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A Proposal for Improving Student-Athletes’ Mental Health Through Leadership Training

Elizabeth A. Gregg, Matthew Ohlson, Ana Roman Dominguez, and Sydnie Steele

working with a PLP mentor. A student-athlete, Janet, stated that the habit of daily self-renewal to manage life’s challenges was beneficial for her overall well-being. Janet stated, “time for rest and balance must be prioritized in our lives, which can be practiced across the four dimensions of body

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Deontological Ethics, Naomi Osaka, and the 2021 French Open: A Teaching Case Study for Deontological Ethics

Chuck Provencio

Intuitionism ( Skelton, 2012 ; Twietmeyer, 2020 ). These two branches of deontological ethics offer sport managers ability to analyze moral quandaries with rational consideration for the well-being of stakeholders. Kant’s Categorical Imperative In 1785, German philosopher Immanuel Kant proposed the

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Incorporating Mental Health Literacy Into the Sport Management Curriculum

Lauren Beasley, Amy E. Cox, and Robin Hardin

, and support services) available to address the mental health needs of athletes as well as a growing amount of academic and clinical literature on the mental health care of athletes. This growth has led to an increase in awareness of improving the overall well-being of athletes. It is important to

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Exercising Empathy in the Sport Management Classroom: The True Flipped Classroom

James Strode

Classroom? Sport management students are not immune to the challenges faced by those in the general student body. Post-COVID, there has been a proliferation of issues associated with the general mental health and well-being of students, particularly as students acclimate away from courses taught online to

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Cocreating Change Through Sport-Based Social Entrepreneurship

Ryan Snelgrove and Laura Wood

leverage and pool resources ( Chahine, 2016 ). For example, students interested in using sport-based social entrepreneurship to improve the well-being of people who are homeless might benefit from connecting with a local homeless shelter. In connecting with this type of organization, students will have an

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Proceed With Caution: A Teaching Case Study of Youth Sport Specialization

Makenzie A. Schoeff, Katie R. Morey, James E. Johnson, Anya T. Eicher, and Lawrence W. Judge

sister and best friend? How do these differences impact Taylor psychologically and socially? 4. What more could Taylor’s parents have done to help Taylor’s physical and psychological well-being throughout the case? 5. To what extent (if any) is Elite Performance Volleyball Academy responsible for Taylor

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Transferable Skills: Preparing Sport Management Students for Careers Both Within and Outside the Sports Industry

Jessica R. Braunstein-Minkove, Jaime R. DeLuca, and Sydney C. Baucum

analysis’ offer health and wellbeing researchers? International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 9 ( 1 ), Article 26152 . Braunstein-Minkove , J.R. , & DeLuca , J.R. ( 2015 ). Effectively adapting the sport management curricula

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Sport (Tourism and) Heritage, Undergraduate Sport Management Degrees, and Remote Teaching: A View From Scotland

Matthew L. McDowell

.1080/00336297.2010.10483657 Hardy , S. , Loy , J. , & Booth , D. ( 2009 ). The material culture of sport: Toward a typology . Journal of Sport History, 36 ( 1 ), 129 – 152 . Haynes , R. ( 2020 ). From sporting past to future well-being: Sport heritage and intergenerational learning in Glasgow . Sport in History

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From the Other Side: Supervisor Perspectives on Paid Versus Unpaid Sport Management Internships

Rachel M. Madsen, Heidi Grappendorf, Heidi M. Parker, and Cynthia Veraldo

– 101 . 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa Braun , V. , & Clarke , V. ( 2014 ). What can “thematic analysis” offer health and wellbeing researchers? International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 9 ( 1 ), Article 26152 . 10.3402/qhw.v9.26152 Braun , V. , Clarke , V

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Eliminating Barriers to Youth Sport in Greenville, North Carolina

Emma O’Brien, Stacy M. Warner, and Melanie Sartore-Baldwin

facilities, and programs all funded by local tax dollars for use by the general public. The GRPD works to “improve the quality of life for residents, giving them opportunities to enhance their physical, social, spiritual, cultural and intellectual well-being” through providing a variety of athletic