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  • "stereotype threat" x
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Are Women Coached by Women More Likely to Become Sport Coaches? Head Coach Gender and Female Collegiate Athletes’ Entry into the Coaching Profession

Matea Wasend and Nicole M. LaVoi

( 9 ), 1183 – 1193 . doi:10.1177/01461672022812004 10.1177/01461672022812004 McIntyre , R.B. , Paulson , R.M. , & Lord , C.G. ( 2003 ). Alleviating women’s mathematics stereotype threat through salience of group achievements . Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39 ( 1 ), 83 – 90

Free access

Inhibition of Ironic Errors and Facilitation of Overcompensation Errors Under Pressure: An Investigation Including Perceived Weakness

Hiroki Nakamoto, Shoya Hashimoto, Mio Kamei, Munenori Murata, Sachi Ikudome, Kenta Karakida, and Yoshifumi Tanaka

.3758/bf03196585 Beilock , S.L. , & Carr , T.H. ( 2001 ). On the fragility of skilled performance: What governs choking under pressure? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130 ( 4 ), 701 – 725 . Beilock , S.L. , & McConnell , A.R. ( 2004 ). Stereotype threat and sport: Can athletic

Open access

Adaptation to Athletic Retirement and Perceptions About Aging: A Qualitative Study of Retired Olympic Athletes

Michelle Pannor Silver

identity and life satisfaction of elite athletes as a function of retirement status . Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 26 ( 1 ), 96 – 110 . doi:10.1080/10413200.2013.798371 10.1080/10413200.2013.798371 Mazerolle , M. , Regner , I. , Rigalleau , F. , & Huguet , P. ( 2015 ). Stereotype

Free access

Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents in Croatia: A Global Matrix 4.0 Systematic Review of Its Prevalence and Associated Personal, Social, Environmental, and Policy Factors

Željko Pedišić, Melanija Strika, Tena Matolić, Maroje Sorić, Sanja Šalaj, Ivan Dujić, Marija Rakovac, Branko Radičević, Hrvoje Podnar, Zrinka Greblo Jurakić, Marjan Jerković, Hrvoje Radašević, Jelena Čvrljak, Tin Petračić, Sanja Musić Milanović, Maja Lang Morović, Slaven Krtalić, Mirjana Milić, Alma Papić, Nataša Momčinović, Marjeta Mišigoj-Duraković, Stjepan Heimer, and Danijel Jurakić

. Hively K , El-Alayli A . You throw like a girl: the effect of stereotype threat on women’s athletic performance and gender stereotypes . Psychol Sport Exerc . 2014 ; 15 ( 1 ): 48 – 55 . doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.001 112. Greblo Jurakić Z , Ljubičić V , Bojić-Ćaćić L . “Women

Full access

Negotiating Gender in the English Football Workplace: Composite Vignettes of Women Head Coaches’ Experiences

Beth G. Clarkson, Elwyn Cox, and Richard C. Thelwell

.psychsport.2017.11.007 10.1016/j.psychsport.2017.11.007 Hively , K. , & El-Alayli , A. ( 2014 ). “You throw like a girl:” The effect of stereotype threat on women’s athletic performance and gender stereotypes . Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15 ( 1 ), 48 – 55 . doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.001 10

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North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

Free access

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

futsal kicking task (i.e., kicking a rolling ball toward a target) for three days with approximately 48 hours apart from each session. Participants were randomly assigned to either a stereotype threat (ST) or nullified-stereotype threat (NST) group. Participants in the ST group randomly received related

Open access

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Virtual Conference June 9-11, 2021

groups. After a pre-test and before practice they were informed that, in general, boys tend to show worse results compared to girls (stereotype threat condition, ST), that girls tend to show worse results compared to boys (stereotype lift condition, SL), or they did not receive stereotype related