates athletic competition through enforcement of rules that mediate between various definitions of legitimate conduct. Schools in less densely competitive environments are more likely to receive penalties for rules violations than are schools in more densely competitive environments. It is also found that NCAA Division I schools in the South, Southwest, and Midwest are significantly more likely to receive penalties than are schools in the Mideast and East. The article concludes that the legitimacy of rules varies across schools and across regions, creating different cultures of competition that affect the likelihood of deviance and sanction.

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Coaching With Latour in the Sociomateriality of Sport: A Cartography for Practice

Jordan Maclean and Justine Allen

theory, mapping technologies, and regimes of trade and service, which all had to work together to produce maps as “immutable mobiles.” Immutable because maps are stable entities of legible knowledge but also mobile in the way that they can be combined and transferred forms of knowledge for sea merchants

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Trans Women and/in Sport: Exploring Sport Feminisms to Understand Exclusions

Jayne Caudwell

is not deconstructed; it remained as a stable entity. The two differing feminist analyses evidence fundamental feminist debate that persists in contemporary research. The examples offer insight into the conflicting feminist views of transgender participation in sport. For instance, for some feminists

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Exposures of Hypermasculinity: Aesthetic Portrayals of Disengaged “Hockey Boys” in a Specialized Sports Academy

Teresa Anne Fowler

, 51 ( 3 ), 132 – 146 . Retrieved from Eisner , E.W. ( 1985 ). The educational imagination: On the design and evaluation of school programs ( 3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall . Gerdin , G. ( 2017 ). Boys, bodies, and physical

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From Football to Soccer: The Early History of the Beautiful Game in the United States

Adam R. Cocco

members. In many ways, these factors continue to contribute to the growth of soccer’s popularity within the current U.S. sport landscape. The rise of stable professional soccer leagues in the United States is providing youth participants with more outlets for soccer competition and allowing greater social

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A Sporting Body Without Organs: Theorizing Un/Gendered Assemblages

Janeanne Marciano Levenstein

—otherwise you’re just a tramp. (p. 159) Instead of binaries, and the stable signifying/signified subjects that they produce, Deleuze and Guattari emphasize multiplicities and assemblages , offering the BwO as an at least partial, and at least momentary, rejection of ontological stasis and the clear

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#TheyareUnited and #TheyWantToPlay: A Critical Discourse Analysis of College Football Player Social Media Activism

Wayne L. Black, Ezinne Ofoegbu, and Sayvon L. Foster

, N. ( 1992 ). Discourse and text: Linguistic and intertextual analysis within discourse analysis . Discourse & Society, 3 ( 2 ), 193 – 217 . 10.1177/0957926592003002004 Fairclough , N. ( 2015 ). Language and power ( 3rd ed. ). Routledge . Forde , P

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Heroes at Home, Suspects Abroad? National and International Perceptions of Elite-Sports Success

Jan Haut, Freya Gassmann, Eike Emrich, Tim Meyer, and Christian Pierdzioch

months after the event ( Mutz, 2018 ). Apart from the important finding that national pride and related feelings seem rather stable and largely unaffected by sports, however, the studies cannot clearly isolate the actual impact of success . Just as much, the existing, small-scale effects could be

Open access

“Who Am I ... a Hockey Player”: Indigenous Generosity and the Transformative Power of Education in Hockey Spaces

Davina McLeod, Sam McKegney, Darren Zanussi, and Shane Keepness

hockey, for which she cites the lack of a stable income in the women’s game. Sydney Daniels (interviewed June 10, 2021) is Cree from Mistawasis First Nation in Saskatchewan and is the daughter of former National Hockey League (NHL) player Scott Daniels. She grew up in Massachusetts but visited Mistawasis