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Skydiving as Emotion Regulation: The Rise and Fall of Anxiety Is Moderated by Alexithymia

Tim Woodman, Nicolas Cazenave, and Christine Le Scanff

We investigated alexithymia and the fuctuation of anxiety in skydiving women. Alexithymia significantly moderated the pre- to postjump fluctuation of state anxiety such that only alexithymic skydivers’ anxiety diminished as a consequence of performing a skydive. This suggests that skydiving is an effective means of emotion regulation for alexithymic women. However, the significant rise in anxiety shortly after landing suggests that any emotional benefits are short-lived. No anxiety fuctuations emerged for nonalexithymic skydivers. The Alexithymia × Time interaction remained significant when controlling for age, experience, and trait anxiety. Results are discussed in terms of the potential dependence on risk-taking activities for alexithymic women.

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Who Takes Risks in High-Risk Sport?: The Role of Alexithymia

Matthew Barlow, Tim Woodman, Caradog Chapman, Matthew Milton, Daniel Stone, Tom Dodds, and Ben Allen

People who have difficulty identifying and describing their emotions are more likely to seek out the experience of emotions in the high-risk domain. This is because the high-risk domain provides the experience of more easily identifiable emotions (e.g., fear). However, the continued search for intense emotion may lead such individuals to take further risks within this domain, which, in turn, would lead to a greater likelihood of experiencing accidents. Across three studies, we provide the first evidence in support of this view. In Study 1 (n = 762), alexithymia was associated with greater risk taking and a greater propensity to experience accidents and close calls. In Study 2 (n = 332) and Study 3 (n = 356), additional bootstrapped mediation models confirmed these relationships. The predictive role of alexithymia remained significant when controlling for sensation seeking (Study 1) and anhedonia (Study 2 and Study 3). We discuss the practical implications of the present model as they pertain to minimizing accidents and close calls in the high-risk domain.

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Alexithymia and the Anxiolytic Effect of Endurance Running

Tim Woodman and Charlotte Welch

are attempts to regulate emotion synthetically in the absence of more adaptive regulation strategies. These attempts include substance abuse ( Weiss et al., 2012 ), self-harm ( Gratz, 2003 ), and aggressive behavior toward others ( Bushman et al., 2001 ; Jakupcak et al., 2002 ). Alexithymia is a

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Personality, Affectivity, and Alexithymia in Scuba Diving: Two Types of Risk Taking

Agnès Bonnet, Vincent Bréjard, and Jean-Louis Pedinielli

Objectives for this study were, first, to describe individual differences in risk taking among scuba divers. Differences were examined on personality dimensions and psycho-affective variables, including positive and negative affect, as well as alexithymia. In addition, the study examined contributors to two types of behavior associated with scuba diving—deliberate risk taking and controlled participation in a high-risk sport (non-risk-taking). A cross-sectional design was used, and 131 participants were assessed on extraversion-neuroticism, affectivity, and alexithymia. The broad dimensions of personality and affectivity explained risk taking among divers. Alexithymia differentially predicted two types of risktaking behavior (direct or short-term and indirect or long-term) and was associated significantly with short-term risk-taking behavior.

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If It All Comes Down to Bodily Awareness, How Do We Know? Assessing Bodily Awareness

Wolf E. Mehling

alexithymia: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy and sensibility . Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128 ( 8 ), 765 – 776 . PubMed ID: 31380655 doi:10.1037/abn0000454 10.1037/abn0000454 Vachon-Presseau , E. , Berger , S.E. , Abdullah , T.B. , Griffith , J.W. , Schnitzer , T.J. , & Apkarian , A

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The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence: Determining Content and Construct Validity for Brazilian Children

Nadia C. Valentini, Lisa M. Barnett, Paulo Felipe Ribeiro Bandeira, Glauber Carvalho Nobre, Larissa Wagner Zanella, and Rodrigo Flores Sartori

Journal of Developmental Psychology, 34 ( 3 ), 427 – 446 . doi:10.1111/bjdp.12142 10.1111/bjdp.12142 Parker , J.D. , Taylor , G.J. , & Bagby , R.M. ( 2003 ). The 20-item Toronto Alexithymia scale . Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 55 ( 3 ), 269 – 275 . PubMed doi:10.1016/S0022

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The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma, Exercise Addiction, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Basic Psychological Needs in Türkiye

Sema Gültekin Arayici and Serap Tekinsav Sutcu

Happiness and Wellbeing, 8 ( 14 ), 6 – 23 . Schimmenti , A. , Passanisi , A. , Caretti , V. , La Marca , L. , Granieri , A. , Iacolino , C. , Gervasi , A.M. , Maganuco , N.R. , & Billieux , J. ( 2017 ). Traumatic experiences, alexithymia, and Internet addiction symptoms among late

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North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

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To Play or Not to Play? An Analysis of Dispositions, Gambling, and Daily Fantasy Sport

Brendan Dwyer, Joris Drayer, and Stephen L. Shapiro

– 268 . PubMed ID: 7740090 doi:10.1037/0033-295X.102.2.246 10.1037/0033-295X.102.2.246 Mitrovic , D.V. , & Brown , J. ( 2009 ). Poker mania and problem gambling: A study of distorted cognitions, motivation and alexithymia . Journal of Gambling Studies, 25 ( 4 ), 489 – 502 . PubMed ID: 19649568

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Fantasy Millionaires: Identifying At-Risk Consumers Based on Motivation

Joris Drayer, Brendan Dwyer, and Stephen L. Shapiro

(Eds.), Fantasy sports and the changing sports media industry (pp.  273 – 286 ). Lanham, MD : Lexington Books . Mitrovic , D.V. , & Brown , J. ( 2009 ). Poker mania and problem gambling: A study of distorted cognitions, motivation and alexithymia . Journal of Gambling Studies, 25 ( 4