The Adult-Oriented Sport Coaching Survey (AOSCS) can be used by coaches to reflect on how they coach competitive adult sports participants. There are coach (AOSCS-C) and athlete (AOSCS-A) versions. The purpose of this case study is to portray how coaches reflect on scores from the AOSCS with a coach developer. Nine coaches (White; ages 23–72; five men and four women; six sports) and their respective athletes were invited to complete the AOSCS twice during a season. Coaches were given their survey scores and undertook a debriefing interview with a coach developer. We reflected on four key topics in this dedicated professional development session: coach impressions on receiving an AOSCS personal scorecard, leveraging comparisons between coach and athlete scores, leveraging comparisons in scores over time, and misunderstandings/inadequacies of numerical scores. We reflect on meaningful interventions for coach development in adult sport.